As I enter the house, Mother and Father are both sitting at the wooden table etched with motivational words carrying Mother's idealism that anything is possible.

Father calls me into the kitchen expecting me not to know what's going on (Thinking to myself it makes sense from their point of view, so I just play along)

Father, what's going on? Why have you packed so much stuff?

Toki, I will be heading away for a couple of months and visiting an old friend. His kid is just about the same age as you. I will let him know Aleksander do how much better you are than his kid laughing out loud as if he told an amazing joke.

I shrug and just tell Father not to make anyone mad and have a good time. No need to worry about me. I will just be focusing more on my studies; I need to learn about the governmental

Father stares at me blankly and tells me he will ban me from the library if I don't start acting like a normal child. Toki! Go enjoy being a kid with Arlo and smash some bugs or something. You are barely going on five years old.

Completely ignoring his response, I asked Father what Sword Style he uses, making Father perk up in confusion that I already knew what Sword Styles were yet. So, you really are taking this book reading seriously, huh?

Well, if you must know, I have mastered Kenjutsu and Lighting Sword Styles, putting on a confident face and expecting praise.

Father, you don't use lighting magic from what I have observed or seen. Going off the book, I read, shouldn't you be using Earth style?

Toki, my boy, that's why you need to put the book down and see the world a bit. The book is a rough concept of how things work in an ideal world where everything is black and white.

It's true the sword style element is more suited for those within those elements, which is why they earned the name as such. However, each element has significant weaknesses, such as Earth style lacking speed or Air lacking attack power.

When building yourself up, it's important to learn what you want to be doing. When I get back, we will celebrate your 5th birthday by teaching you some sword styles; in the meantime, have some fun and make some new friends.

If things end soon enough, I should be back shortly after the storm, but that depends on how long I am in the capital for.

Sounds good, Father, I will try my best, but I make no promises; At the end of the day, I need to learn everything I can to be useful to everyone.

Nonsense Father continues on and lectures me further before being tired of the conversation.

Father gives me and Mother a hug before heading out the door and walking off down the dirt road.

I think to myself how much further I will come in my magic to show off to Father. Thinking further about his friend on the water coastlines needing help with pirates, I think the key point is he mentioned they fought in some war together.

Mother, what was Dad talking about fighting in the war with his friend? We're you too in the military?

"Yes, we served the kingdom during its last war with a neighboring country "

If that's the case, then why are we living out in the countryside managing crops?

If you both retired, shouldn't we be living in the capital or somewhere close by?

Seems odd we would be put in the countryside; I'm not complaining or anything was just a thought about how noble the Kingdom's army is portrayed in the books.

Well Toki, in short, your father had a falling out with the lord in charge of the capital and instead of having a massive fight they both agreed to just keep the distance between each other.

I will tell you about it another day when you're a bit older. For now, go ahead and grab a bath while I prepare dinner. I will have you help me this year setup for the light show; also, we have your and Arlos's birthday shortly.

Sure, thing Mom also me and Arlo made a new friend named Kya! She will probably show up so try to have an extra spot available.

"Oh, who is she? I don't think I've heard that name before. Where did you meet her?"

She's an orphan child who was traveling with the clerics that showed up this past week. She said her village was destroyed by some monster when she was around 2 years old, and they picked her up.

Mother having a tense look on her face, "Oh, the clerics have already shown up? I assume they will be coming by the house soon. I would like for you, to limit contact with this Kya girl. And, most importantly, the clerics. They take children and indoctrinate them into their cult."

If this is the case, why does the kingdom instruct them to do so? "I ask"

"It's because they use them to scout young children who plan to attend the academy at the kingdom's capital.

More than 500,000 kids attend the school that branches over 10 miles long. This way, the best of the best get a good education at the center of the capital, and the lord's children get to meet youth from all around the world and not develop a superiority complex."

She continues, "The downside to this system is when they find young orphans or really any young child, they try to indoctrinate them into their cult, which isn't evil or anything, but their own mission is so much different than what any family would want –

Knock Knock Knock

Three lound bangs knock on the door and a single response comes to the door.

"Hello, we are the Kingdom Clerics."