A New 'Friend' Chp 23



"What happened to me?" I ask as I look at a certain Katchin box

Going over what happened in my mind was a complete clusterfuck

I saw the Justice League in an entirely different universe, multiverse, reality, or whatever

Even more than I saw a clone of Superman with the powers of...Shazam, most likely Superboy was aged up due to the magic of Shazam

I was seeing through...Doomdsay's eyes, I think

Except he had a Red Ring that looked oddly similar to that of a Green Lantern's, plus the Evil Dragon Ball on his chest

I saw myself in the version of Superboy when the light from the Evil Dragon Ball released a burst of energy, but why exactly is there another version of me in DC

I remember what Pybara said about my soul having scars, and thankfully they healed, and thanks to my immortality even my soul scars will one day begin to fully disappear as my existence is truly solidified and strengthen

The Evil Dragon Balls have something to do with this

A pit begins to form in my stomach as a theory forms in my head

The body I have currently probably didn't have a soul yet as it was probably forming, due to being a clone

It could be that my damaged soul went to this body after being broken to heal, some pieces of my soul must have landed somewhere else, most likely other realities

At which point the pieces of my soul must have gone to bodies that either do not have a soul or the soul is in the process of forming in order for them to recover

I frown at that

Just like me, the soul pieces have probably already healed and have already developed their own different personalities and built new lives for themselves

I blink at that

Could they be considered my children, or brothers in this case as they did come from me

I shake my head at that

Knowing what I know now, is that the pieces of my soul are probably in different worlds, and it's very likely that the other Evil Dragon Balls are in the same world

So, I am going to assume that, there are 7 soul pieces including me

I have an Evil Dragon Ball with me, and another is in DC with a piece of my soul, now where would the rest of them be


"I am really hesitant about this boss," says 17 as we look at Android 21 she is going to be released in a few minutes

"Don't worry about it,"I reassure both him and 18 as they stand ready

"Worst-case scenario, the moment that she comes out of there rampaging, I am going to knock her, separate her, then put her back together again," I say simply rather confident at this point for one reason

I have studied as much sealing magic as I could these past few months as I have been studying and constantly improving this process


Turning to look as the hatch opens and out comes Android 21


Nice, but I should focus

She takes big gulps of air but then grabs her throat as she gets a horrified look on her eyes and a surge of power sent out from her and sends 17 and 18 flying back into the walls of the lab while I calmly walk over to her 

Leaning down I gently grasp her shoulders and make her look at me

"Calm down," I tell her seriously and she stares at me and then begins to poke at her throat as then she begins to lightly cough out loud and takes in a big gulp of air

"Who are you? Where am I?" She asks as I let go of her shoulders and give her a blanket I had prepared and she wraps it around herself

"Why am I so calm? I should be panicking but all I feel is...hungry?" She says out loud while looking at her hands and I get a brief glimpse of her eyes as they change color and a sinister purplish-pink aura appears around her before turning to a normal white Ki aura

I resist the urge to go Super Saiyan 4 immediately as she cannot contain her power at all and I can feel my blood boiling at the thought of fighting her

"Listen this might sound strange but what happened to you..." I began to explain everything that happened to her, from her being wounded by Goku's attack, Gero experimenting on her, and how I am, or rather this body is a creation of Gero and that I am a fusion of Goku and someone called Vegeta from the future

I gave her a brief overview of what was done to her and at the end she looked horrified at what Gero did

I can see the hatred in her eyes as they change color again after I finished explaining the Majin part of her

"You, I don't know, but if what you say is true then..." I hear her say as she processes all of the information I told as her eyes flicker back and forth from her Majin eyes to her normal eyes

"Can I have some time to process this?" She asks her voice trembling

"Sure, however, at least I can give you is three days, at most a week, but I must get your answer soon otherwise I will have to do so regardless of your choice," I tell her seriously since as much help as she will be, I have to nip this Majin business in the bud as soon as I can

The fact that she is lucid enough to ask this is enough to give her some leeway, and I made sure to monitor this entire facility in case she subconsciously begins to create something due to her Majin side influencing her

I am having her watched and monitored constantly

"There are rooms here you can stay in, I am sure you would like a shower," I comment and stop my eyes from looking at what happened to the moisture that she had when she was in the tank

Her body somehow absorbed it

I am really curious about it and all but I force it down and show her around the base while getting her some clothes

She looks around the place half-heartedly, and I can tell she is trying to process everything

After, showing her the base, we stop at a room and I can tell that she truly looks at me for the first time

