Training Skippu Chp 4


I grunt as I turn Super Saiyan for the first time since I arrive

"Hahaha" I laugh as I look at myself

I never understood why Vegeta was so cocky when he first turned into a Super Saiyan but now I know why

It feels awesome

Like there is nothing I can't do

But, I can immediately tell what is wrong as most of the joy of turning into one begins to disappear and in its place, I begin to feel slightly angry which I begin to force down thanks to Goku's memories of him using the Super Saiyan form before but for me, this is the first time that I am using it for myself and even though I have Goku's genes, this body is still not used to it

I sit down and relax as much as I can in this form while I form a KI ball

I focus on the KI ball and begin to try and make it form other shapes while I stay transform

I do this for a few minutes before I slowly levitate myself and begin to practice in the air

This is an advanced exercise that Goku learned in order to increase his Spirit Control in Yardrat

I have been practicing Spirit Control for the past few days but this time I am trying it out in Super Saiyan

I let out a sigh after I practiced for around an hour but right now I am rather tired

I drop my transformation a bit exhausted at this point

Not just physically but mentally

The Super Saiyan puts a strain on the body that is easy enough to train, but the mental aspect of it is the difficult part as maintaining any focus at all is difficult due to the anger that comes with but it should be easy enough for me to get it under control

I turn to look at a bag on the ground and focus on it

The bag slowly opens as I make the contents come out

Small boxes with several Hoi-Poi capsules in each one, they are filled with tables, chairs, and most importantly food

I have become a glutton not that I particularly mind

I figured some reasons Saiyans love Earth food

For one, the food of planet Vegeta was much denser and better suited for a Saiyans metabolism

Also, it takes much better than the food back on Planet Vegeta

I grab a food capsule and throw it to the ground

A long table appears with freshly cooked food on top

I use Ki telekinesis, grab the cutlery, and move the food to my mouth bit by bit

I sigh once I finish my food

I look to the sky and think about the future again

I have thought about something a lot or rather someone

Future Trunks

He comes from a future that is honestly fucked in far too many ways

I bring out a rather special capsule that I filled with numerous crates filled with the Blutz Wave Pills

It took me a bit to get them all made but I needed them

I sigh as I turn Super Saiyan again

I have about 3 months left until Future Trunks returns to master Super Saiyan

Not bad

After I master it, I am going straight to Super Saiyan 2...

I frown

Super Saiyan 3

It is an absolute shit show

I am heavily considering skipping it and going straight to Super Saiyan 4

Sure, it may provide some advantages and may make Super Saiyan 4 easier to obtain but it is unnecessary to get it

Oh, well, I have time

An alarm takes me out of my thoughts and I get out a small device that I had MY computer create for me

I smile as I see the list of projects that have been completed

Some clothes that can handle me going into my Great Ape form

The modifications to Android 13, 14, and, 15

I had the computer give them an infinite ki generator

From the Tournament of Power, it was shown that machines or at least semi-sentient ones counted to the universal power level ranking thing

I had the computer remove the bomb from Android 16

While I had the computer reverse the Android process for 17 and 18

17 was able to keep up with a Super Saiyan Blue Goku without training at all so it should be the same case with 18

I scroll the screen up as I see the rest of the projects that still have to be completed

I look at the models of another 17 and 18

Each grown like Cell and modified a bit further than the original with one purpose for each Android from Future Trunks timeline

I told myself not to do anything about their versions here and instead just had their enhancements removed as they haven't done anything wrong

But their future selves are fair game

These models were inspired by Super Android 17

I am going to turn them into something similar and they WILL be loyal and follow ALL of my orders without question

I am basically going to turn them into slaves as they are not in any shape or form innocent

Super Android 17 was able to compete with Super Saiyan 4 Goku

Both Super 17 and Super 18 will be my servants/slaves

When they fuse with their other selves, the memories of Future 17 and 18 will be erased and replaced by the ones I want them to have

