New transformation

It was another day at Vill-City Junior High School where everything was going well. The kids were all having fun playing games and doing school activities together. Peter and Debbie hung out like a couple. While they were enjoying their time, evil lurked in the shadows right beneath Vill-City Super Jail. The jail was under attack by super villains who came to free one of their own - Tetraman, who had been imprisoned by Ultra AI. Techno Witch introduced herself to Tetraman and laid out a proposition to him. She was accompanied by her two accomplices, Tekno Boy and the Hacker, who got rid of the security and hacked into the super jail to free Tetraman.

Techno Witch said, "You and I have something in common. We both want to make the world a better place and have a place for ourselves in it. But society and the world think we are freaks, blinded by their greed and ignorance. With you on our team, we can certainly use a stronger man who's out of this world. You'll have your revenge and taste for the one who had done this to us all - ULTRA AI," they both said at once.

Tetraman was freed from imprisonment, and his eyes glowed like a burning bright star in anger as he took off into the sky and disappeared.

Meanwhile, at Lyrecius Corp, Mr. Lyrecius was informed of the robbery of his company and the stolen tech that he had planned to use. He was left devastated as the security tape was shown to him. "Sir, the humanoid android has been stolen alongside the Xentorium Fragment Core," said a security guard. "But we managed to get some footage from the security backup camera after the previous footage was heavily damaged and erased from our systems. Luckily, we were able to recover a few, just as you suspected, sir."

"Henry Monroe!" Lyrecius whispered. "Find him and bring back what was stolen from me!!!" he yelled at his security guards, who prepared themselves to capture Dr. Henry Monroe and recover the stolen tech.

Then, Mr. Lyrecius's assistant came to inform him of his departure to Haiti and some other countries he had made arrangements with. He took off in his expensive private jet, which was designed by his esteemed organization specifically for him alone.

Meanwhile, at Vill-City Junior High School, everything seemed to be going well. However, in Vill-City, Tetraman had caused a rampage in the city to lure Ultra AI to the scene. Ultra AI alerted Peter about the release and destruction caused by Tetraman in the city. Peter left a clone of himself at school and suited up for battle.

The city was in chaos, and buildings were destroyed as Tetraman laid waste to the city, crying out for battle against Ultra AI, who suddenly showed up. Ultra AI saw the destruction caused by Tetraman in the city and asked, "Why have you done this to innocent lives? Why have you laid waste to the city?"

"To draw out the main course, of course," replied Tetraman with rage in his eyes. He shot his tetra beam toward Ultra AI, who shielded himself against it. Tetraman charged at full speed against Ultra AI and punched him with full force, sending him flying at incredible speed into Earth's atmosphere. Ultra AI was caught and thrown down to earth, shattering his surroundings.

"I need to avoid more destruction in the city," Ultra AI said to himself. "Ultra AI, give me status on collateral damage," Peter McCoy asked his suit, which informed him of the massive damage caused by Tetraman.

"That doesn't sound good," Peter McCoy said when Tetraman came charging with a super landing kick at Ultra AI, who sent him flying backwards with a repulsive blast from his left hand. A powerful blast was enough to send Tetraman flying uncontrollably until he crash-landed out of the city, where no harm would be caused to the people. Ultra AI used its propulsive systems and thrusters to get to where Tetraman was.

During their battle, Techno Witch and her minions monitored their fight. Seeing that Tetraman held his ground, they thought it best for him to finish off Ultra AI once and for all. Their battle continued in deserted wasteland surroundings.

Tetraman noticed the similarities of his surroundings and had a flashback of being here with Ultra AI on their first encounter.

"Here again. I see you've chosen this place to be your final resting ground," said Tetraman. "And this time, I'll be Earth's mightiest hero. But fear not, Ultra AI. You'll be remembered as a monument statue will be built in your honor. Your death will be swift this time."

They fought for many hours as their strategic grounds were destroyed and their surroundings were devastated. Neither of them was holding back in strength. A single punch from Tetraman alone could level tons of mountains with ease. A single scream from Tetraman, known as the Tetra scream or the Tetronian scream, was loud enough to shatter Ultra AI's armor. It was so powerful that it caused the world to tremble tremendously. On Earth, it cracked the moon and shook the sun, letting out its fallen particles.

Techno Witch was able to shield herself with her magic from the Tetronian scream as it also affected the Super Twins and everyone in the city. Such a loud scream caused Ultra AI to glitch and caused system interruptions in his suit. With the ongoing scream, Ultra AI was forced to release a powerful omega blast infused with Xentorium core energy aimed at Tetraman, which also damaged his suit.

