The Story Of The Destroyer Part 2 Chp 91




" weapon allowed me to begin my genocide of the gods and let me tell you, it was...difficult, even for the level that I was at, my sword despite being so damn strong, I was only barely able to wield it," Says Percy continuing on

"So, I got my hands on 3 Golden Apples from the garden of the Hesperides, 3 Golden Apples of Idunn, and 3 peaches of immortality, and I ate them all," He says as he remembers the entire affair in vivid detail

"The gods, oh where they different than I thought they were," Says Percy looking at his hands

"I thought, I had a good grasp on their existence but I was so wrong, when I obtained the Knowledge of the Runes, I got a glimpse into what they really were,"

"Evil," Says Percy a dark look on his face

Vegito and Connor glance at each other and both of them sigh at the same time

"I am not just saying it from a human point of view, but also that of a godly one. To be honest, I am not ashamed that I 'killed' the gods that I did, no, in fact I am proud of killing them, I did spare some not a lot but some,"

"What did they do for you to define them as 'evil'?" Asks Connor

"What didn't they do? is the better question. They did horrific acts towards humanity and during my travels through different realities, I found that what should have been 2008 was in actuality the year 82,392, although in my world it was just a huge difference in time," Percy reveals and both Connor and Vegito stare at Percy as if he had grown another head

"They kept on wiping humanity out for sheer amusement, over and over again, until the Biblical God had enough and practically forced them to retreat into their homes and he repaired the damage that they had caused, which is rather funny in a way, not that I understand why they were all surprised," Comments Percy chuckling a bit

"About what?" Asks Vegito

"The Biblical God, once he practically kicked the idiots out of the mortal realm for a while. He made Eden and then made Adam, the first true man and you know the rest. But, the reason that they were surprised was that they weren't aware of his existence at all. He kept to himself and once he forced them out, he showed himself and established his dominance over them all," Percy reveals

"But, enough about that, going back to my past. After I obtained the different forms of immortality, I began to learn how to use the power from my blade, it was difficult managing so many different powers," 

"Let me recap here..." Vegito begins while thinking back to what Percy said about his blade having been made from the essence of multiple gods

"Breath Of Ymir, I am going to say ice, forged by Surtur and imbued with his fire, power of sunlight, from that Aztec god, and power of the moon and time from the Khoshu, yeah, I can imagine," Says Vegito rather impressed

"Yeah, after some time I decided to use the powers of my blade to enhance the power of my runes, as it would take too long for me to individually master them all at once," Says Percy seriously before a wide smile appears as he takes in Vegito's words

"Once I was confident enough on my abilities, I set off to fight Apophis, The Serpent Of Chaos," He says as the smile disappears

"I will admit, it was stupid incredibly so, but I had to do it," Percy says quickly as Connor looks at Percy with wide eyes

"You are an idiot,"

"Yup, fighting that damn serpent was difficult if not the hardest thing I have ever done. I fought it with all I had, and I barely managed to scratch it in the beginning until I remembered one small detail, the place he lives is called the Sea Of Chaos," Says Percy grinning with a bit of madness in his eyes before he shakes his head

"Sorry about that, once I remembered that little tidbit. I began trying to control it myself,which didn't seem to do much, but what I gained was invaluable,"

"My powers over the Sea increased as my body began to take in more and more power, I was soon able to fight Apophis to a standstill, and when the opportunity arose, I stabbed it where I guessed his heart was and cut it out. 'Killing' Apophis, with the heart in my possession, I then began to use very scrap on knowledge of the runs to complete the next part of my plan..."

"I have a feeling you did something very stupid," Comments Vegito rubbing his forehead as Percy rubs the back of his neck

"I fused the Heart Of Apophis with my own," 

"There it is," Whispers Connor

"Ok, I will admit, not my best idea," Says Percy rubbing his chest

"What I didn't know was the sheer level of power I would get, I know that I managed to fight Apophis off, and quite frankly, I was lucky, incredibly so to have survived him. But, with his heart and my connection to the sea something unexpected happened,"

"Somehow, a sea inside of my existence began to take form,"

"This sea gave me a very powerful ability that made sure that I would have very few equals, I gained the ability to obtain domains by studying deities and gaining insights on their domains," Says Percy dropping the gigantic bombshell

"Wow," Say both Vegito and Connor after a bit

"Yeah, not only that but if I were to drop a deity inside my inner sea, it would record the information of when they used their domain and what they did with it, allowing me to learn ever more and increase my own power at an incredible pace,"

"One thing I should mention is that the Heart Of Apophis acts as a perpetual motion generator, although this is one of its lesser abilities but one that is integral to my continued rise to power,"

"After some time as I began my genocide against the gods, I found myself becoming full, bloated, I should say. The sheer amount of power that I was taking in was taking a toll on my heart and I needed to rest and allow my body to practically marinate in the accumulated power. This issue was resolved by me taking in everything and my heart generating the energy necessary to deal with such changes,"

"Then I ran into him. The devil," Says Percy almost spitting out blood from the sheer expression on his face

"Seriously," Says Vegito concern intertwined with exasperation 

"The fucking coward wouldn't come to me directly, no, he began to massacre people in an attempt to get me to join him," Says Percy before chuckling darkly

"So, I revealed the truth about him,"

"Truth?" Asks Connor

"He was practically powerless, if not outright completely and utterly useless in front of anyone with human blood or human origins thanks to the Biblical God's punishment for him,"

"I have a feeling you did something stupid,"

"From what I had heard was that the devil had generals powerful enough that the weakest one could have destroyed the mortal world if no one interfered in less than a day,"

"I was powerful enough back then to fight some of the weaker ones, so I went to hell and began to rampage there as well, slaughtering demons by the thousands, no millions at a time,"

"Soon enough, I began to grow in power, skill, and wisdom, that when I reached the final general, he was nothing compared to me. I had destroyed hell itself in order to fight the devil himself, only be left disappointed as he tried to crawl away from," 

"How exactly was he weak than? From what I know in our original worlds, he is usually depicted as incredibly strong, strong enough to force the demon under his command?" Asks Connor

"He made use of his greatest skill, deception. He wasn't exactly weak, but if I had to put into perspective he was just as weak as a demonic imp," Says Percy chuckling at that

"He made quite a show that I almost believed it myself, however, stuff like that is easily seen by my eyes,"

"I tortured him, flayed his skin off, performed a blood eagle, ripped off his arms and legs slowly before I slowly ripped away his wings and forced him to eat them,"

"Oh, how he cried like a little bitch," Says Percy laughing out loud

"Finally, I ripped off his tongue and grabbed his spear and shoved it up his ass, then I ripped hell apart to create a new layer where I imprisoned him,"

"Wait let me get this straight, you..." Says Vegito after a bit of processing what Percy did to the devil

"...went to hell, because the devil pissed you off, so you rampaged in hell that you killed every demon..."

"Nearly every demon, what is left is nothing but trash,"

"Nearly every demon, then you tortured the devil and then cut out a new layer of hell to imprison him, then you did what exactly?" Asks Vegito rather used to the stuff Percy got up to at this point

"Then, I just continued killing gods, getting stronger until only the 'good' gods remained, after that, I begged the Biblical God to set me free from the chains that used to bind my existence in that reality and I learned to travel to different realties, and thanks to the Heart Of Apophis, I was able to take in several new powers into myself completely alien in the Riordanverse," Says Percy with a smug smile causing Vegito and Connor to look at one another for a moment



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