Chapter 12 –A Fight Breaks Out -Part 7

"Nonsense," Toki curses out towards my ploy involving this eye I was born with.

"My blade does not lie," my friend's blade does not lie," he continued.

The wooden floors of the inn began to buckle under Toki's anger and obvious resentment towards anything demon-related.

"You and your kind will pay for the damages you have done," he said, beginning to charge up an attack. Emilia and I took a defensive stance as Lord Tooj stepped in once again, demanding that we cease fighting for now, and insisting that I be fully tested.

A hand appeared on Lord Tooj's shoulder, and a blustering voice echoed out.

"Now, now, why are we attacking my men? Don't you see they are wearing my cloaks? They are my priority to deal with if they cause problems," Arion stated.

"No one is to bring problems to them," Arion asserted.