Chapter 8 – Dawning Gates  - Part 1

"T-that big? I wasn't aware anywhere in this world could have a population size so dense.

But I suppose it makes sense; the year 600ish isn't the start of humanity; rather, it's just when they gained independence from the Demons themselves.

It's also likely they had Spirit energy before Year 0. I hope to learn the full history one day," I think to myself as Cliff continues to stand tall, enjoying the view of the city.

"Father told me the Capital was located in the center of the continent; however, we have just arrived via boats. Isn't that a bit of an issue to his statement, Sensei?"

"I see you do pay attention to your Father, then. Well, to your surprise, we aren't actually at the capital yet. It's so big we're able to see the largest structures even a couple of miles out.

We're at the portside city closest to the capital, and even then, this place is an anomaly to most.