Show me what you've got

Location: West African Country (Nigeria)

Mr. Lyrecius made it to Lagos State after going through FCT to Abuja. In Nigeria, the people had developed greatly due to unfathomable sources of living energy, something they called a miracle that fell from the sky. The current president at the time was President Emeka Ujene. Nigeria became the most powerful nation in the world in terms of economic resources and more. They were world-leading powers with advanced technology never seen before, good jobs, roads, education, and many more.

"Nigeria seems to have developed its people," Mr. Lyrecius said to his assistant. "This once-struggling nation with bad government and war against itself has finally come to agreeable terms of peace, all thanks to the xentorium core. And their way of life and culture are still preserved in their own right."

"Yes, sir. Once a divided nation, now in harmony," replied the assistant who asked where to go next on their journey.

Mr. Lyrecius replied, "Delta State."

They arrived in Delta State, but their defenses were highly secured and fortified. Delta State is one of the richest and most blessed states in all of Africa. It is said that their advancement is beyond any other in the world. A powerful state that was mistaken to be a nation or a country due to its prosperity in expansion. Their technological advancements are known worldwide as they happened to have a cure for all diseases known to man.

Delta State had also maintained its culture and heritage and is known to be a formidable state that no one dares to trample upon. Although the slogan and meanings of Delta State had been changed by the previous governor before their advancement, which was later changed back to its original mean and slogan. Once known as "the big heart," it was changed to "the finger of God" and now retained its original form as "the big heart."

Mr. Lyrecius and his team came to Delta State's border where they were granted access into their land. They moved from their beauty embassy into the land of wonders and impossibility known as "THE BIG HEART." The governor of Delta State welcomed them as their honored guest.

They were taken into the research facilities of Delta State, where their scientists worked and experimented on other impossibilities to be made possible. They were awed by the vast wonders and knowledge of the Deltas.

"This way, Mr. Lyrecius," said a Delta female leading scientist. "As you can see, we've made a lot of progress over a short period of time and we're able to derive the possible from the impossible. What you see and everything that you see in this facility is made with Xentrenium. It is a living sentient sentinel that has no name to be precise, as its origin was traced back to an unknown universe long dead before our world."

"Fascinating!" replied Mr. Lyrecius, who happened to show the female scientist a small piece of the Xentorium core, which he called "Xentorium core."

The female scientist observed it in a glance as it also suited their materials and elements as well. Why it is called different names in almost all parts of the world, its secret is yet to be fully discovered.

She then presented a material element known as Neutronium and said, "Neutronium is a hypothetical substance composed entirely of neutrons, which are subatomic particles found in the nucleus of atoms. Because neutronium is not known to exist in a stable form outside of certain extreme environments, it is not used for any practical applications. However, the properties of neutronium have been of interest to physicists and astrophysicists for many years, as it is believed to be one of the densest materials in the universe, with a density of around 10^17 kg/m^3. Neutron stars, which are the collapsed cores of massive stars, are thought to be composed primarily of neutronium. The study of neutronium and neutron stars can provide valuable insights into fundamental physics, including the behavior of matter under extreme conditions and the nature of gravity. Additionally, research into neutron stars has practical applications in fields such as astronomy and astrophysics, where they can be used as probes to study the properties of matter and the behavior of the universe."

With all said and done, the female scientist also stated to Mr. Lyrecius that Xentrenium, also known as Xentorium core by Mr. Lyrecius, is capable of being transformed into earthly elements that are able to produce exceptional results. Not only that, it is able to take the form and shape of its desire or the desire of the wielder. She explained all kinds of Xentrenium that they had come up with.

"Liquid Xentrenite," she said, "is one of the strongest indestructible alloys so far, capable of expansion, amelioration, and deterioration against even its own properties. Liquid Xentrenite is able to adapt and reshape itself from alloy to nonmetallic alloy."

"Impressive!" Mr. Lyrecius said. "Truly, this is an outstanding research success, capable of putting ultra AI out of business."

"Pure Xentrenium," she said, "also known as Xentorium core or Xentorium core fragments, is therefore raw Xentorium core. It is the source of liquid Xentrenite. This Xentrenium is known as the pure or true Xentorium core. A tiny piece of the fragments left unattached, unbonded."

