Godly Training Begins Chp 76


I press the button to call Whis and an image pops up a few seconds later

"Vegito, oh my, to what do I owe the pleasure, oh let me guess, its about the training right," He says and I just nod at that

No beating around the bush I guess

"Yes, I would to train with you,"

"Excellent, though, I am wondering what changed your mind?" He asks

"I haven't been able to progress enough with God Ki, at least not to a satisfying degree," I say respectfully while breaking down my very small progress with it

"Not that surprising," He answers

"It was a huge surprise that the 'ritual' performed by you Saiyans even granted you, your own form of God Ki," He says and I pay attention to that

"Why was it so surprising?" I ask him

"God Ki in itself is unique, no life form among mortals is able to achieve it, without some great sacrifice, which usually involves spending a great deal of time training, blood, sweat, and a lot of tears, but most dangerous of all, is a loss of themselves," He answers


"Oh, mortals are not really equipped to handle to the burden of godhood, even if they attain God Ki, the consequences can be severe if they neglect any aspect during their ascension," He explains

"As you very well know an aspect of mortals is the limit of their memory storage in their brains, God Ki is able to bypass this limit and enable them to keep increasing that storage provided that they have the God Ki necessary to do so," He explains and I don't say anything given that this was already something that I found out through Zalama's notes

Sort of

Zalama's notes described the process in a way that was far beyond me at the moment, having Whis help break it down for me is something that I definitely appreciate

Not to say that I wasn't able to follow his notes on it, but it is incredibly annoying to pick up on stuff when goes on to ramble about it and going back to triple-check what had to be every single word he wrote to make sure that he didn't make a mistake

Also, Zalama did not write down everything

"So, there are harsh limits on 'mortal' Ki. To be honest, I should have guessed, considering..." I say trying to maintain a facade of ignorance

"Yes, and no," Answers Whis

"God Ki may allow one to surpass most mortals, however, Mortal Ki, also has its own advantages, especially those who have obtained divine power, though, it has to be said, mortals that have reached their mortal limits are few and far in between those that have obtained Divine Power are even rarer still," He says and I blink at that

So, mortals have obtained Divine Power on their own before

Very interesting

"The limits on Mortal Ki and what it can do vary from species to person to person, no one is the same after all. Some, have a much higher ceiling than others yet, they will probably never reach it without either the correct training, knowledge, or time," He goes on to say

"The correct training training?" I ask him trying to sound very interested in this

I need brownie points

"Yes, a type of training that has proved incredibly beneficial to someone, may not have much results to someone else, oh, but look at this, you said you wanted training not listen to me ramble on. Give me a moment while I go to pick you up," He says before I raise my hand 

"About that, I know a place where we do a mortal year's worth of training in a day," I begin

"I am sure that this training will take a while, and I do have a life outside of training," I say hiding the fact that I am on a tight schedule at the moment

"Hmm, that is fine with me how long were you hoping to stay in that dimension?" he asks

"How long do you think it would take me to get a firm grasp on God Ki?" I ask him seriously causing him to blink

"Hmm, around 26 years," He says and I nod at that

"What about everything you may want to teach me?" I ask him

"1.8 million," He answers at that and my eyes widen


I knew that they area far above me in terms of skill and power but then again, I did ask him how long it would take him to teach me everything

"Don't worry, once you 'master' God Ki, time will be inconsequential," He says smiling at me

"Let me inform my siblings if they want to join in," He says as the image disappears and I let out a sigh of relief that the conversation went about as well as I had hoped

Thankfully, I asked Kami to upgrade the door to the Time Chamber using the Dragon Balls

I already have the supplies which I am sure are unneeded since at this point, I don't have to eat or drink anymore

Not even sleep

I still enjoy them but, I don't need them

The food is primarily for the angels

I wait a round for around 20 minutes or so before a light beam falls a few meters away from me as I see Whis arrive with Vados next to him

"We are here, our other sibling stayed behind," Comments Whis as I just nod at that

"So, where is this dimension?" Asks Whis as I motion for them both to follow me

We are currently on the Lookout and I already told Kami to not show himself so he is just in his office speaking to a few Namekians that he made friends with

I asked the Namekians of New Namek if they would be willing to visit him

Using Instant Transmission is incredibly useful

"So, what will be doing first?" I ask trying to start a conversation 

"Oh, we will begin by first finding out your current level of strength, then we begin your training after we determine what to improve in order for you to reach your mortal limit," Says Vados answering first

"So, once we go inside we will only have 30 days which equals 30 years," I say 

"To be honest, I just want a good grasp on God Ki, but learning more about it will always be welcomed," I continue

"I am not sure if I myself will be able to handle more than that," I say honestly

"From what we saw last time, you will at least be at a respectable level," Comments Whis as we finally reach the Time Chamber

I open the door and let them both in while trying to ignore Vados's hips

She is a hotty, that is for sure

Closing the door behind me

I see that nothing has really changed aside from the addition of 3 new beds, for a total of 5

"Interesting dimension," Comments Vados

"It seems this place was created rather than found," Says Whis

"It was made by one of the previous guardians of Earth," I mention

"Afterwards, it was improved by the one after, and so on and so forth," I explain to them

"Shall we start," Says Vados as they both stand opposite of me as we go a fair distance away from the entrance

I power up to my max in base form and lunch myself towards them

Beginning our training 



9 chapters ahead in patreon

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