Chapter 11 - A Demons Herorics- Part 3

Shortly before the final strike,

"Draven, we have to intervene. I can't stand by while I watch her be killed!" I pleaded desperately.

Draven's eyes bled a ferocity I had yet to see, even against the previous beast, and he bluntly stated, "If you want to live to meet that Demon, you would be best to lower your arms and accept the fate in front of you! Don't forget why you came with me."

"Her and everyone before you made their own decisions and the life they wanted to adopt. They are responsible for whatever happens here."

Stopping and lowering my anger, I took a moment to reflect as they were engaged in battle. I remembered my goal: to deliver the orb to the Demon King and to free us demons from the grip of the world. Even if Draven didn't mean it like I knew.

My responsibility is to my king and freeing us demons from the grip of the world I said to myself