Chapter 15 –Growing Pains- Part 3

"Are you going to tell me your name yet, or should I ask that later?" I stretch and break in the fancy new outfit, while further questioning.

"How did you even manage to get these clothes on me? This kind of reminds me of a power I've seen somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it."

The demon responds curtly, "I picked up the idea from a show that used a 'Clothes Beam'. I thought it was pretty neat, and it's important to finish a job in style."

"So, should I be calling you the annoying man, Sean, or the annoying child, Articius?" The demon smirks as we stand side by side. Everyone behind us is left in shock. Sarina's eyes fill with anger and rage, while Toki's anger begins to surface again.

"I think Articius is more fitting," I state, "since you've already killed me once."