Beerus Attacks? Chp 47



"How the fuck does that work?" Asks Vomi as we go over the results of my Super Saiyan 4 transformation

"I have no idea," I say as I grasp my pants

"It's just weird," She comments as I rip a piece of my pants and give it to her to analyze as she puts on some goggles and goes over the material of my pants

"Interesting, it looks to be in a pattern," She says while looking at the piece of cloth while I go back to my base form

"I will leave you to it," I say while sweat dropping a bit at her grinning face

Leaving her lab, I head over to my new and improved gravity chamber

Thanks to the Nth Metal, Vomi has made huge leaps in improving our technology

This gravity chamber is capable of reaching 750x Earth's gravity

Turning it on after changing clothes, I begin my physical training while using Kaio-Ken times 70

Pushing my body way past its limit

After, training for a few hours, it only takes me seconds to go feel fine after my training 

I close my eyes as I feel my Ki

I am far stronger

Stronger than I have ever been

Sighing out loud, I head on over to take a bath

Getting into the shower and I wipe the sweat away

I begin to think about everything

My relationship with Vomi, finding Zalama's resting place, about the gods, about my family back in my original world

I know that I won't be alone when I go back but the fact that they might be in danger makes me so anxious

My eyes widen, as I feel Goku's Ki coming from Otherworld, specifically King Kai's

He has just turned Super Saiyan 4 AND is using Kaio-Ken

I feel his Ki fluctuating until at one point it just vanishes and focus a bit more, I can feel he is still alive

My eyes narrow as I feel King Kai's panic

(Vomi, I am heading to Earth, Beerus appears to have finally woken up) I talk to her telepathically

(What are you waiting for? Go, I will see you in a bit) She says as I dry myself quickly put on my clothes and use Instant Transmission to reach Gohan

"VEGITO," screams out Gohan as he and a girl separate

Gohan's shirt is on the ground while the girl only has her bra and panties left and I know what they were going to do

"No, time to explain," I say quickly grabbing him and teleporting over to Kami's Lookout

"Kami, call everyone," I order him as he is startled at my sudden appearance and he quickly does so while I put my fingers on my forehead as I try to find Vegeta who had reach Super Saiyan 4 a year ago

"Where is he?" I mutter as I try to find him

"There," I say as I teleport over to him and find him eating

"What are you doing here?" He growls out and I roll my eyes

"Your debt idiot," I answer him to which he groans and comes over to me while placing his hand on my shoulder

I helped him reach Super Saiyan 4 in order for me to become a Super Saiyan God as there is no time to waste now

As unprepared as I am, I will have to fight now

Teleporting back to the lookout, as everyone is nearly there

"I have already informed them Vegito," Says Kami and I nod

"What are we here for?" Asks Piccolo as he arrives

"A being called Beerus is making his way over here, he is extremely powerful and as I am now, I am not sure, I can beat him," I answer him honestly

"Are you serious? Beerus the destroyer," Says Vegeta while gulping out loud as he gets an excited gleam in his eyes and I resist the urge to say something while I spread out my senses

"Is that the prince, oh my, how time passes," Says a voice as pressure falls on all of us

I manage to resist it as the rest of the arriving Z-Fighters fall to the ground while Vegeta and Gohan go Super Saiyan 4

"Now, you must be Vegito, the Saiyan that fellow called Goku was talking about," He says as I take note of a few things

This Beerus has silvery eyes

Whis appears to not be the only angel with him as I see Vados and another angel who I can barely recall is called Cognac

Beerus runs his eyes over me as I can tell that he is sizing me up

My blood is screaming to fight him

"Yes, I am Vegito," I say plainly as there is point in beating around the bush, whatever happens, I will deal with it the best I can

"Impressive, I can tell that you are hiding a great deal of power, and not only that, you appear to be quite accomplished in magic," He says while grinning

"Tell me, what do you know of the existence of the Super Saiyan God?" He asks as his eyes flash silver

"The Super Saiyan God is a legend told by the Saiyans, it does not exist, at least not currently," I tell him to which he raises an eyebrow

"Currently?" He asks

"The Super Saiyan God can only exist for a small amount of time. A Saiyan becomes a god when 5 other Saiyans have at least Super Saiyans and pour their power into a sixth one," I tell him

"Interesting, such a method can really grant someone the power of a god. Vados, how many Saiyans did you say were still alive?" He asks her and I take note of Vados

She is beautiful no doubt but

"There are 10 Saiyans still alive Lord Beerus," She answers seriously and I bite back my shock at 10 Saiyans still being alive as I also take note of the three angel staffs in front of me

All three are far beyond my ability to replicate, yet Zalama's is still greater than theirs by a long shot

"So, we have some to spare," Says Beerus closing his eyes before opening them again and I can see the bloodlust in his eyes

"I hope you can entertain me a little," He says while my hairs stand on end as I gasp out loud as he is suddenly behind me

He punches me right in the middle of my back sending me flying away

I gasp in pain as I feel the bones in my back break while my spine cracks

Biting down the pain, I heal myself as quickly as I can

Glancing back at him with his index finger pointed towards my direction

I go Legendary Super Saiyan as I rush back toward him and I activate my mark which soon empowers me

We clash in the air but I lose it as my arms goes past him as Beerus effortlessly dodges my attacks

I grit my teeth as my arm heals

I prepare myself for the real fight


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The Story Omnitrix Bearer will be released this coming March 5