Chapter 5 - Cliff's return - Part 5

Articius stood outside his home, gripping the hilt of his newly gifted sword tightly. The blade shimmered in the sunlight, a unique weapon forged by a master craftsman. His father, Aleksander, emerged from the house, a proud smile adorning his face. "This sword will serve you well, my son," he said, his voice filled with paternal affection.

With the sword strapped to his side, Articius followed Aleksander as they made their way down to the beach.

The rhythmic crashing of the waves greeted their ears as they approached the sandy shore. The air was salty and invigorating, filling Articius with a sense of anticipation.

As they walked along the beach, Aleksander began discussing the benefits of fire spirit energy and how Articius could learn to harness it more effectively.

He spoke of the inner strength and power that fire spirit energy could unlock, instilling Articius with a newfound determination to improve his abilities.