Chapter 24: Timely Adjustment

Articius's eyes adjusted to the dramatic lighting inside the vast arena. The din of animated discussions from the spectators created an electrifying ambiance that reverberated through the large circular structure. Tall banners, each symbolizing the noble houses, swayed gently in the wind created by the arena's elemental manipulation system. The shadows cast by the banners danced on the floor, a testament to the arena's living and breathing presence.

He and Toki found themselves in prime seats, a mere few rows from the front. Their vantage point offered a sweeping view of the entire arena, including the central battleground, which now boasted a digital screen suspended overhead. The screen was currently displaying profiles of the next two contenders: Garon and Lina.

Toki pointed at the board. "See that? Garon's from the Southern Preliminaries. Earth Spirit Reathing. Rumors are he can cause tremors powerful enough to rival a minor quake."