Humanity Is Stupid Chp 63


"Oh good question, I am an alien," I answer her as I quite frankly do not care about revealing it to her

Considering that I have read about the different interactions that the people of this reality have had really bad interactions with aliens

Someone called the Crimson Moon and his Dead Apostles/Vampires are one such example

Another could be that spiderlike creature that I learned is called ORT

From what I have gathered that creature is on a whole other level of power for the people of this Earth

Not exactly unsurprised though, if they had kept their connection to Earth/Gaia/Gaea, they would be capable of putting somewhat of a fight

Well, I might be giving them to much credit, humanity would be like a child flailing angrily trying to fight an experienced soldier

To be honest, that is quite a jump

I have zero idea what the humanity of this world was thinking when they cut the connection

All I can say is that they are all incredibly stupid

The results speak for themselves

Humanity has no gods to help them, protect them, and to guide them actively anymore, they have to rely on rapidly dwindling sources of magical energy, their bodies break down easier than they did before, and their DNA is losing its ability to evolve while the Earth itself is actively aiding in the evolution of other animals, Gaia is allowing more solar radiation to bypass the atmosphere and allowing it to hit the ground in an attempt to burn humanity alive.

All the while those aware of what is called the Moonlit World are STILL fighting among themselves in an attempt to reach what they call the ROOT.

The ultimate ambition of the Magus society is to reach the Root and many focus their experiments on discovering a path to it. Not giving a damn about the people that they hurt along the way.

Having the perspective of a Saiyan on top of my human one, helps me a lot

Humanity is stupid

They have an incredibly strong alien creature literally in their home and instead of banding together to destroy it, they focus on reaching a place that has only been reached by a handful of people

I would totally understand if they were trying to reach it because the ORT is on Earth and they want to get rid of it

Then they could have had that excuse, but no, they have to be fighting all the damn time

Instead, they choose to turn their backs on the Earth, then they choose to practically violate the planet to its death, then keep on going with its corpse

"An alien?" Asks Saber a bit stunned at that and repeats to confirmed

"Yes, an alien," I answer and an idea pops into my head to mess with her and the rest of Chaldea also, to probably fuck with that Alaya thing

I turn on my communicator that I was given by Romani

"Why are you..." She begins but I cut her off

"Helping you, I may be an alien to you, but the Earth is my home, I lived here my whole life, while I am from another planet, this world is also my home," I answer her as I head someone choking through my communicator while someone drop something to the ground

Most probably a mug or something

"That's..." I seem to have broken her as she looks at me before closing her eyes for a moment taking a deep breath and the moment of let out my idea to mess with everyone 

"I am not sure, what's so weird about," I say to her and she looks at me losing her composure for a moment

"I mean aliens have lived among humanity for a long time," I say as I can see that we are getting closer to Olga and the rest of our group who are currently staring at me with incredulous looks on their faces

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN ALIENS HAVE LIVED AMONG HUMANITY FOR LONG TIME?" Screams out Olga as I keep my poker face while Cu stares at me intently and I can feel a certain pressure terminating from one of his eyes

"Oh, simple really, when humanity turned its back on the planet, aliens just saw Earth as unclaimed due to humanities rejection of it, therefore, we came to Earth to live in it," I say fucking their minds a bit

I let them process everything as I try to see if I can sense if the Evil Dragon Balls are around here somewhere

I can hear Saber explain what happened and that we ended up in the air and slowly flew down

Damn it, I can't sense them, this place is too saturated with their energy it is mixing with everything else

I turn over to the group as I can hear Romani speaking to us

"...we are detecting a number of servants around your general area. Please be careful. According to the database, there should be a fort nearby your location, it would be a good idea to try and investigate what is going on," I barely catch what he said at the end due to not paying attention

"Look for a fort for information got it," I say while spreading my senses again to look for humans but I don't have to try too much as I can hear a carriage with metal clacking against metal

Turning my head, I let out a small hum and motion for them to follow me while they whisper to each other although, Olga looks conflicted as she looks at me from time to time

"Why are you on Earth?" I hear Romani ask seriously through my comlink

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you helping us?" He reiterates

I stay silent for a bit before breathing out heavily

"Humanity would not be so willing to fight for their 'home' but the Earth IS my home, I am not willing to let anyone destroy it," I answer him as I have been feeling like this ever since I learned that humans rejected their birth world or at least this one

I am a Saiyan in mind, body, and soul, however, my ideals and my morals are those of a human, I may have changed a lot, but at my core, I consider myself a human just as much as I consider myself a Saiyan

"How long have you lived on Earth?" Asks Saber looking at me as we all follow the carriage over to the fort that Romani mentioned

"All my life," I say

"How many aliens are there?" Asks Romani

"Kal-EL, Marvin, Connor, and I, the others, I haven't really stayed in contact with them," I tell them

"AND we get to enjoy the benefits of accepting the Earth as our home," I brag a bit while lying

"Benefits?" Asks Olga

"I am sure you have felt my magical energy right and how different it feels from all of you, I am using True Ether," I say totally lying to them

"YOU ARE A GOD?" screams out Olga after a minute to which I resist a sigh

"In your definition, I could be, but on my homeworld, no, I am not a god," I say although, I do have a bit of God Ki in me, I am not a god,



9 chapters ahead in patreon 1st tier eventually I will get it to 10 soon, I am going through some stuff please be patient, 2 tier will be 20 chapters ahead next month

Also, probably during the middle of April, I am going to have A Travelling Kaledeiscope get 5, I restarted on some of the chapters since I didn't like how it was turning out

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