Chapter 8 - Kings Meeting - Part 7

Meanwhile, Aleksander returned and began assisting more with the child, trying to take the king's words to heart.

Coming full circle, we meet back up with Articius, Lily, Cliff, and the rider women awaiting a meeting with the king.

Articius finally speaks up after hours of waiting.

"So why exactly did we hurry all the way here and risk Lily's health just to end up being forced to wait hours and hours to have a briefing with the king, especially given the current severity of events?"

The rider woman simply states, "I just do what I'm told, kid. If you can't wait like an adult, then go wait in the halls or something."

Taken aback by her words, it's true my frustration comes off a bit childish, but it's well-founded frustration due to the events going on.

As I plan to have a counter-argument, the doors to the king's chambers slam open, and a boy and an older male, no older than 20, come walking in.