Demon Realm Expedition Chp 106

(N/A: Hi guys here is the next chapter and for the people in patreon the next chapter should be released in a few hours but it will still come out later today)


"Are you ready?" Asks Chronoa looking at me while Vomi goes through my stuff to make sure I pack anything I might need

"Yes, as ready as I can ever be," I answer back

"Be careful, even as the Supreme Kai of Time, I wasn't allowed anywhere near the demon realm in any timeline, and knowing just how dangerous things can get around you. I know that something is going to happen," She says with concern written on her face

"I know if something does happen, Connor, Percy, and...Danny will be alerted and make their way to either save or avenge me," I tell her

"You know, you talking like that really makes me want to go with you," Says Vomi seriously

"I am aware of it, yes but you know..."

"Cell, yes, I have to stay behind and make sure he doesn't get into trouble,"

"Don't worry Vomi, even though, I wasn't allowed to go anywhere in the Demon Realm, I am sure, my own little project will work," Says Chronoa trying to reassure Vomi as she brings out a little trinket

"This will help me force open a portal for the first 2 levels of the demon realm but its going to be dangerous even if the portal will only allow you and Towa to come through, I don't know what abilities the demons may have,"

"Probably best not to risk, and keep it for the 1st floor to escape, the 2nd floor will be far more dangerous," Says Towa cutting into the conversation

"Right you mentioned that," Says Vomi with a frown as the info that Towa provided was invaluable

The 1st layer is mostly filled with demonic beasts

I am actually interested in these beasts

"Ready," I say while getting my pack back from Vomi and I quickly send it to a pocket dimension that I created

Towa waves her hands and a portal opens that seems to be made of a viscous black substance that seems to writhing around

"Come on," Says Towa as she goes through the portal and I give a goodbye kiss to Towa and Chronoa and walk through the portal in disgust as I feel the liquid touch me

That is definitely disgusting

"Woah," I say as a gigantic crab-like creature almost steps on me as I go through

Flying a bit away from it, I look around and try to sense Towa's power

I sense her on the ground and I see her, I see an indent on the ground as she got buried under the weight of the crab creature and I laugh out loud

"HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," I keep laughing at her even as she blasts through the ground and I point at her while laughing earnestly

"STOP LAUGHING," She screams out clearly embarrassed 

"I am sorry," I say while chuckling while holding my sides

How long has it been since I laughed out loud like that

"It was just so..." I stop as I turn around and stare at a group of creatures that while they don't seem really powerful their sheer presence gives out the impression

"Don't worry, I know what they are and they won't bother us as long as we don't get too close, also your Ki remember," She reminds me and I nod as I lower my Ki as low as I can get it

I have God Ki, I am sure that will be a beacon to anyone who hates...

"What the..." I say as with my senses I finally realize something rather serious

The demon realm... feels...cut off from the rest of the reality of Dragon Ball

"What's wrong?"Asks Towa as I go back to the ground

"The demon is nearly cut off from reality itself," I tell her as I stop sensing around as I get the feel for some truly interesting energies some even stronger than I thought they would be, and if I wasn't so powerful at this point, they would have posed a serious danger, yet...I can feel something watching me already, no, not something someone

"Someone is watching us," I say out loud for 2 reasons

To let Towa know and also to tell the one who is watching us to know that I am onto him


But, clever won't help in this situation

("Come on, follow me") Says Towa establishing a telepathic link between us temporarily

("How long?") I ask her

("Not too long actually") She responds a bit hesitant to have me go with her

A few seconds of flying at our level of speed meant we traveled solar systems in terms of distance across the first layer of this realm

("We are here") She says flying down back to what she said was one of her older labs that should still be secured

Flying down with her, we land near a hill that is much taller than any mountain that I have ever seen on Earth, she runs her hand through some part of some rocks and a part of a rock opens and Towa motions me to follow her and I do so

After entering I see that it is only one room

("One of your earliest,") I comment looking around at clearly old equipment and I take notice that it is all in stasis

("Yes, we shouldn't be here for too long, I need to get some of my old notes plus some things of value. This place was an old lab of mine, one of the oldest. After, I sort of just turned it into storage when I didn't know anything about spatial manipulation,") She says to me through the link

("I am going to prepare for the battles ahead") I tell her as I bring out some magically altered paper and begin drawing ward circles on them to give us some privacy when we may need it after all, I can still sense someone watching us

I make the wards as secretly as I can and place a few around and thankfully, the feeling is muted as I let out a smirk at that

Whoever was watching us, may not have as much experience with stuff like this

But, I am not letting my guard down

("Done, let's go to the second layer,") Says Towa as we go out and as we do she very quickly turns around and blasts the mountain into nothing

("Now let's go...oh come one really,") Says Towa as we watch a portal open up

("Of course, it's that bitch,") Says Towa through our link as I watch a female demon and I raise an eyebrow at the familiar feeling

(Of fucking course it would be the demon realm) I rub my forehead as I think about

Honestly, it was way too fucking obvious

Well, at least I won't need to bother much with trying to find the rest of the Evil Dragon Balls as the woman who came through the portal has one in the middle of her chest while still under control of herself

Well, that might be giving her too much credit as she practically radiates bloodlust as she looks at Towa

"It's been awhile..." She stops as Towa sends a Ki blast at her face but she dodges just in time


9 chapters ahead in patreon

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