Tetraman was silent for a while after being hit with such a powerful blast he had never felt before. It caused him to bleed out severely, something he had barely experienced in his lifetime. He was surprised to see his Tetra suit damaged. His eyes exploded wide open and with a loud raging scream of "No!", he shook their very battleground as he unleashed a powerful Tetra beam at Ultra AI. The beam vaporized his suit completely, but he was able to turn invisible to keep his identity a secret from Tetraman.

Tetraman looked around for Ultra AI as he couldn't find him, except for his nano vaporized suit. "I should congratulate you, Ultra AI," said Tetraman, who could sense Ultra AI but was unable to see him. He knew Ultra AI wasn't down for good as he could hear his heartbeat. "No one has ever pushed me this far. You damaged my suit beyond repair. Your firepower is the most impressive thing I've ever experienced, even more powerful than Tetrenium. I know you're still here. I can sense you, hear your pathetic scared little heartbeat," Tetraman gave a deadly smirk.

"You know, I might not kill you after all because if I do, there won't be any more of a challenge for me in this pathetic world. I've visited and conquered universes beyond worlds just for fun, but none have given me such a formidable battle except for one in the entire Maniverse, not the Curtechyians. But you're something else in this universe."

Tetraman then enhanced his Tetra vision and was able to see Peter McCoy but not his face. His enhanced Tetra vision works like the infrared spectrum but is more biogenetically alienized. Tetra vision also works like Tetraman's X-ray vision but is more developed. It is capable of seeing through any known material in the universe except for the Xentorium core, which is the source avatar of the true creation. Tetra vision can also see beyond the microscopic and submicroscopic level, atomic and subatomic level, and the souls of every living organism in the Maniverse. It could also spot the life force of the Maniverse avatar but not the true source of creation. It could see past the present, past, and the future, and all timelines.

After everything was said and done, Tetraman began to battle with Peter McCoy who was without transformation. Peter was able to hold his own against Tetraman, and he pushed Tetraman with slightly less effort against a rock, shattering it completely. Peter battled Tetraman vigorously, using all of his fighting skills and martial arts techniques which he learned from the Xentorium core. As they battled, the unexpected happened when Tetraman put a hand on Peter McCoy's chest, triggering the Tetrenium which he had absorbed from Tetraman's dying world. This began to transform Peter McCoy and gave him a new suit.

After the transformation process was completed, Peter became more visible physically and could be seen in the form of Ultra AI once again but in a different look, a white transmission suit known as Ultra White. A repulsive push from the suit sent Tetraman flying from Ultra AI.

"Wow! What's this new look I'm having?" Peter asked Ultra AI.

"Ultra White," replied Ultra AI. "It's an upgrade to the two previous transformations you had. With gray transformation out of the way but also restored by me, Ultra White is capable of achieving even greater power than Ultra Pale (level one transformation) and Ultra Gray (level two transformation)."

"So this is a level three transformation?" said Peter McCoy.

"Affirmative!" replied Ultra AI. "Fused with Tetrenium."

Tetraman recovered quickly and was seen in midair by Ultra AI. His eyes were burning brighter than all the celestial heavenly bodies, and in rage, he spoke. "Fight me like a man!!!" he yelled, while unleashing a powerful tetra beam that devastated the surroundings in flames that burnt like hell.

He was stunned by what he saw in the flames which burnt fervently, he spotted Ultra AI in it in a cool state, unharmed by the damage done by the heat. Tetraman's eyes exploded wide open as he continued to increase the heat which was hotter than the sun, and every star in the multiverse had no single scratch and effect on Ultra AI.

A powerful blast from Ultra AI was shot at Tetraman, sending him crashing down. When he realized Ultra AI was above him, covered by the light, he could see the beauty of Ultra AI's transformation.

"What are you?" Tetraman asked. "How are you even alive? This is impossible. Only Tetronians could destroy Tetrenium with brute force or their abilities, but you... You're no ordinary being from this world. Yes! I see it now... You're..."

"Yes, I am," replied Ultra AI, who was ready to finish Tetraman off as he was rescued by his accomplice. Techno Witch revealed herself to our hero Ultra AI in retreat of Tetraman. There he saw Tekno Boy and the Hacker all working together as they vanished into thin air.

