Chapter 15 – Part 1

King Licht and Sarina rode through the sky, with her gliding beside him as he methodically moved through the air using light particles to walk, stating, "This is all going as intended."

Sarina gazed over in confusion and asked what he meant. Below, men were fighting, dying, and doing everything they could to stop the Demon's attack. Yet, he spoke of this as if it were something that was meant to happen?

"I must trust in my men and women, and the entire kingdom, Sarina," he spoke softly, "for my fight is with him and to release the Necro people from the Demon King's clutches, he must be defeated above all else."

Further confused, she asked, "Who are the Necro people?"

"I trust you will do great things, Sarina, and no matter what, it was always a pleasure to have you by my side. But to continue answering your question, the Necro people are, in fact, the Demon race as we humans have labeled them."