Last Resort Chp 117


"I am curious about how you are able to recover from my attacks. I have slaughtered thousands of Majins, yet once I destroyed a part of them, it never came back," He says curiously

"Oh, how I am going to enjoy finding out," He says and I try to dodge some of his attacks but it's nearly useless as I am only able to dodge around 1 in 30 attacks 

Parts of my body are destroyed before my immortality and Majin regeneration heal me

But something is wrong

My healing is slowing down

I am punched in the face which makes my skull cave into itself as I am momentarily blind

I then feel Frieza's fingers dig into my chest through the bio armor and rip away part of my ribcage and I can sort of feel the cold air hitting my organs

I use magic on top of everything to heal myself in moments

However, something else catches my attention

My Zenkai... it's not working

In fact, I feel even weaker than I was before a moment

Kaio-ken times 120

Once I increase the multiplier, I am finally able to counter Frieza at a more even level

We clash again only that this time, I finally see Frieza with a serious look on his face

A familiar aura appears from him as I blast him in an attempt to get away only for my energy blast to be 'destroyed' by the aura surrounding him now

His moves...I know his moves

They are what Whis and Vados tried to teach me which I dropped in favor of Ultra Instinct

I frown as the realization hits

An angel trained this version of Frieza, there is no doubt about it

If he was trained by one, then...

I dodge his hand as he attempts to grab me

His aura disappears before it is replaced by a golden one

Sure enough, he transforms into his Golden Form except the purple parts of his body are a crimson-red color and he has horns on his head

I quickly use my magic to send Towa into my soul dimension, activate my Mark and use my rage to further empower me

Sure, enough, he disappears from view and I feel an incredible amount of force break my neck from the back as my body begins to turn into motes of light

However, I use my final trump card

Ultra Instinct, I still have 2 charges left

I let its power flow into me and my body quickly turns around I watch Frieza's eyes widen as with the immense power of Ultra Instinct, I fold him in half as I recover

Practically bending him in half as his bones let out sickening cracks

I don't stop there as I begin to wail at him and I just know that in the state that I am in right now, I am going to be out of commission for quite a while once Ultra Instinct leaves me

What surprises me is that Frieza begins to dodge a very small number of my attacks

I continue to wail at him

I feel my hands hit his body, breaking bones, and I can hear his bones piercing his own flesh as I break them

Soon enough, I am left with a mass of flesh floating in the air which I prepare to blast to nothing, only to see an arm form out of it and blast me instead

I parry the blast away as Frieza reforms out of the mass of flesh

"Oh my, I don't remember the last time, I was turned into a mass like this," He says

"Ultra Instinct huh, well good thing, I am Immortal. Otherwise, I would have no clue as to what to do with you, but I guess all good things must come to an end," He says as his golden color switches to an obsidian black color and he slams into me with such speed that I am barely able to avoid most of the attack

As I am hit, I can feel it properly this time

My power takes a massive drop as I finally get what he is doing

Conceptual Destruction

He is destroying my power whenever he touches me and vice-versa, even with my Legendary side doing its best to keep up, I am unable to do much about it as such an attack can only be healed by my immortality

I have nothing left


I bring out my sword and the power boost that it gives me makes Frieza stop dead in his tracks

"What... is that blade?" He asks mesmerized by it as the power of my sword is incredible

Once more my power surpasses my previous level 

I rush at him and he creates two energy blades on his hands using the [Destruction Authority] as we begin to slash and parry one another, but this time, I have the advantage

My sword cuts right through his arms as I will my blade to nullify whatever is keeping Frieza alive and whatever is healing him

Through my will running through my blade, I know exactly what I just nullified

His immortality

It won't last long as I know that he is immortal in 2 ways

First, the realm itself is keeping him alive, while the power of the wish that he made to Porunga made him immortal

Something I don't expect is to know exactly how he managed to make his wish

Goku never arrived at Namek as he was unable to alter the course of his ship and was instead burned alive by the star by a malfunction, causing Frieza who already had the Namekian Dragon Balls, to torture whatever was left of the Namekians until a child was tortured and made the wishes for Frieza

He wished for immortality, the second he wished for as much knowledge of Ki as Porunga was able to give him, while his third wish, was for him to be empowered through every conceivable method that Porunga was able to do

This means that not only was his potential unlocked but also his body was altered right down to the genetic level to be even stronger than ever before

Even going so far as to be reinforced by magic

But, even then it still doesn't seem to have been enough as my blade finally cuts him in half and I begin to slice him into even smaller pieces while I smile vindictively 

His cut-off expression makes it all worth it, except that my attention is then drawn in by a portal appearing and taking all of his pieces away while I then release my strongest energy attack and channel through my sword and I manage to prevent his body from being taken 

Soon enough, I feel a pressure pull me down towards the ground of this realm 

I smile as I can feel that the Demon is absolutely pissed off at me

The portal closes as I can hear a growl as I dismiss my sword back into my soul dimension and wait lying down for Ultra Instinct to disappear

Once it does, I feel the tremors going through my body

I twitch in pain as liquid agony fills my veins as I am forced to use magic to make myself pass out as it's too much as I hear my muscles and skin tear from the aftershocks of it...


9 chapters ahead in Patreon

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