Creation History And Races - Part 3


The human race comprises the genetic descendants of their ancestors, who were believed to have been created by various cosmic entities in the vast multiverse. Within this diverse population, we can identify three distinctive types of humans: the conscious, the unconscious, and the subconscious.

1. Conscious Humans: These individuals have awakened to a profound awareness that the human race and the universe are interconnected, existing as a shared dream and experience. They possess a deep understanding of their place in the cosmos and the significance of their actions within it.

2. Unconscious Humans: In contrast, some humans remain unaware and unawakened to the larger interconnectedness of existence. They are not conscious of their environment or the profound connection between themselves and the universe.

3. Subconscious Humans: Positioned between the conscious and unconscious states, these individuals are on a path towards enlightenment. They are becoming aware of the deeper truths and the inherent unity within the universe.

It is suggested that, in certain circumstances or under unique implications, humans may engage in mating with other species beyond their own kind. The reasons and consequences of such unions have been a subject of discussion and debate.


While the Curtechyians are not fully aware of their own origin, they do possess limited knowledge of where they came from (reference to "Family Comes First Part 2: Chapter 19"). The Curtechyians originated from a place called Domedon Doxomedon. They were the first beings entrusted with ruling, creating, and safeguarding the creations bestowed upon them. They were formed from nothingness, molded by the very forces that had created them.

Originally formless, neither beings of pure light nor matter nor darkness, the Curtechyians assumed the form of light to experience mortal bodies and crafted worlds within each of the maniverses. However, their kind became corrupted within their true home of paradise, leading to the birth of Alpha destruction and the creation of the nulliverse, which would ultimately lead to the Omega destruction (reference to Chapter 19: Family Comes First Part 2).

As a consequence of their actions, they fought against each other, and the repercussions consumed their once-peaceful paradise. A being, surpassing their own equality, emerged, gathering allies among their creations to wage war against the Curtechyians and their creations (reference to Chapter 19: Family Comes First Part 2).

Tachyon was the one who betrayed the Curtechyians and turned against their creations. However, Current, one of the Curtechyians, foresaw this betrayal and revealed the truth to her creations. To secure the future and counter Tachyon's plans, she conceived an heir and infused them with a portion of their collective resources. She entrusted her heir to the one known as Pi-minus (reference to Chapter 19: Family Comes First Part 2).

The Curtechyians were created by the powers and authorities of the Ultra Realm, being the first beings entrusted with the task of creating and ruling over all of existence. Their power is truly unfathomable, and they can only be killed by other Curtechyians or beings possessing Ultra true absolute transcendence. The Curtechyians are also responsible for the creation of the omnipotent realm and the Omni-Omnipotent realm, further highlighting their supreme abilities. They possess True Absolute Transcendence, granting them freedom from various laws and restrictions.

Here are a few of the listed abilities of the Curtechyians:

1. Path Maker - Capable of creating entirely new ways of doing things, free from the laws that would normally apply.

2. Physical Law Immunity - Varying degrees of freedom from physical laws.

3. Physics Infringement/Defiance - Varying degrees of freedom from the laws of physics.

4. Purpose Defiance - Free from their assigned purpose.

5. Self-Sufficiency - Completely independent.

6. Rule Negation/Living Anomaly/Rule Transcendence - Capable of infringing on or acting independently of some, any, or all rules.

7. Self Transcendence - Free from their own limitations, capable of transcending themselves.

8. Unbound Soul - Their soul is free from any plane of existence and its restrictions.

9. Undetermined Existence - Free from normal definitions, capable of being whatever they want to be.

10. Unfettered Body - Free from the limitations of the body.

11. Unpredictability - Free from the foresight or predictions of others (except Ultra true absolute transcendent beings of the Ultra Realm).

