Battle Begins Chp 85


"Are we ready yet?" I ask Connor as he finishes linking his women back in Themyscaira over to him to provide extra magical energy for him to use

"Yup, all done," He says stretching a bit

"I am going to go tell the others," I tell him as I head over to the command center of Chaldea as Connor walks behind me

"Do you have any idea who we might fight?" Asks Connor and I can tell that he is somewhat nervous about that


"Don't look at me like that. I am not really a fighter and I only really fight when I have to," He defends himself as I just roll my eyes at him

"I know the real reason," I say to which he just huffs a bit


"Don't even fucking try to deny. You pervert," I interrupt him from saying it

"IT WASN'T MY-you know what, whatever," He gives up trying to defend himself

I sigh as we reach the command center

"We are going," I say to everyone who is conveniently gathered around here

"Wait, now..."

"Yes, Romani now," I tell him as Connor and I need to get going

"But..." Saber starts to say before she stops and seems to want to say a lot of things now but she just starts looking down at the floor

I frown at that before I shake my head

I should see if Saber can become stronger through some method

"This is going be one of the most important battles of Chaldea," Olga begins as we turn towards the screen showing the different singularities

"From what I can sense there is no one from my side currently active in any of them aside from what can be Solomon's workshop but even then, it seems...empty," I note while Connor seems intensely focused as his eyes glow a dull gold color

"Yeah, even with my sight, I can only notice the different changes that are currently happening," He says as his eyes stop glowing

"Either way, we will deal with the highest level of the Singularities and make our way up," I say as I focus on the Singularity that is happening currently in what they call The Age Of Gods

"Are you sure, this one is during the Age Of Gods?" Asks Mash in concern

"I am sure, knowing how stuff like this usually goes, I am certain that we will attract trouble," I tell them

"He is right, they may be hiding through ways that we don't know. It will be better if we went there and faced them head-on," Connor says while turning to look at me and I prepare to teleport us over to the Singularity

"Come on," I say turning to the group assembled in front of me

I want to ask them for help if only to put my mind at ease but...they can't help us

I may have to do a lot by myself but I certainly don't like it

I feel Connor place his hand on my shoulder while I teleport us to where our next battle will begin

I can feel it in my gut

"So, what's this place?" I ask around while flying upwards into the sky with Connor following me

"Hmm, from the books I read in Chaldea, I am going to guess that place is Uruk," He says pointing in the opposite direction to show a city being attacked by hideous creatures

Looking at it, I can see that the city is actually defending itself yet, something seems wrong about it somehow

"We should probably do something though..." I begin to say before the city just...disappears in a flash of light

"What in the..."

"It was teleported, I can tell that much," Says Connor squinting his eyes

"Oh, there it is," He says turning to the sky and seeing it floating in the sky

"Huh, wow," I say taking note of the Alchemical composition of the city

It honestly is very impressive

For the standards of this world at least

"That doesn't seem right," I begin to say before dodging out of the way as a giant orange hand materializes out of nowhere using some form of cubes and tries to blast me

I watch as I see Janempa form in front of my eyes

(N/A: I am surprised that not a lot of people know this but Janempa is the name for the giant version while Janemba is for the humanoid version)

"How the fuck didn't I see him?" Says Connor 

"He can manipulate molecules right down to the atoms at will, he was basically air," I tell him sending a blast toward Janempa, and to my surprise he simply smirks as he disassembles into blocks

Holy shit, he is instinctively using magic to manipulate his own molecules

But, that smirk, from what I remember his giant form wasn't exactly the most intelligent or mature

"How the fuck..."

"You can't see that can you?" I ask as his eyes are blinking rapidly switching between multiple different abilities of him

"I sort of can, I think this one might have what you call Grand Magic," He notes sending a blast towards Janempa again

I dodge multiple attacks as he forms and disassembles just as fast as he appears

I send a punch towards the back of one of his fists only for my hand to pass through his harmlessly

Damn it that's going to be annoying

I create several Ki balls and send them at very different directions as I fill up the sky with them and thankfully he does his best to avoid them but with his big size it is a bit more difficult for him as some of them explode on contact however the damage is almost instantly healed

"FUCK THIS," Screams out Connor as he quickly rushes through Janempas chest easily

"We can't be wasting..."

"YOU IDIOT DID YOU FORGET?" I shout at him as Janempa quickly transforms

"Oh, fucking dammit," I say looking at his transformed state

"Oh, right," Says Connor as he rubs the back of his head

Fucking teenagers

I turn towards Janemba and see that he is much different than what I saw in the movie and of course much more powerful

He is red and black and to my rather growing shock two yellow spikes come from his back and begin to form a type of armor

"Disgusting Saiyan," He says, and from his changing appearance, I now know the reason that Janempa was smirking


I shake my head

Even though I am holding back as I am still in my base form

Something in my gut tells me that I need to end this now

"Vegito," Connor calls out as I see to the side as a portal opens up

I stare at it only for a moment before someone comes through

Goku Black

"You have gotten stronger, good," He says smiling at me

"So have I," He says as a black aura surrounds him but what catches my attention is green lighting surrounding him and the 2 potara earings on his head

Something new about him that catches my attention is the scar on his cheek

A very familiar-looking scar

He has the power of a Legendary Super Saiyan


Sorry, I meant that the chapters released today on patreon will be longer, sorry about that. But, don't worry they will soon be released here in webnovel too

9 chapters ahead in patreon

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