Chaldea Chp 55


"Status report," Orders Olga now in her new homunculus body as Da Vinci who is apparently a woman,

Also, why do I get the feeling that I am going to be saying that a lot?

Plus Romani is still staring at me like I am an alien

Well, I am one, but that is beside the point

"Most of the materials that we had in storage are gone and our only 2 generators are barely holding on, and yes, I have already used duct tape, at this point they are pretty much more duct tape than generators," Says Da Vinci before Olga turns to Romani

"ROMANI, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO REPORT?" She demands while Romani looks at her with a serious expression

"Most of the staff in Chaldea are dead, but thankfully it seems that some of the masters survived, although, most of them are in critical condition and I was forced to put them in suspended animation in order to be able to help them one at a time. Unfortunately, most of our medical supplies were also destroyed in the fire caused by the explosion," Says Romani while looking at me

"I am not going to attack you," I say again

"Vegito, right?" Asks Ritsuka looking at me

"Yeah," I answer

"Would you happen to have anything that could help?" He asks nervously while the girl hiding behind who I learned is called Mash Kyrielight peeks her head from his shoulder

Sighing, I rub my eyes as I get where he is coming from

Turning over to Romani to ask a single question

"What do you need?" I ask

"Medical supplies, food, raw materials," I begin listing them while making preparations in my head to use my Magic Materialization and bringing out my scouter so I can go over the blueprints for several machines


"Just point me to a room with a large enough space so I can give you guys resources," I say while everyone is still hesitant to make it happen

"Right way" Except one

"Lead the way Da Vinci," I say walking with her, umm him


A couple of minutes later we arrive at a rather large empty room

"Here, now what is you are..." She stops as I point a finger and several blasts of magical energy and Ki land near the walls and boxes filled with medical supplies, food, and raw materials suddenly fill the room

"If you need anything more specific, you know where to find me," I say leaving the room as Da Vinci stares around the room in awe

Before the door closes behind me, I hear her say something

Something about a First magic

Going back to where Olga is, I pass by a rather strange creature

What looks like a mix between a rabbit, cat, and why the fuck does it seem to have a face

"FOU," It says as it steps back in fear the longer it looks at me, and for some reason just looking at the thing pisses me off

I stare at it in anger and confusion, no not anger, annoyance

"Huh," I say before I walk past it and it runs in the other direction in a hurry

I shake my head as I walk back and as I get closer to where the others are, I can hear them talking about me

Well, I am assuming


"Where did he come from?" Asks Romani with a serious expression but also some trepidation

"I already said I don't know, where he came from, he just showed up out of nowhere", Says Olga almost tearing her hair out and frustration on her face

"He doesn't seem like a bad guy, I mean he did help us, and has been more than..."

"SHUT IT," Screams Olga at Ritsuka before turning to Romani again

"He is dangerous, far more than anyone I have ever come across," Says Romani as he looks at Olga

"How so?"

"He managed to get from the singularity over to Chaldea without any external help, AND he was able to bring along 2 servants, one of which is Cú Chulainn and...King...umm Queen Arthur. Aside from that he..."

"He can hear you," Says Vegito as he enters the room

"What are you?" Asks Romani getting ready to throw hands

I sigh as I rub the back of my neck and unwrap my tail much to their apprehension

"I am a Saiyan, and as you most likely already know, I am an alien being," He says much to their growing horror

"I get the feeling I am not the first alien that you have seen or heard about," He says while looking at their expressions of horror

In their perspective, Vegito is a rather horrifying being

From their point of view Chaldea had just been 'invaded' by an utterly inhuman creature that even though it looks like a human, it isn't

They can feel it in their bones, their very souls that they are staring at something more...foreign, than even Dead Apostle Ancestors

To normal people, aliens were cool creatures out of stories, the foundation of space-tales and the promise of what lies beyond the Earth

To the Magi in front of Vegito, it is very different, to the inhabitants of the Moonlit World, aliens are both extremely real and extremely dangerous

They are beings outside the Human Order

Immensely powerful, nigh-immortal, and completely without morals or scruples, there is no way to tell what they could do or even what they would do, which terrifies them all beyond reason

They prepare to fight Vegito, down to their last breath


Rubbing my eyes again, I try to think of a way top calm them down

I turn as I feel something like a feather run across my body only to see Olga attacking me or trying to at least

"Really," I say exasperated at her attacks

"ALRIGHT, ENOUGH," I say as I bind Olga and Romani in Ki binds and let out a sigh out of frustration

I need to get those 2 Dragon Balls but, I won't get anywhere if I keep getting attacked

"We may have started on...oh, whatever, you know what, how can I prove to you that I am not a danger?" I asked them as they both stare at each other, then back to me after a bit

Romani is starting to creep me out, Olga though...

She has that same look that Vomi gets whenever she wants to research something 

"I am not going to be a guinea pig, nor am I willing to get experimented on," I say plainly only for them to turn to the other again for a moment before they both nod at each other

"Would you be willing to join us?" Asks Ritsuka butting into the 'conversation'

"Depends, do you have good food here," I ask

"Umm, yes," Answers Mash peeking from Ritsuka's shoulder

"Ok, I am in," I say as my gut tells me that these guys might help me figure out who the guy with the 2 Evil Dragon Balls is, and where I can find him as I can't sense either him or the Dragon Balls


Remember 5 chapters ahead on Patreon

Also check A Travelling Kaledeiscope in my Webnovel Page, which unfortunately, due to some complications, will have 5 chapters ahead on Patreon at the beginning of April,

Also, next month, this fic will be 10 chapters ahead in Patreon

Also, probably during the middle of April, I am going to also have A Travelling Kaledeiscope get 10 chapters ahead

Do keep in mind that A Travelling Kaledeiscope will only be updated on Saturdays until this fic is completed then it will be Saturday and Wednsdays

Thank you

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