Onwards To France Chp 58


"The singularity that we are going to is France," Says Olga pointing towards a screen

"France, let me guess a few days after Jeanne d'Arc was burned alive," I say having an idea of what is waiting for me

"How did you guess?" Asks Romani with a bit of suspicion in his eyes

"I am too used to this shit. Once you have dealt with enough bullshit, you can see stuff like this coming from a mile away," I say while rubbing my eyes

Seriously, Female King Arthur, Female Da Vinci, at this point, I will actually be surprised if Jeanne is actually still a woman

"Right, so we need to find out the cause of the singularity and fix it..."

"Umm, question?" I interrupt while raising my hand

"What?" Asks Olga getting a bit annoyed

"If we manage to fix it, what about the small changes or rather consequences?" I ask as Connor warned me of the dangers of altering time, this Singularity business is a new thing for me

"What are you talking about?" Asks Mash who is not so nervous about me anymore


"When we fix the Singularities, changes will still be prevalent, no matter. This is a whole other deal than what I am used to. But, knowing what I know, means that even if we fix them we are still screwed. There is a high chance that once we deal with all of them, we won't return to the world you know, in fact, there might be huge changes in the end," I say as I went over this with Connor who is the only source of knowledge about successful time travel

From the information I provided, Connor theorized that the Timeline, has metaphysically been cut to pieces and each piece is being altered individually to suit the purpose of whoever did

If we were to fix the changes, there would be many differences

"I think I get what you are trying to say. You are saying that, because we meddled with time, us going back will affect the past even more, and cause a snowball effect," Says Romani to which I nod and he looks at me intensely

"How are you so knowledgeable about time travel?" He asks suddenly thankfully, I thought about this situation I already

"Stopping Magus from Time Travelling back to the Age Of Gods," I answer him to which he blinks and lets out a deep breath

I nearly frown at what I learned about the people who wield 'magic' here

They have nearly no restraint

They experiment on the dead, on children, committing horrific experiments all in an attempt to reach something called the Root or Akasha

Which apparently holds all of the knowledge that there is or was, which is bullshit

I mean, I could understand if you were time-traveling to the past to get stronger as humans in the past appeared to be much stronger than now

Some of the books I read, have records of humans being able to move boulders effortlessly

Going over some of what humanity could do in the past compared to now, man I would be fucking pissed but also understanding at their situation

Pissed because the fact that I learned how something works makes it weaker pisses me off, understanding on behalf of Gaia of all people, since humans just don't give a damn about the consequences, Connor was able to help fill me in as to what the situation is between humanity and Gaia

Connor basically said that humanity cut their connection to Gaia, their home planet, conceptually

What a bunch of fucking idiots

Once I heard that I needed no more explanation

In simple terms, Gaia is the body, and humanity can be said to be the immune system, what humanity did was turn on the body, so Gaia began to die, and in retaliation, began to take away magic from the world

If I needed any more proof humanity was stupid, there it is

Gaia is essentially doing the equivalent of holding her breath, the oxygen is magical energy, and humanity is using up whatever oxygen is left, which is mere scraps of magical energy

True Ether is the oxygen-rich air, while Ether is what remains in the lungs as they are with carbon monoxide

Not my problem anyway

Olga informed us of what we needed to do and the teams, and she asked me if Saber agreed to the contract, to which I nodded in the negative

I am not going to push her into agreeing to become my 'servant'

Thankfully, I can cast the spells that are used in this reality, but, I don't necessarily like them, they are too stiff, and too rigid in their design, that if I were to put more magical energy in them, I would cause the spell to be worthless

I prefer my own spells, using the DB system since they are so simple once you get the experience

Leaving the room, I head on over to ask Artoria if she would become my servant

I come across her as she is in a blue dress with armor pieces covering her

"Do you accept?" I ask for formality's sake

"Yes, I Artoria Pendragon accept your offer to become your Saber," She says and the contract is done as I get command seals on my left hand

"Thank you, Saber," I say as I can feel the minute amount of magical energy leaving me and going towards her

[Saber Stats

Strength: A+

Endurance: B+

Agility: B+

Mana: A++(Reduced from EX due to Vegito giving her less)

Luck: A+

Noble Phantasm: EX(Due to her having both Excalibur and Avalon)]

"Wow, from what I know, you may be the strongest Servant, I am aware of," I say impressed at her stats as I know that Caster Cú Chulainn parameters are on the rather low end of the spectrum

"I..." She stops as she is rather stunned at the increase of her parameters

"Saber, we are going to France," I say

"France," She repeats and I can just barely catch a look of annoyance on her face

It takes me a couple of seconds to catch why

She is British

"Yeah, France," I repeat as I begin to lead her over to the room with the 'Coffins' as I can sense everyone else there

"Master, if we are heading into hostile territory, I would like for you to carry this," She says bringing out her sword and unsheathing it

I look at Avalon and from the sheer power it is letting out, I would say it is impressive

In terms of magical complexity, I would place this one on the second compared to the Dragon Balls, which are first

"I am not going to need it trust me," I say as I bring up my right arm as Ki covers my left arm and I slash at my right arm

Cutting it off

However, the severed limb begins to float on its own much to Artoria's awe, and horror

It moves back to the stump and I flex the fingers a bit

"Besides you are the one who is going to be doing all the fighting," I tell her as we reach the Rayshifting or whatever room

She places Excalibur back into Avalon and we go on our way

As the door opens we see the other master already in the 'coffins'

"Saber grab my shoulder," I order and she does so without hesitation

I focus on their energy to the Singularity that I am going to assume is France

"Wait...you haven't explained..." I hear Romani as I smirk at him as Saber and I leave for the France Singularity



For The Ultimate Warrior Reborn, will be 5 chapters ahead of the web novel

Also, next month, this fic will be 10 chapters ahead in Patreon

Also, probably during the middle of April, I am going to also have A Travelling Kaledeiscope get 10 chapters ahead and at the latest, the beginning of May

Do keep in mind that A Travelling Kaledeiscope will only be updated on Saturdays until this fic is completed then it will be Saturdays and Wednesdays

Also, guys please comment, review and send me some power stones please