Chapter 8 – Ghostly Figure -Finale

"Hah, that old man still playing tricks on people even in his old age? The medal he gave you just to deliver a letter? He could have sent a carrier pigeon," the King remarks.

Toki, looking a bit distraught, responds shortly with, "Well, with the attack of the Demon, I assumed it made sense since I was of no help."

"You no help? You can use at least three different Elements at or around an intermediate level. If anything, you could do more than that entire caravan of people could have," the King counters.

"How did you know about those events? There was no one for miles except myself and Rustifard," Toki retorts back in disbelief.

The king offers up no answer and simply responds, "I have many tricks after 200 years of being a king, my young boy. However, I can do so little to alter the given path of events."