Their new versions will be able to not only absorb energy in order to get stronger but also release it and give it to someone else

They have infinite ki generators yet they couldn't give the rest of their team KI during the Tournament of Power

I shake my head and look at the progress


"Alright," I say before I scroll down again and see my new ship being made

Goku left the spaceship when he returned to Earth from Yardrat

It has been there for years at this point

So, I got it and made the computer begin analyzing it and make me a new one

Something like the one Goku used to go to Namek with

I am thankful that Goku left it there, as according to my computer, there are maps or star-sharts that I can use in the future to go to other planets with information about them too

There are worlds out there that focus on trading, which honestly, has me excited to see new things

Going back to Mirai Trunks, I am going to make sure that he is trained

He was screwed over far too many times

First off, he learned from Gohan, a Gohan that never 'completed' his training

In fact, I am sure that if Piccolo had survived and taught Gohan much of what he knows, Gohan would have destroyed the Androids within a year

Gohan was left like a half-baked potato and even then he lasted years fighting against them using guerilla tactics and managed to become a Super Saiyan on his own

Although he did train Trunks as best as he could it just wasn't enough

Which is why I am going to be training him myself

Trunks has the best track record of dealing with his enemies which is rather sad all things considered however, he has potential that rivals or surpasses that of Gohan and he never had his potential unlocked

I shake my head again as I put everything away and begin to head over to Kame House as there are a few things that I want Roshi to teach me

Specifically Pump-up, the form he uses to bulk up from my memories it gives around a 50% boost in physical power and KI attacks but barely increases speed, however, I am not interested in it for the speed

I want it for something else a one-shot attack

Roshi was able to push his Kamehameha to its utmost limit in that form

I can see Goku in Super Saiyan 4 using Dragon Fist with Pump-up against Omega Shenron

The Dragon Fist would have been 50% stronger and it would killed Omega Shenron

I need something that can give me a last resort

The moment I see Cell or any variation of Buu charging at me, I am blasting them with every ounce of strength in my body as I am not going to fight around with beings that are far too dangerous

Cell was able to learn Instant Transmission just by having it used on him by Goku which means that he possibly knows a bit of Spirit Control

Majin Buu can replicate techniques by just watching them

I also need to learn the Mafuba as someone I need to watch out for is Moro

He is someone that is out there as from Vegeta's memories the empire that Jaco serves does exist and I am absolutely sure that Moro does too

He is called the planet eater for a reason, but he was shown to be both a master of KI and Magic

I frown at that

Magic in Dragon Ball is not Ki

In fact, Goku's own memories of encountering people who can use magic are a whole different thing

Magic in Dragon Ball is so freaking overlooked

I mean just look at what it can allow someone to do

Someone can make wishing orbs that can bring someone back from the dead, grant immortality, and pretty much anything

It quite frankly amazes me at the sheer potential that they have

I already have a list of wishes that I want to be granted

Self-Evolving Immortality

The ability to resurrect others as well as myself in case some bullshit happens and someone is able to kill me

The ability to use magic as if I were born with and that comes with the highest aptitude in magic the dragon can give me

Unlock as much of my potential as possible AND whatever he can't unlock at the moment that it unlocks over time

To be honest, those are a lot of wishes

I am probably going to ask for Self-evolving immortality from Shenron, then the ability to use magic naturally and the highest aptitude for it that he can give me

The rest I will get from Porunga

I slow down as I think of something will the dark energy from the Dragon Balls disperse faster if I were to place them in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber

I shake my head as I reach Kame House


"Thank you for everything," I tell Master Roshi

"It was no issue although stay here a moment, I got something for you," He says while going over to a drawer opening it, and getting a box out

"I gave one to Goku, Krillin, and Yamcha once I finished training them, although, you being part Goku meant that you would have been wearing it already, but you already showed that you are your own person," He says walking over and giving me the box

I open and smile as I see a familiar orange and blue gi

I turn to look at Roshi

"Thank you," I say again with even more gratefulness in my voice

These past months I have been going back and forth between training with Master Roshi, and then going to check up on some stuff personally back in my lab