She went further in her explanation, saying, "When the core landed in Africa, it fragmented itself, scattering every element and natural resource. Luckily, we were able to sustain a particle of its shattered piece together. That's when we realized it to be pure Xentrenium with a limitless source. Over time, we developed our sources and expanded our research. It is the most powerful thing in the multiverse, beyond the horizon. Even we are yet to know its limitless potential."

"Unstable Xentorium," she said. "As its name implies, it is unstable and holds a negative attraction to pure Xentorium. My team and I were able to derive this unstable Xentorium within three weeks, as it was left alone from the rest of the core. Thus, it began to act on its own in disunity within itself. Therefore, it is the opposite of true Xentrenium. Unstable Xentorium is known as the dark core, but as I like to call it, the dark Xentorium, capable of corrupting any living and non-living organisms in the world. It is by far the deadliest among all Xentorium. But there's hope for it as well. Pure Xentorium is able to withstand anything the unstable Xentorium could produce."

"My oh my!" exclaimed Mr. Lyrecius. "Is that all it could do?" he asked.

"For now, that's all we were able to find out about the unstable Xentorium core," replied the female scientist. "These are just the commonly known types of Xentorium we could come up with. But in due time, as we learn more and develop further on it, we believe we will get to the root of its limitless potential."

During their discussion, a male scientist came to inform them about their preparation package for Mr. Lyrecius. They went further into the laboratory, where Mr. Lyrecius's packages were waiting for him. They took their packages and uploaded them into their private jet, thanking the people of Delta for their assistance before departure to Vill-City.

While on their way to Vill-City, Mr. Lyrecius received a call from his organization informing him of a disaster that had occurred, and they had failed to retrieve the package. About two and a half hours later, they returned to Lyrecius Corp. There, the entire footage was shown to Mr. Lyrecius, who was astonished by the immense power of the android.

"It is incredibly unique to think that Dr. Henry Monroe would create something like this," said Mr. Lyrecius. "We need to keep a close study on it by any means necessary before retrieval. And perhaps, once we have discovered the power of carbon copy, we will use it to dominate Ultra AI and save the world."

Meanwhile, Carbon Copy and Becky went home. Carbon Copy carried Becky, and when they arrived at their demolished home, he began to clean up the mess and make it a home to live in once again.

On the other side, the Techno Witch, who had retrieved Tetraman from the heat of battle, was enraged with Ultra AI's victory as they tended to execute their next phase in all of Vill-City.

Later, in Peter's room, he couldn't get the thoughts off his mind after seeing Tekno Boy and the Hacker working together with the Techno Witch alongside Tetraman. What could be installed for our hero with his new profound abilities?

The next day, which was a beautiful morning, an explosion occurred right under Vill-City train station, where a group of bandits were seen making their escape, alarming Peter McCoy to transform into his suit of armor to save the day once again. He flew in his level one transformation and was able to catch up to the scene just as the bandits were attempting to flee.

"Going somewhere?" asked Peter McCoy in his Ultra AI transformation suit, "besides jail?"

The bandits were shocked to see Ultra AI on such short notice and began firing at him with all their firearms, which were ineffective against him.

"Alright, boys, time to wrap it up," said Ultra AI, who flew into the sky and constructed a lifter underneath the bandit's vehicle, which lifted them high into the air. Some of them jumped out of the vehicle with parachutes, but they were caught by Ultra AI's shield, which acted as a temporary prison for them. Those who could not jump out of the vehicle due to their fear of heights remained in the vehicle.

Ultra AI informed the Vill-City police force to take care of the rest as he handed the bandits and their gang leader over to the police, returning what they had stolen to the officers before going on about his business.

Before the gang leader was taken into custody, he turned and stared at Ultra AI, informing him that "this wasn't the last of his act" before the police took him away.

Peter would visit Debbie, and they both had a fun time together. With the help of Ultra AI at his disposal, he had the entire time to be anywhere at any point in time. One would say that with the powers of Ultra AI, anyone could do the impossible.