Chapter 16: Loving Embrace

Articius steadied his breathing, his grip tightening around the hilt of his blade. The square was desolate, the debris from ruined huts evidence of the chaos that had reigned. The ground was scarred, and the air was thick with tension. Only the two warriors remained.

The Captain, his form distorted and pulsating with an eerie energy, stared intently at Articius. The mark on his wrist gleamed ominously. "Young one, you may have potential, but you're still leagues away from my prowess."

Articius gritted his teeth, his eyes flaring with the desire to protect the Pink haired girl. "I won't let you harm anyone else."

Their conversation was cut short by the Captain lunging forward, his movements eerily graceful. Articius instinctively reacted, his body flowing like water to parry the Captain's strike, the force of which caused a shockwave around them.