Chapter Part 9 - Farewell Friend - Part 2

With urgency in our hearts, we rush toward Lily's location. The demon's warning echoes in my mind, and I know we must act quickly to prevent disaster.

Rushing down the stairs while I have Toki right behind me, and he's trying to get me to stop, but I just reiterate there's no time.

I hear behind me his words echoing along the walls of the stairwell: "Articius, wait! We need to discuss what's going on, and we can't rush into anything."

"Sorry, but there is no time to think about this. You heard yourself! We have to stop Lily from dying at all costs," I reply.

The demon in me speaks up and says we just have to stop the demon inside of her from using her as a vessel.

"It will be like if I had control of your body but much worse!"

Toki responds with, "What do you mean, 'me'?"

"Are you really this slow? I know you're smarter than that!" I yell at him as we hit the base of the stairs.