Chapter 10 – Draven the Guard -Part 1

Having eaten my first human meal, I find myself surprised that I didn't actually eat a human but something they cooked.

My core memories showcased that humans and other creatures were a great source of energy and, in some cases, stealing the abilities of the user they ate, but this was only noticeable after the event.

Trying to think about the event, I'm presented with nothing but blackness and emptiness.

Lost in thought, I hear Draven speak out, "Everything okay, kid? You've only taken two bites."

"Y-Yes, sir. Just deep in thought about stuff," I reply.

"I understand, kid. I lost both my parents at a young age, and it can be a hard thing to accept," Draven empathizes.

Piqued by his words, I realize that I don't have parents or anyone.

"We demons are above that, but out of respect, I request the human give me the details, fully expecting the cliché bad humans doing bad human things," I add.