Chapter 33: The Catacombs and the King


In the heart of the Spiritual Academy, the grandeur of the library unfolded like a tapestry of knowledge woven through time. 


Majestic pillars, carved with depictions of lore from ages past, held aloft ceilings adorned with intricate mosaics that glittered in shades of gold and azure. 


The soft glow from lanterns illuminated the countless books, each a treasure trove of forgotten tales and age-old wisdom. The ambient hum of whispered conversations was a testament to the library's constant thrum of scholarly pursuits.


  But today, an intense stillness pervaded, the usual murmurs replaced by a tangible tension. Every corner of the chamber felt charged, awaiting the unfolding of a new chapter in history.


Articius, draped in his flowing robe, stood bathed in the muted light that streamed through the towering stained-glass windows.