"Why did you let yourself be weakened to such an extent to power a suicidal move," I say to Goku Black as I grab him by the hair causing him to growl at me and his power to rise but without his tail, I put a stop to that easily by slapping him in the face

"I...didn't," He grunts out to which I force him to look at me and he does so

"They forced you too?" I ask incredulously before turning to Percy

"What did you do to him?" I ask Percy seriously remembering the golden bird that came out of Goku Black which I know is Toki-toki as Chronoa told me that Black absorbed him

"This little fella," he says while feeding some strips of meat to the golden owl-looking bird

"He was forcefully absorbed by Black, and although, he could draw on enough of his power through sheer will, he wasn't able to completely put it under his control. Also, I helped this little guy out through my own powers over time," He explains a bit before turning to look at me

"Once I began to help Black had to focus on the attack on his mind and soul from me and your own physical attacks. Once he was out the extraction tired him out, thankfully," He says as Toki-toki comes over to rest on my shoulder to at Black with a look of anger and disgust before looking at me for a bit, and when we lock eyes with one another, I can feel him searching my soul for something which I immediately block

"It's okay, he wants to make sure, we are worthy of the gifts he wants to give us in return for saving him and...apparently also taking care of Chronoa," He says while looking at the bird

I decide to trust Percy a bit more and allow Toki-toki to search what he wants further

After, a few minutes go by he goes over to Connor while I turn back to Black

Who is bleeding out due to his missing limbs and is almost dead

"Well, at least this way, I get stronger," I say practically saying fuck it and quickly turn Goku Black into chocolate

"You are really going to do that?" Asks Percy looking a bit confused 

"Yup," I say before eating the candy Goku Black

Just in time for me to lose my first charge of Ultra Instinct leaving heavily disoriented

"Woah," Says Percy as he grabs me by the arm pits to slowly help me sit down as I feel my body cramp all over and I let out a painful groan as even my soul feels the repercussions of using it

I trained to at least prepare my body for Ultra Instinct, but right now I feel horrible

I want to punch my past self for even thinking about this

I feel like my heart is about to rip open

Even as I heal myself using a secondary mark that I created in case of emergencies, I just know that I will have to rest for at least 2 weeks

My immortality seems to be doing its best to keep up with this, even my Majin healing can only do so much

I gasp as I slowly start to receive Goku Black memories from the drain and go into my mindscape for a moment to see him encased in a cocoon similar to the one Broly is as both are being slowly absorbed and assimilated

With my skill, I quickly isolate Black's memories to review at a later time

"THAT'S NOT FAIR," I hear Connor scream out as I come out of my mindscape to see Connor nearly in tears

I turn to see Toki-toki with a disturbed look on his face, while Percy seems to be incredibly disappointed in Connor

"You don't understand..." He begins but I cut him off

"What's going on?" I ask Percy

"Connor is a fucking pervert,"

"Well, that didn't take long," I say

"Look, I was desperate..."

"Phrasing," I whisper

"Ok, I was in a really bad position, I had to do it,"

"Sleeping around like a manwhore, no not even that, your a manslut, plain and simple," Says Percy deadpanning at Connor who seems to take critical damage from that

Percy turns to me as Toki-toki seems to take a look of intense concentration as energy forms around him and soon it begins to take some rather interesting shapes

After a bit the energy forms into 2 eggs

One goes to Percy and one goes to me

"What the..." I say

"They are eggs that will hatch birds like Toki-toki here, and he is entrusting, and rewarding us with them," Explains Percy while we turn back to look at Connor who is slumped down on the ground

Toki-toki rolls his eyes at Connor before concentrating again and sending a blast of energy towards Connor which sinks into him and I can immediately feel what he just did

"You gave Connor the ability to use Ki?" I ask the dumb bird who seems rather smug 

Percy begins to laugh as Connor cheers and smiles happily

I stare at Toki-toki for a bit before I feel Percy form a telepathic connection which I link myself into

("He gave him the ability to use Ki...")

("Yes, I got that...")

("But, he made it so that his Ki doesn't actually scale of his accumulated energy, at not yet. He is starting right from the bottom of the barrel if he wants to use it,") Says Percy through our link as I begin to laugh

"Guys, why are you laughing?" Asks Connor looking at us as we continue to laugh

He stares at us for a bit before focusing and I can tell he is trying to form a Ki ball

"Wait, why can't," He says looking at Toki-toki

"That's not fair, THAT'S NOT FAIR," he screams out as I laugh even harder

"Oh, this is a good day," I say laughing while Connor blasts me with his heat vision which I barely even feel as I roll around laughing in pain from the aftershock of Ultra Instinct

"WHY?" Screams Connor who looks so disappointed

"I worked just as hard as training my original powers before, why do I have to start so low with Ki?" He asks as I stop laughing for a moment

"Connor, Ki will increase your base strength a lot. At least this way, I can teach you how to use it," I say smiling evilly

"Motherfucker, if you are not neutral during the training I will see to it personally that you never get a Kryptonian body to absorb," He threatens me which makes me stop smiling as I narrow my eyes at him before I sigh knowing that my plan to beat him...I mean set him straight...I mean teach him to go down the drain

"Anyway, I promise, I will do my best," I tell Toki-toki using Ki telekinesis to grab hold of the egg

Information quickly enters my mind and I begin to feed it some God Ki slowly as the information on how to take care of it is given to me by Toki-toki

It will take a while for it to hatch...


9 chapters ahead in Patreon

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