"Your hair looks weird, its really spiky," She says and I laugh out loud at that

"Yeah, but you haven't seen anything yet," I say smiling at that

"Thank you again, Vegito" She says honestly

"You're welcome, umm Vomi," I tell her honestly 

"A bit too close there," She says raising her eyebrow

"I am not used to the honorific,"

"Come," I say simply as I turn around and wait for them to place their hands on my shoulders

They do so and I use instant Transmission to take us to my main lab on Earth

Going over to check on Cell's progress, and I see that he is growing stronger every day

I breathe out loud as I rub the back of my neck

"Too much stuff is happening, but at least I made some progress," I say to myself as I found out something a month ago when I made 2 new wishes to Porunga on Namek


"Hello, Moori, I wanted to make more wishes," I say sheepishly as I know I may be over-relying on the DragonBalls a bit too much...

"Woah," I stop myself as I see Namek

I know I wished for Namek to thrive and everything but this is unreal

The Namekian population has all but doubled since I last arrived, and I can sense the planet's vitality


"This is the result of your wish Vegito, as you wished for we are thriving," He says while chuckling a bit and smiling at some of the Namekian children playing around

The sheer amount of foliage has increased and that is something that amazed me

I look at a small bush around a quarter mile away and a dark green bird picking something that looks like a small berry

"Those were extremely rare," Comments Moori

"The Alita tree, I only ever saw one in my youth, as the tree rarely had a seed in its entire lifetime, we sincerely believe they were extinct, and the bird while not really that rare, it has become far more common with numerous sightings," He continues and I stand there with my mouth agape as I take in the sight

I fly a bit in the air and see the blue-green grass of Namek has grown, enough to be able to reach my waist, focusing ki in my eyes I can see that there are more wells in the village

I bring out my scouter in my pocket and I search for the strongest power levels




"Woah," I say while flying back down to talk with Moori about the Dragon Balls

"Incredible isn't it," He says happily and I nod at a loss for words

When I got to Namek to make my wishes the first time, there was always some sort of tension in everywhere on Namek

But, that tension is not gone but it definitely lessened to an incredible degree

It was like there was something choking the planet and now it's breathing and recovering its breath

I shake my head as I make a decision that will probably impact me soon after

"Moori, I need to make more wishes," I tell him seriously after shaking with amazement at what such a short time has done to New Namek with the wish for them to thrive

He nodded at my tone of voice

Soon, enough I have Porunga in front of me

"For my first wish, I want my potential to be unlocked as much as possible, be it in science, Ki, magic, everything unlocked right down to my cells and soul, and whatever you can't that it then unlocks over time," I say my first wish

Moori speaks the wish in Namekain and I begin to hold my head and grasp at my chest as I gasp

"Wow, what a rush," I say as I feel like there were walls in my mind and suddenly they are further away than before, while I can feel like something plugged a key in my chest and it opened a door, as I felt lighter, and my emotions became more balanced in a way

I quickly rub my arms as I feel like ants are crawling all over me, even inside my body

"Vegito, are you ok?" Asks Moori with some of the other Namekians coming close to me

"Yeah, I just, wow, I was not expecting that rush," I tell him as my Ki rises and I let it go so that it can settle down

"Unreal," I say as I get a feel for my Ki

I am as strong as I would be in Super Saiyan 3 and my Ki continues to rise

Even the potency of my magic has increased a lot and I can feel something in my Ki

My Ki's Will I can feel it, now that I can, I only have to awaken it on my own

Shaking it off, I begin to say my second wish

"My second wish is for a device that holds the history of the entire universe up until this point and that it ''updates' accordingly," I finish my second wish

Soon I am holding a device the size of a table and I press a button and I can see the knowledge is marked by year, and it has a search bar on the top right corner in order for me to search for information

"My third wish is for me to be merged perfectly with this," I say bringing out the white piece of Majin Buu

Moori says the wish after looking at me a bit weirdly

The piece of Majin Buu disappears from its casing and appears in front me only to splash itself on my face and go into it

Then, I feel it, a shock going through every nerve in my body as lightning surges through me

I may not look any different but, I know, I can stretch any part of my body, yet, I am still as solid as I have always been, and knowledge of how to do certain Buu things appear on my mind...


I would have found out someday but through, the book detailing the history of the universe,

I found something, that made my heart stop

There are only 5 universes remaining, not 12

There was a war, that affected all universes before Beerus became a God of Destruction

I would never have found out if I hadn't wished for the tablet and also why was he here

Did they do it? How did they do it? How was Zalama...killed