A Broken Soul Chp 31


"Chu-chu," I say holding a spoon and making trains noises so that Trunks eats his food


I hear Trunks say as he eats his food

I smile as he laughs in joy but my smile crumbles as a smell enters my nose

Trunks crapped himself

I let out a small laugh as Trunks looked at me smiling

I lift him and stand up as I go over to change his diaper

"MAMA," He screams in joy as I begin to change his diaper he then goes on to pee

I let out an involuntary shout of disgust and surprise as the pee hits me

A couple of minutes later I am handing him over to my mom who is laughing to watch over him as I go and take a shower

Taking off my clothes fast, I jump into the shower scrubbing myself off rather hard

After a minute or so I let out a sigh as the smell appeared to have left me

I look down at myself and see my breasts, they are much bigger than before as Trunks no longer needs to be breastfed anymore

I turn to look at my ass and see that it is much more plump

Pregnancy has its upsides

I frown a bit as I think about Trunks's dad, then I think about...Vegito


I haven't talked to him in over a year, and although he has tried to reach out I have been ignoring him

I felt bad about that but I don't know what to do

He is immortal and the implications that he would like me to become immortal with him hit hard

There was fear in his eyes, the fear of being alone, but there was also a fire in them that drew me in

He said that he wants to explore the universe, to go on adventures

That fire in his eyes...

I won't lie and say that I am not tempted

He said that if I agreed we could have a relationship and that we could wait on Earth until my son became a man

I finish showering and look myself in the mirror and let out a small smirk

"I still got it," I say to myself to fight back my nervousness


"What do I do," I whisper

I like Vegito, I really do

"AAAAGGGHH," I let out a small scream as I punched the mirror breaking it

Fuck it, I am going to call him



"Comfortable," I say while walking inside my closet filled with thousands of different clothes for my date with Vomi tomorrow

"A Saiyan looking for clothes to wear, huh," I chuckle a bit before my eyes widen as I can feel a certain box being filled with evil energy

Teleporting to it, I open it slowly and grasp the Evil Dragon Ball while protecting myself with magic

The next time I open my eyes I see a man who looks like Superman with a red and black outfit with lightning interconnecting with the S on his chest but this time I can see there is some gold around his outfit and he has a green ring on his right hand sitting on a throne

He has the 6-star Evil Dragon Ball floating in front of him

"So, you are me," He says and I narrow my eyes at him as the connection seems much more stable now

"Yes, and no," I tell him as I catch on that he has been working with the Evil Dragon Ball to find out more

He stands up and comes closer to me

"Yes, I can see the differences and the way our souls bear some fascinating similarities," He says walking around me and I look at him

"You use some form of magical energy that prevents me from seeing your DNA, making you invisible to my senses, I can't even hear your heartbeat, but that is most likely just because this is just a projection," He comments stopping in front of me

If I were any other man, I would be intimidated, but I can tell at a glance that this man is no actual fighter like I am

"You must be one of the soul pieces that went through a similar process to me," I say getting closer to him

"Don't worry, it will be useless fighting each other and trying to absorb us back into one being," I say as I move my tail around so that he can see it

"No way, a Saiyan," He says breaking character as he drops his composure 

"Yup, not just any Saiyan, Vegito," I say bragging


"Oh, fuck," he says while bringing his hand to rub his face as the atmosphere becomes much more relaxed

"Shit, I didn't want this to happen but come on, man Vegito really, ugh, I hate my life," He says while the scenery changes

"Who were you sent in as?" I ask while taking a posture of superiority

"Connor Kent otherwise known as..."

"Superboy," I finish for him


"With the powers of Shazam, it seems," I say looking around and from what I can remember, this place is called the Rock of Eternity

"Black Adam actually," He corrects me

"How did that happen?"

"I went to Gothan as there was a museum with dozens of magical artifacts, one of them was the dagger of Shazam, I stole it and went over to find black Adam and took most of his power thankfully, that dagger also gave me the ability to come here," He says going over to his seat as the scenery changes to a marble white, gold columns and he snaps his fingers as a door opens and I see a bunch of blond-haired women wearing very skimpy outfits that outline their incredible figure very nicely.

It takes me a moment for it to kick in and I narrow my eyes as I realize who they are 

"Power-Girl, girls," I say as he just waves it away

"Cadmus had the cloning technology to create me, and I managed to temporarily mind control Superman into creating backups of his fortress, and he buried them, and I took one and made sure to replace it with one of my own while leaving some viruses to make sure that he never finds out, and then completing the cloning technology, and through rapidly accelerated aging, boom, my personal army of hot busty blond women," He explains as one of the clones goes over to him and gives a drink while some of the clones begin to dance around sexily

"Trust me if I could have found a partner that could handle being with me, I wouldn't have done this but it gets incredibly lonely," he says and I stop myself from speaking

Fair enough

"To be honest, I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind when I did this, it was only after I got, Egyptian Shazam power, that I finally began to get under control, I was a vicious little shit," He says frowning while sipping on some golden liquid

"What is that?" I ask him curiously

"Oh, this is Nectar like the stuff from the Greeks, there is a jar here that is said to be nearly bottomless," He answers and I resist my curiosity

