Chapter 10: Articius and the Guild House

In the dim glow of his chamber at the Spiritual Academy, 11-year-old Articius meticulously penned a heartfelt letter to his father. The parchment, gifted by Lord Raiden, felt as smooth as a still pond under his fingertips.


*I find myself amidst the intricate halls of the Spiritual Academy. Though it's majestic, I yearn to be by your side. Lords Raiden and Shozi have entrusted my safety here. Their advice is wise, yet the thrill of the court beckons.*

*Until our reunion,*


With the letter sealed, he dispatched it with a messenger owl, its silhouette blending into the indigo night.

The next dawn, sunrays bathed the city, its streets vibrant. Articius was met with the lively chatter of merchants, children's laughter, and friendly nods from guards in their radiant armor.