Chapter 6 - Unexpected attacks - Part 3

As I stand amidst a bask of energy, my skin engulfed in red flames, I see Lily's eyes light up in fear and confusion. I try to tell her it's okay, but in an instant, Cliff teleports and grabs Lily, swiftly moving her out of harm's way.

I remember that Cliff struggles with teleporting two things at once, and it seems to still be the case. Once Cliff removes Lily from the situation, his entire attention focuses on me.

I raise my hands to show that I mean no harm, but he swiftly strikes them away, leaving my stomach vulnerable.

Screaming out, "Divine water barrier!"

I summon a circular disc of water just as Cliff delivers a solid kick to my chest, sending me flying 3-4 feet in the opposite direction. Shimmers of my red aura are left behind as I skid on the dirt, trying to regain my balance.

Shamot storms to my side, delivering a massive punch encased in spirit armor and a rock-hard clay material, sending me crashing into the side of a rock pillar.