I turn my head slightly as I see a huge garden and focusing, I can see that there are some pale green skin redheaded women attending to it, and their private parts are covered by leaves

"Pamela Isly, otherwise known as Poison Ivy," He says

"I needed help with growing magical plants," He adds as my judgment-filled stare hits him

"Oh gosh, you are me as a teenager," I realize as I rub my face

"I assumed that, given the fact, that I was or rather am really horny, and we had no luck in the relationship department," He says and I could somewhat understand him a bit better now

If he really was me who was reborn as a teenager, mostly likely the effects of my broken soul, I would have done the same

"You didn't stop at just them did you?" I ask deadpanning at him while he chuckles lightly

"Nope," He says standing up while motioning me to follow him

"Come on, you have at least 12 hours," he says as he begins to give me a tour on what changes he did to the Rock of Eternity

Going over to the garden, I see some other redheaded women on the rather large pond dressed in a green bikinis

"Mera, from Atlantis," he says while I sigh

Never has the term, you want to hit your younger self ever truly set in until this moment

"There are more aren't there?" I ask while letting out a groan to which he chuckles


Groaning I follow him around

"I made sure they have some Kryptonian DNA in them so that they can live longer, but they also serve another purpose of the magical kind," He says as we go through a hallway and I can see in some rooms a lot more women

"Selina Kyle, Catwoman," He says pointing to a room with over 30 women who look nearly the same doing yoga in their underwear

He points to the room opposite where I can see some more of the same women running around obstacle courses and I even see them practicing how to open locks with a door inside that says common room

In the next one, I see a room filled with blonde women, swimming

"Dinah Lance Black Canary," he says, and in the opposite room is another training ground with more women inside

"How many clones do you have?" I ask him preparing myself for it

"4 thousand," He says and I blink at that before rubbing my nose

Alright fine, just accept it and move on

We went across many other rooms, like a lot more

Some of the more noticeable ones according to Connor were...

Thalia Al Ghul

Nyssa Al Ghul

Lady Shiva



 Just to name a few

I can't even fault him for it as he wanted a veritable army at his back and all of them have 35% Kryptonian DNA

Thankfully, he didn't just clone women

He also cloned men although he did it because he needed them to work on his projects

Seeing dozens of clones of Jor-El working together to engineer a powerful suit capable of providing Connor with blue sunlight

He already has a room but it is massive

Around the size of 3 football fields and even then he can barely handle 3 seconds of being in contact with the blue sun energy

"This is...incredible," I admit, as Connor as he calls himself, instead chose to focus on gathering power while I focused on training my own

"Thank you," He says and although I have the impression that he is a pervert I will not fault him for it

I would have done the same

He sits back down and lets out a huge sigh

"So, these Evil Dragon Balls can give someone evil a whole lot of power, shit," he says drinking some more Nectar

"Thankfully, we already have 2 with us. We are going to have to find the other 5," I say 

"Hmm, one of them has to be in Marvel, there is one here in DC and there was one in Dragon Ball, it only makes sense, dammit, I am not ready for it," He says taking a big gulp from his drink

"I don't think I am either," I answer honestly

Connor was able to figure out that I used magic to shield myself from his sight

"Why not?" He asks curiously

"I have 'mastered' Super Saiyan 4 as high as I can, and to be honest I may just try to find out how to get God Ki," I tell him as we have both gotten comfortable with each other

"Damn, I don't know much about God Ki, but from what I remember is that it is just a much more superior form of Ki," He says

"You are right, which is why I am going to get it," I tell him

"Hmm, I am going to have to speed up my search for more pure Nth metal," He says while getting noticeably angry as his eyes seem to turn a bit red

"What happened?" I ask

"Never trust a Greek god," he says sighing while calming down

"I have access to the storages of materials here at the Rock of Eternity, I had Nth metal that I used as a token for a god to grant me a request, I gave him more Nth metal and he made me armor and weapons alright, but he mixed it with a whole lot of other metal running most of its properties," he says while slamming his hand on his throne

"I was furious and he will be one of the first to die, as not only did he ruin the metal, but he also mixed Harmonia's amulet into it, if anyone ever uses the armor or weapons, they will have great misfortune fall on them," He says

"Can you show me some Nth metal?" I ask him to which he raises an eyebrow in curiosity

"Sure, not like I have much left anyway, I was going to merge it into myself to get a power boost," he says as he raises his hand and reaches into a portal that opens up he grabs a small hunk of metal the size of a pinky finger and moves over to me so that I can see it

I move my hand as I make a motion as if to touch it and send in a minute amount of magical energy as I have learned a magic spell that allows me to learn about the composition of any material that I touch that works well with Magic Materialization as well as learning about its properties

"The connection is breaking, whatever you are doing do it fast. It will take me at least a week before I can affect the Evil Dragon Ball again," He says as he appears to be getting younger and I say fuck it as I used a lot more magical energy to learn and I gasp out loud at everything that I learned that this little piece of golden metal can do

I blink and I suddenly find myself back in my home

"No freaking way," I say before I use Magic Materialization to create the Nth Metal

I create a small cube internationally and I pick it up from the ground

"Incredible," I say before looking at my watch and seeing that only an hour has passed

Looking back at the small golden block in my hand, I smile

"What," I say looking at the Evil Dragon Ball that has now turned into stone