Chapter 14 - Father vs Son– Part 5

Tik shot out like a blade with serrated jaws, crashing into Aleksander's blade with a bone-rattling force. Flares of blinding light burst forth as their clash sent shockwaves through the air. Tik's metallic hue shifted and shimmered, mirroring Arion's mesmerizing aura.

In that split second of realization, it dawned on me that my strike hadn't been swift enough. Tik, cunning and relentless, had not only neutralized Aleksander's metal manipulation ability but also claimed its potent powers as their own.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins as I bellowed, "Demonic Flame Armor!"

Aware of the potential devastation that Aleksander's blade could inflict upon my inner strength, I summoned forth a formidable defense. Obsidian flames erupted from the ground, coiling like serpents, ascending from my feet to my chest. They sculpted an intricate helmet with diamond-shaped eye slits; their crimson glow intensifying with each passing moment.