Chapter 2 Part 3: New Faces

Year 602.5- Year 605

A Boundless World -

Nearly two and a half years have passed, and I'm finally gaining control over my movements and being able to walk, talk, and everything in between. It's not much, but it's little progress, and I get a lot of weird looks from my parents because I guess I don't do the usual baby stuff like cry all day and night.

The time seemed to speed by the first five years really. Learning and absorbing everything around me.

The true spectacle of this world is that these people look human but are able to bend the elements to their whim however my attempts proved futile as I could move a simple puddle.

Confused I decided not to dwell on it to much and focus on learning my environment as I'm sure with a world like this a mentor will appear eventually.

I know Arthur would both be annoyed being in place and would probably have his face shoved in a book to learn everything.

However I try to learn just from watching the world however I do wonder if they think something is wrong or if this is just how easy having a kid is. As the months come and go, I've learned more about the area just by going everywhere with my Father and Mother.

After the fight my father had gotten into dealing with what I could only guess were pirates he left the battle bearing what looked like sun burnt arms blazing a hot red like a deep burn.

The lady who healed his burned arms turns out to be the "town healer" There only seems to be one, and there are always 4-5 people walking in and out for various reasons.

Though I'm guessing it's not a fix-all thing as I've seen some people with splints for broken arms. So I guess some stuff does have to heal with time. Among the old lady who healed him, I've also come to know some of the Father's close friends.

Cliff is a skinny man with grey air that also uses water magic. I've seen him create water out of thin air as a trick to try and make me clap, it was cool, but it looked like a cheap parlor trick to what Father could do.

Outside of that, he uses water from buckets, and almost like a hose you'd see a man using to water his plants, he pretty much sprinkles over everything. The following person he's around alot is a lady named Modesta, and she is often with her face stuck in a book.

I'm guessing she has some sort of fire ability because she has a short temper, and her footprints often leave burn marks on the ground. She has long black hair and usually wears a tunic-style robe, and I guess she is the village's bookkeeper. I think once I learn to read, il be there often to learn the history of the world.

That's what Arthur would probably do in this situation outside of complaining about not being on a spaceship or something lame.

Thinking of HIM, I keep dreaming about that final moment and what that spirit lady could have meant by I will see you again. Maybe she thought I would fail again and die young.

Well, that's not going to happen! As I lie awake in my tiny bed with thin blankets, I stare at the dark ceiling and command that no matter what. This life will turn out differently. As the morning draws near, I slowly crawl out of bed, and the entire house is silent as I inspect the place for the first time.

I find many books and paintings of Father, Mother, and the two friends they spend most of their time with. However, they look much younger in the pictures, all smiling and brandishing Armor sets with unique logos on them. This might be the capital's logo, I think to myself.

It is a shield with a spear-like design inside, with a glowing blue arch bending beneath the shield, almost forming a barrier. I open the door, and it appears to be peaking roughly around 5:30 AM. As I catch my first sunrise, which is surprisingly huge, I remind myself that this isn't Earth, and wherever we are in the universe, so many things must have happened differently.

Sure, we all look like humans, but no human I ever met in my last life could summon and control water or leave burn marks on the ground. There must be so much logic to this to be had.

I will have to try and—Articius! I hear a voice yell; my mother screams for me to return inside, that I will get sick or worse. I slightly roll my eyes at the thought because of how warm it is, and the fencing around the house looks pretty sturdy. She grabs me by the arm and rush's me inside, saying, im lucky I didn't get grabbed by a wild beast or stray hell-hound. My eyes widened, and I said, HEELL, WHAT HOUND!

This was the first time I clearly vocalized anything other than 1-2 short words, and my mother was distraught. My first words were HELL HOUND. I was coping with the thoughts of never needing to go back outside and dramatizing what one of these creatures might look like.

After Morning breakfast and a shower, I was taken down to the boat docks with Father to watch them work on repairs. It really has been an uneventful last couple of months of growing and learning how out worldly this place can be.

I would most likely have a better time with all this stuff if I had no idea about my previous life and was able to absorb all this new info without it conflicting with what I viewed as usual. Regardless I will have to do the best I can. I've tried several times to summon magic, but nothing comes out. I wonder if I'm just magicless since I've been reborn.

Regardless of the situation, time flies by, and I've learned a lot about boats and the repair process. After each voyage of goods or bad turbulence, there have been rumors of storms sweeping up people and them never being seen again on the southern coastlines.

I can't imagine how bad the storms might be because I've seen rain maybe a handful of times, but it was always fleeting and never heavy.

As I am walking back home with Father, Cliff runs up and greets us both and tells Father he will walk me back home so he can focus on his other errands. Father reluctantly agrees and walks off towards the main town area.

Cliff greets me and asks how my day is going, and I respond shortly with

"okay, just tired."

He sounded sad at those words and asked why I sounded depressed.

I simply raise my hands up attempting to mock what others do trying to summon up magic but nothing happens.

"Saying how come I can't use magic like anyone else I've seen?"

"Why would someone barely five years old want to be using spirit energy and I'm not sure what you mean by magic?"

"Well I want to protect those around me and not be a burden."

This statement made Cliff raise an eyebrow and say. Your thoughts are kind of out there, don't you think? Shouldn't you just be focused on rolling in mud and enjoying sea rides? No! I yell back. I'm tired of being a burden and having everyone look after me like im some helpless puppy!

( I am, in fact, very helpless due to my age and size) Cliff just looks confused and says what's a puppy before shaking his head and saying regardless, let's go ahead and get you home, and I will show you how to use Soul Reaching.