First Divine Act Chp 105



"You are all going to improve by yourselves for a bit," I say to Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo as they stand in front of me

Well...on the ground to be more precise

All of them were beaten to a bloody pulp

I didn't even touch them at all

They beat each other up while trying to fight me

I resist the urge to shake my head at them while I turn to the side and watch Vomi looking for some information on a tablet while Towa who is next to her does the same

"Where will we be going?" Asks Piccolo getting up while I begin to heal the three of them

"You Piccolo will be going back to Namek, also take this," I say while giving him a lot of notes that I made on Zalama's findings and made sure to remove any mention of Zalama or a link to him so that Piccolo would think that I found this out on my own

"These will help you, but don't depend on them,"

"Goku, you will be going to Yardrat, learn everything you can from them since you only ever mastered Instant Transmission, and take the opportunity to grow on your own," I tell him while he nods at me as his jaw is still recovering

"Gohan, you will be going to a dimension prepared by Chronoa where you will be learning from an old friend of hers, who will be able to help you reach most of your potential," I tell him while he looks confused a bit but I just send him a small smirk and he nods at me

"Oh yeah, you did mention last time that I should go to them and finish up my training with them. Huh, probably should have gone to them earlier," Says Goku rubbing his jaw a bit as he lets out a wince as a loud crack is heard

"You...whatever," I say in a defeated tone looking at Goku but I shake it off and open a portal to Namek for Piccolo while Goku uses Instant Transmission to go back to Yardrat

Turning to Gohan, I pass a slip of paper and motion for him to rip it apart and he disappears in a flash of light to the newly rebuilt time nest where he will go to a special version of a Hyperbolic Time Chamber filled with numerous environments for training and adjusting people to different planets

"You know, I am still confused why you wanted a sword of all things," Says Vomi approaching me as a droid delivers what I ordered to be made

A simple, pure Nth Metal longsword

"A sword is a powerful tools even more for those who can do what I can," I tell Vomi with a smile

Connor discovered this little thing about Nth Metal, True Pure Nth Metal

Once it bonds with someone, nothing, and I mean nothing

To my knowledge at least

Can sever the connection between it and its owner

Even Connor when we were in the Singularities, could still feel the connection to the Nth Metal from a whole other reality

There is a huge difference between Connor, Percy, and I

Connor struggled, to the point that he had to make alterations to an entire timeline to save himself once and finally be able to grow in power in peace for once

Percy struggled too, but the end result gave him power that surpasses even mine due to its conceptual nature and sheer levels of bullshit that he did

But, there is something that I have them both beat

Sheer potential

From what I learned from Chronoa is that even a mortal can become strong enough to destroy entire universes

I passed that threshold a long time ago and I am not mortal anymore


I teleport over to the dimension that I own

Thousands of magic circles appear in the sky as flames light up on the ground as they begin to move in certain motions

Burning a gigantic magic circle into the ground

I begin to speak in a language that shakes reality itself

The Language Of Reality

If I were to empower this simple blade into my masterpiece, I could spare no expense

Soon, hundreds of different items made out of pure Nth Metal that I prepared beforehand appear over the horizon as I begin to force them into the longsword

Blood begins to appear on my palms as I spread my arms and I watch the drops go over to the longsword

As the Nth Metal merges with itself a black substance begins to spill out and drop into the ground as it begins to slowly restore the burnt ground

The golden hue of the blade itself begins to turn into a silver color

I feel the sheer power of my God Ki begin to boil through my body through this act of a divine being

Soon enough the silver color begins to turn white as a few more drops of the black substance drop to the ground

A shockwave of power comes from the now-white blade as it glows with the power of creation itself

Tenth Metal

Finally, I have made my own

I take in a deep breath as I am still not done as the blade itself will soon begin to turn back into Nth Metal as it becomes dirtied

I begin to chant again as reality quakes at the sound of my voice

Some blood spurts out from my mouth in small quantities

Then over a million magic circles surround the blade and pass it in the middle of them as the blade is enchanted

Truly enchanted

Layer by layer

Its durability is increased, magically sharpened, and so much more

Right in the middle of the gigantic magic circle the drops of my blood swirl in the middle as the white blade passes through it

I look down as I sacrifice something that has allowed me to reach such a point but right now

The immortality that I wished for a long time ago

Soon a golden ball of energy leaves me and rushes towards the blade as my blood touches and a resounding ding sound is heard as a massive flash of white happens for less than a second

I fall to my knees feeling utterly drained

Then...I feel it

I smile as I feel my connection to my blade and a familiar feeling comes over to me as I raise my right arm

My blade seems to teleport but in reality, it only moved so fast that it only looked like it teleported

As I grasp it, power begins to surge through me as my personal divine weapon is finished

I laugh out loud like a maniac as I feel my immortality return to me through the power of my blade

I didn't sacrifice anything really

My blade is infused with my immortal power

But, it is also linked to my soul

This means that even though I 'sacrificed' my immortality to it, it didn't matter as through the blade it would be returned to me

Connor was right, I am an insane bastard


9 chapters ahead in patreon

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