Temporal Differneces Chp 99


"No survivors huh," I say to myself as I walk through the ruins of the Time Nest after Chronoa brought me here

I burn the corpses to ashes as I see the horrors that were brought upon them

Letting out a sigh, I spread my senses as far as I can

Which admittedly isn't much

"Huh," I let out as I feel several very weak powerful and I rush over to see a patch of dirt and I roll my eyes as I can tell that they are Saibamen

I go back to the center of the Time Nest and wait for Chronoa to retrieve some of the scrolls she said would be of interest to me

After an hour or so of waiting she finally comes back and looks around for a bit seeing that I have burn the bodies to ashes and looks at me gratefully as the corpses were to decayed to be able to bury them properly

"Thank you, I mean it," She says passing me a box filled with scrolls

"What exactly are they? You never said what was in them," I say to her while grabbing a hold of one

"Timelines that were blocked personally by Lord Zeno," She says as this throws me out of the loop

"Blocked, not erased," I ask her furrowing my brow as I look at the scrolls

There are at least 11 of them

"Yup, Zeno quite covets these timelines as he believes that they may hold pieces to of evidence that may lead to Zalama's location or his resting place. But, these timelines are really unstable," She says as she grabs 2 of them and runs some magic into them and 2 projections come into view

"Lord Zeno is unable to erase these timelines due to the numerous vast differences between them," She says as I watch a version of Kid Goku being found and raised by Kami and the other of Majin Buu being awakened at the same time that Cell is hosting his tournament

"Stuff like this is very noticeable but there are other differences as well," She says as I see the timeline where Kami raised Goku comes into contact with Bulma

They are slightly older as they fall in love and have 2 children by the time Raditz arrives

In the timeline where Majin Buu was awakened during the Cell games, Goku was the one who pulled out the Z-sword, released Elder Kai, got his potential unlocked, and destroyed both Cell and Majin Buu

Some of the events spiral out of control as the Kami-raised Goku somehow manages to get the very minuscule, pathetic amount of God Ki granted to the guardians of planets and it to grow into full-blown God Ki becoming a Super Saiyan God during his voyage to Planet Namek

The second one has three children in total, Gohan, Goten, and Naida

Their younger sister 

"These are the tamer ones," Says Chronoa as she places the scrolls back into the box and brings out another one, and this time I watch as this version of Goku through a lot of events, someway, somehow, managed to turn into a Super Saiyan 4, when he was a kid

In his actual childhood

He obtained Super Saiyan when Krillin was killed, then the next time he turned into a Great Ape, he turned into a Golden one, and through some more bullshit achieved Super Saiyan 4

Most surprising of all

He took both Chi-chi AND Bulma as his wives

"Yup, stuff like that,"

"Ok, its nice that there are multiple ones where Goku was so strong to defend the planet, but will that help me?" I ask to which she rolls her eyes

"Zeno believes that somewhere within these timelines, he can find some of Zalama's stuff," She says

"You can use your staff to locate them before Zeno does," She says

"Why are you helping me against him?" I ask her curiously to which she smiles

"You saved me and showed me a reality far beyond the reach of Zeno. Hopefully, he won't ever find me or attempt to recreate me as that would bothersome," She explains

"Also, Zeno is obsessed with learning Zalama's knowledge, even a whisper of Zalama's name is enough for him to order every being under him to bring you to him. If he learns that you have been outside his area of influence, he will begin to connect the dots and form his own conclusions," She says warning me

"Can't exactly avoid him now," I tell her as she nods grimly at me

She knows about my deal with Whis and Vados and how I agreed to participate in a tournament between universes

"About that, who will you have on your team?" She asks

"Vomi, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, and quite possibly Vegeta," I answer her 

"You are going back to the Time Chamber aren't you?" She asks to sigh

"No, I have spent 3 decades in that place, I am not staying another damn minute in it," I tell her as I am sick of the Time Chamber

"Maybe, I can make one and make it slightly more bearable," She offers twirling her fingers a bit

"I-you, I would appreciate it," I tell her honestly and the smile she shows me makes my heart skip a bit

"How is it going with that transformation of yours?" She asks changing the subject

"I am making progress, but I will need some time to figure out myself," I tell her as we sit down

"How's it going with the egg?" She asks and I look down at my hand holding the egg

"I am still feeding it, God Ki, I have no idea when it will hatch," I say pouring in some more God Ki into it

"Please be careful, making such a creature your familiar will have benefits sure, but don't rely on them all the time. If you want, I can teach you temporal magics," She offers me

"I appreciate the offer and accept it, but not at the moment, I am full of stuff I still need to do, and adding something as complicated as temporal magic will divide my focus even more, perhaps once I obtain Grand Magic," I say smiling at her

"It's okay, I need to scour the scrolls to see if anyone is stuck in another timeline and hopefully begin to rebuild the time nest," She says sighing 

"Good luck, I may not be able to help you much in terms of dealing with temporal anomalies, but I can at least provide some support,"

"Thank you Vegito, that means a lot,"

"By the way, what happened to your Servant Artoria?" She asks me and I smile as I think about the way she threw herself into getting stronger once she became a type of demi-servant

"She is doing fine, in fact, she is thriving and..." I am interrupted as I get a message from Vomi saying they finished one of the projects and wants to see it soon

"Well, I guess this is where I leave..." I stop as I feel a pair of lips touch my cheek and then I see Chronoa running away leaving me shocked...




9 chapters ahead in Patreon

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