Chapter 16 – Breaking Down - Part 4



Articius began to scream out towards the Demon, demanding him to snap to his senses, but he received no response. He heard a slight sneer in response, followed by a short Tik Tik Tik.


"This body seems to hold many secrets with so many different names transcending through this creature, but I think the most fitting name for this pathetic demon is 'Colbian,' a name first used when he betrayed the King and forced the long strife onto the Demon Continent!" Tik uttered back, hoping to shake the resolve of Articius and Toki.


Clapping his hands together, he summoned Black Blood!


Moments later, jets of black liquid shot from the ground and took aim towards both Articius and Toki as they rolled and tried to dodge. It zipped past the stagnant air around them. Articius used his sword to repel the attack and yelled out to Toki, claiming, "We've got to do something, and fast."