Chapter 2 Part 4: Soul Reathing

year 605-606

"Soul Reathing? What is that?"

Articius asked skeptically as he accompanied Cliff back to their house. Cliff grabbed a chair and sat down, gesturing for Articius to watch as he displayed what Soul Reathing was.

Closing his eyes, Cliff took a deep breath, allowing a serene expression to settle upon his face. "Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light," he began, his voice taking on a melodic quality. As the words escaped his lips, a hushed whisper in the air, small orbs of vibrant colors materialized around his outstretched palm. Each orb, no larger than a dime, shimmered with an inner radiance, their hues dancing and swirling in a mesmerizing display.

"You see this, Articius?" Cliff's voice carried a mixture of excitement and caution. "This is the very essence of Soul Reathing. It is the ability to delve deep into your innermost self and draw forth the raw energy of your soul, shaping it into tangible forms—elements that obey your will."

Articius's eyes widened with wonder, his mind buzzing with the profound implications of what he was witnessing. He gazed at the intricate dance of the orbs, captivated by their ethereal beauty and the realization that such power lay within his grasp.

However, Cliff's voice turned solemn as he continued, emphasizing the risks involved. "But remember, my young apprentice, Soul Reathing, is not without peril.

Each soul is inherently attuned to certain elements, and pushing beyond those boundaries can lead to dire consequences.

Straining your soul beyond its limits will cause immense stress and drain your very essence. And when that happens..." Cliff's voice trailed off ominously, his gaze growing intense, "you risk the ultimate price—death itself."

With these additional details, the scene becomes more vivid, capturing the reader's imagination and immersing them in the magic of Soul Reathing. It also reinforces the importance of understanding one's limits and the potential dangers associated with delving too deeply into this power.

Shaken by these words, Articius questioned Cliff about how he could determine which element his soul was attuned to.

Cliff responded, instructing him to search his own soul and discover the nature that resided within him.

They sat down together, Articius closing his eyes and crossing his legs, ready to embark on the meditation practice. Cliff guided him, telling him to visualize a glass bowl filled with water, a representation of his soul's energy capacity.

He explained that traditionally, it was believed that this capacity was fixed from birth. However, Cliff hinted at the possibility of breaking limiters and Reathing new levels, though he warned against the risks involved.

Articius closed his eyes, his mind embracing the darkness within. As he delved deeper into his inner self, a serene calmness enveloped him, paving the way for a profound connection to his elemental affinity.

As a water spirit user, his consciousness dissolved into visions that shimmered and coalesced before his mind's eye.

Within the depths of his introspection, Articius found himself standing at the edge of a vast ravine, its walls adorned with vibrant green foliage.

Trickling water cascaded down the sides, carving intricate patterns on the moss-covered rocks.

The air carried a gentle, refreshing breeze, while sparks of fire flickered sporadically, adding warmth to the coolness of the surroundings.

Above this mesmerizing scene, Articius noticed a mysterious red orb hovering like a distant star.

It emitted a pulsating energy, casting an ethereal glow upon the landscape.

A magnetic pull drew his attention to the enigmatic orb, and he sought to focus his thoughts and unravel its secrets.

But as Articius intensified his concentration, Reathing out with his inner senses, the red orb resisted his inquiry.

It pushed back with a force that shook his inner equilibrium, rupturing his trance. Beads of perspiration formed on his forehead, trickling down his temples and dampening his brow.

Concern etched onto his face, Cliff watched Articius with a mix of anticipation and worry. He could sense the intensity of the young apprentice's exploration and the sudden disruption that left him disconcerted.

"Articius, are you alright?" Cliff's voice carried genuine concern as he broke the silence, his eyes fixed upon the boy.

Articius nodded, attempting to regain his composure. His voice trembled slightly as he replied, "I'm fine, Cliff. It's just... the experience caught me off guard. The resistance from the red orb... it unsettled me."

Cliff nodded, understanding the gravity of what Articius had encountered.

"Fear not, my young apprentice. Soul Reathing is a path of self-discovery and growth.

The resistance you felt might suggest that while water is your innate affinity, your potential may extend beyond a singular element. It hints at the possibility of proficiency in other areas in the future."

Articius absorbed Cliff's words, a mixture of curiosity and determination flickering in his eyes. He knew that this journey into Soul Reathing was just the beginning, and the boundaries of his own potential awaited exploration.

To demonstrate further, Cliff summoned a water-based weapon, a sparkling spear formed from water and metal.

He emphasized that each person's use of Soul Reathing was unique, limited only by their imagination and fears. He encouraged Articius to attempt a similar feat, suggesting he focus on a wooden sword and try to bring it to himself.

Eagerly, Articius closed his eyes once more and concentrated. A small bubble formed around the wooden sword, but to his surprise, it disappeared entirely, nowhere to be seen. Confused, Articius asked what had happened, and Cliff speculated that the sword might have been accidentally sent underground, though it was an unfamiliar occurrence.

Articius, still curious, asked about the concept of buying things, remarking that he had never seen anyone carry money. Cliff chuckled, explaining that everyone possessed a magical pouch connected to the Kingdom's currency system.

These pouches contained a soul ore that allowed Soul Reath to flow through them, displaying and adjusting one's balance. He showcased his own pouch as an example.

Satisfied with the explanation, Articius decided not to ask any more questions. It was getting late, and Cliff had to rush off, fearing his wife's wrath if he arrived home late again. Articius bid him a good evening and promised to apologize to his father for losing the wooden sword.

As Articius waited for his father to arrive, he watched as Cliff disappeared, leaving him to handle the upcoming conversation.

When his father finally showed up, Articius swiftly reported that the day had gone well, intentionally omitting the incident with the wooden sword.

The rest of the evening passed quickly, and over a pleasant dinner with his parents, Articius learned that he would soon have a younger sibling.

The news surprised him momentarily, but he quickly accepted it as part of life. Putting on his best-surprised face, he bid his parent's goodnight and headed to bed.

As he drifted off to sleep, Articius caught a glimpse of the red orb again, this time with eyes staring back at him.

Before he could call out to it, he was abruptly awakened by a dark figure emerging from the walls, seemingly melded with the shadows. Frozen in fear, Articius raised his hand, and a water bullet surrounded by a spiral of water shot out, causing a massive explosion and turning everything into a blur.