Chapter 11 –Restoration- Finale  

As we sat at the Inn, I was a bit perplexed to see Draven walk off without much of a word or thought. I decided to follow after him before Tik surfaced again, proclaiming to have a key, simply dropping it on the ground in front of me, and then fading back into the floor.

Emilia asked, "Does he always do that?"

"Honestly, it's a bit annoying, and what's with his 'tik tik tik' thing before talking?" she stated in a sarcastic tone, followed by a light yawn.

"Still tired?" I responded, feeling slightly annoyed as well.

"I have no idea what he is constantly up to, but he seems to be trustworthy, and that 'Tik' thing, I've just gotten used to it. That's why I call him Tik, to begin with."

Emilia gave a warm laugh and said, "That makes sense. I guess we should head to Draven's room before he falls asleep, though. Sleeping in a comfy bed wouldn't be too bad either," she added with another yawn.