Chapter 1: The Invasion

Beyond the borders of the Royal Capital, a battle raged on a grand scale. The clash of steel and the resounding thud of weapons filled the air as the kingdom's defenders fought relentlessly to repel the invading forces from the Republic of Vastoria. It was a war that had spilled from the heart of the kingdom to its very edge.

Articius and Toki, the reincarnated souls of former Raid Officers, found themselves at the forefront of this conflict. They were determined to do their part in assisting the kingdom's defenders.

Dust kicked up by the thundering hooves of cavalry obscured the battlefield as Articius and Toki galloped through the chaos. Toki's father, Aleksander, the Clay Spirit Reather, rode alongside them. His mastery over earth and stone had proven invaluable in fortifying the kingdom's defenses.