Later on, the L.C.A arrived at the Monroe's and were in great awe of what they had seen. They saw Dr. Henry Monroe's daughter, Becky, whole again and eating her cereal. They contacted their headquarters, and as instructed, the Lyrecius Corporation agencies were sent there to retrieve the item with force if necessary. They were prepared to obey orders given to them, even if the mission went south.

As they approached the Monroe's, they encountered another presence with the child who was a guardian to her. They put on their detecting goggles and were able to determine that the guardian of Becky was what they were looking for. They had highly advanced weapons with them, but the guardian ignored them at first, seeing that they were no threat. Suddenly, an L.C.A asked Becky to step away from the "thing" which they claimed was dangerous. Becky was unfazed by how they dressed or what they held. She only responded to them that she was her guardian and that her name was "Carbon Copy 2.0" or just "Carbon Copy".

An L.C.A came to where Becky was and took her by the hand with a strong grip, trying to take her out of harm's way. This hurt Becky's left arm, and Carbon Copy 2.0 scanned her vitals and saw that she was being threatened by the L.C.A. Carbon Copy removed the L.C.A's hand from Becky's arm peacefully at first, but he then hit Carbon Copy, who didn't react back. Becky yelled for him to stop. He gave another signal to take Becky out while the rest stood sharp for any unforeseen circumstances. A female L.C.A carried the child while she screamed for Carbon Copy to save her. Of course, this triggered Carbon Copy, and she took matters into her own hands.

She picked up a small kitchen knife and brutally murdered the one that had been hitting her. "Jesus Christ!" said one of the L.C.A. "That thing just killed Marcus." They began opening fire at Carbon Copy, who was insusceptible to their well-equipped armed firepower. She skillfully dodged a few while catching some of it. She used that same small kitchen knife to kill seven armed strong team down when they called for backups. While fighting with the rest, as the rest of the L.C.A. backups came, Becky was taken by the other female L.C.A to safety. Carbon Copy fought her way through the other agencies while battling with one. She was able to use his own touch pen, which she had snuck earlier from him after getting rid of her kitchen knife that she used on an agency that left her dead for good. She used his touch pen to pluck out his eyes and used the razor-sharp side to slit his throat.

Carbon Copy 2.0 chased after the one that had carried Becky. While all of this was happening, the Lyrecius Corp organization could see it on their monitoring devices.

"She's an extreme killing machine, an unkillable one to be precise," said a member of the L.C.A team in the organization.

Carbon Copy reached the location where Becky was taken and scanned the vehicle that took her. She had to confront the last of the L.C.A. members who had taken Becky.

"Dr. Henry Monro was a sick man to have created a child Android with such potential," said the female L.C.A. member who had carried Becky before her death.

Carbon Copy chased the vehicle closely with her incredible speed, while a drone kept track of them. They began firing at Carbon Copy, but she wasn't affected by their ammunition. When they threw a rocket launcher at her, she caught it in midair and aimed it at their vehicle. Fortunately, it was not the vehicle that held Becky, as it was a diversion to keep Carbon Copy occupied.

After the chase, Carbon Copy finally caught up to the vehicle that held Becky and was about to transport her in a helicopter. An agency member held a missile that was fired at Carbon Copy, who absorbed the flames. With incredible speed, she used the missile on the agency member who had fired it at her.

As the helicopter took off, Carbon Copy was calm, and the L.C.A. thought she had given up on the child and was unable to begin pursuit. Little did they know that where she stood, she took off with an incredible long jump, destroying the helicopter blades and propellers, causing it to crash. She held onto the helicopter, broke the door open, snapped the neck of an agency member who was close to the door, and used her laser eyes to burn off the other guard preventing Carbon Copy from reaching Becky.

Carbon Copy slammed the head of the pilot on the controls as another agency member shot at her face. The bullet bounced back and killed him instantly. She took Becky and fled, destroying the helicopter completely with her laser eyes as they flew home.

The L.C.A. headquarters monitored all of these incidents but were unable to achieve their goals.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lyrecius arrived in Haiti, where he bargained and bought a large amount of raw iridium. One ton of iridium is equivalent to $45 billion. After his negotiations with the Haitians, he went to South Africa and also struck a deal with them, gaining access to vast amounts of iridium, an extraterrestrial material found 65 million years ago when an asteroid landed on earth. This asteroid gave access to a vast amount of iridium from mountain asteroids that were heat-resistant.

When his assistant asked where they were going next, he informed them, "West Africa... Nigeria."