I have a lot of projects going on right now

Especially, making sure that the Cell of this timeline has his backup androids to feast on

I made another set although, with some more improvements, and modifying Cell up a bit essentially giving him a bit more Saiyan DNA alongside some more of Frieza's

I also had the computer begin to make a clone of Frieza which I am growing as I want to eat his tail

I am going for the power boost that it gives

I say my goodbyes to Master Roshi and leave back to my lab

I see my hair again and smile

I am currently in my Super Saiyan 2 form which I got last week and I am trying to stay in it for as long as possible

I begin to head over to my lab and pick up a couple of things primarily...the Dragon Balls

Asking for the Dragon Radar was rather simple

Although, meeting Bulma for the first time was rather interesting


"Thank you," I tell Bulma smiling

"Wow..." She says

"What?" I ask

"Nothing, it's just that when you said that you were a fusion of Goku and Vegeta whose mind was sent back in time into a clone back in time you really meant it," She said stepping closer to me and chuckling a bit

She is wearing a black tube top with a short skirt and I can see the dark circles under her eyes

I am about to say something but I am interrupted by a baby's cry

My raging hormones are acting up as her breasts bounce up and down and even though, I am in front of her I can see her ass which looks incredibly spankable

Pregnancy was really kind to Bulma

"Excuse me a moment," She says while going over to another room to tend to Baby Trunks

She sniffs trying to see if Trunks pooped his diapers but it isn't that, and I turn away respectfully as she lowers her tube top and tries to get him to drink from her breast but he doesn't want to, so she starts to rock him back and forth as I smile at the scene

"Want me to help?" I ask before my brain catches up to my mouth

"Oh, yes please," She says as I get closer and gives him over to me and he begins to calm down and I glance at Bulma as she sits down on a chair

Trunks slowly stop crying as I slowly rock back and forth sort of what Bulma was doing

He looks at me curiously before reaching for my face

I smile as he touches my face and begins to smile at me

He gurgles happily at me and I begin to make goofy faces at him and he laughs and as he finishes laughing he starts to yawn and I put him on his crib

I smile at him as he dozes off pretty quickly

"Hey, Bulma he is..." I begin as I turn to her and see that she fell asleep on a small bed on the other side of the room

I go over and put a blanket over her

I turn to look at Trunks for a bit before I leave

I glance at Bulma again before I shake my head

From what I have heard. When Vegeta learned that I destroyed the androids, he pretty much just fucked off from Earth

Honestly, it pissed me off when I heard that but I remembered that Bulma is rich so I calmed down after that

Some part of me is starting to hate Vegeta for this but I sort of understand why he left

In his mind, there is nothing for him on Earth and when he was wished back and learned just how Hell was, he stopped caring about becoming immortal given the fact that he helped defeat Frieza, even though it was selfish he was allowed to roam Hell, with his body

I know that he didn't just leave the Earth for nothing though he has a kid

He left them because he cares for Trunks even though, he has no actual idea how to care for someone, especially his child

Trunks is one of the reasons that he stayed on Earth, another was beating Goku and the others, to destroy the androids that apparently killed him, so he trained to also protect his son

Now though, he probably thinks that Trunks will be better off if he isn't around

I sighed at that

I am sure, that it's my hormones speaking but, to be honest, Bulma does in fact check all of my boxes plus a few extra, and the boxes of my Saiyan mind

She is strong-willed, smart, funny, sarcastic, and loving

On the extra side, she is not only a really beautiful MILF, she is a good mother, and I seem to have a soft spot for mothers

Especially, the ones that will give everything to protect their children

I frown a bit more before I shake my head and leave

Being a teen turned into an adult is really difficult

Maybe if Bulma was willing to become immortal as I am, would I truly pursue her

I look back at Capsule Corp as I head out to get the Dragon Balls


I shake my head

I quickly reach my lab

It's time that I became immortal