12. Origin Transcendence - Free even from their own origin.

13. Control Immunity - Near impossible to take away their free will.

14. Disease Immunity - Free from the effects of disease.

15. Fate Denial - Enhanced free will allows them to deny their fate and change its course.

16. Free Will Manifestation - Possess greater free will.

17. Law Immunity - Free from societal laws.

18. Self-Sustenance - Free from the need for bodily necessities.

19. Clear Mind - Free from the limitations of the mind.

20. Coincidence Immunity - Free from the effects of coincidence.

21. Endless Development - Free from limitations on development.

22. Fate Immunity - Completely free from fate.

23. Environmental Defiance - Freedom from environmental effects.

24. Embedded Existence - Their existence is independent of factors such as an existence manipulator.

25. Immutability - Nothing can affect high-end users of Freedom unless they allow it, except Ultra true absolute transcendent beings of the Ultra Realm.

26. Meta Power Immunity - Completely immune to all powers.

27. Life and Death Transcendence - Free and independent of both life and death.

28. Limit Break/Removal - Free of their own limitations and can easily surpass them.

29. Logic Infringement/Defiance - Varying degrees of freedom from logic.

30. Science-Magic Ascendancy - Free from all laws of science and magic.

31. Selective Invulnerability/Flawless Indestructibility - Free of weaknesses.

32. Selective/Absolute Transcendence - Free to be independent of anything or everything.

33. Totality Connection - Free from the Totality itself.

34. Overpowered - An overpowering force unrestrained by limits through freedom from all.

35. Indeterminacy - Free from scaling and definition.

36. Perfection - Free from any and all flaws/imperfections.

37. Weakness Removal - Can remove the limitations/weaknesses of anyone/anything, bestowing powers such as immortality, invulnerability, and perfection.

38. Absolute Invincibility - Free from defeat.

39. Absolute Unpredictability - Free from the foresight or predictions of others.

40. Unrestricted Movement/Movement Transcendence - Free from restrictions to movement, or even the concept of movement itself.

41. Unrestricted Thought Process - Free from mental limitations.

42. Self-Existence Manipulation - Free, to a varying degree, to be whatever they want to be.

43. Spatial-Temporal Transcendence - Free from the concepts of space and time.

Despite the Curtechyians' immense powers, they are still subject to the higher powers of the Ultra Realms alone, and the Ultra Realms are subjected to the Almighty Ineffable.


Being the first beings in all of creation, created by the Ineffable as a way of expressing itself through all (Reference to a future chapter event titled "Creation Unfolds"). The Ineffable is by no means comparable to anything, as its name implies. If there is a way to put the Ineffable in simple terms, we could classify it as the Ultra True Ultra Omni Absolute Transcendent. It surpasses all, and nothing exceeds it. Whether fiction or nonfiction, the Ineffable is all-encompassing, and all things are within the Ineffable.

While many beings of infinite powers and cosmic entities have boasted of being the Ineffable, displaying their negligence, pride, and arrogance in different realities, they are simply not close to the true Ineffable.

The Ineffable is self-producing, alien, and unbegotten, without a beginning and end. It created the higher powers of the Ultra Realm and those who reside in it. The beings of the Ultra Realm became self-aware, recognizing the power given to them by the Ineffable to create and transcend over all according to their desires and free will. Those of the Ultra Realm are superior in all things created by the Curtechyians, who act as mediators to the Ultra Realm. The Curtechyians were granted unfathomable powers that exceed those of any cosmic beings in the entire Maniverse.

The Curtechyians then created the Omni-Omnipotent Realm and the Omnipotent Realms, where supreme intelligences, cosmic beings, abstract, and non-abstract entities reside. Each of these beings possesses vast cosmic abilities to create and destroy worlds of their own making and more. The origin of the Omnipotent Realm and the Omni-Omnipotent Realm was for themselves, and they created infinite deities to have dominion over them.

The Omni-Omnipotent Realm is the second-highest realm in all of creation. This realm possesses absolute control over the universe and the cosmos. They monitor the affairs of creations, pass judgment, and execute their plans in other creations. The Omni-Omnipotent Realm also has its heavenly bodies, as each entity created its own version of paradise, cosmic beings, and heavenly realms where they reside. These powers also give dominion and authority over the powers they have created, ruling over the cosmos and delivering absolute judgment. These powers and authorities, abstract cosmic beings, and non-abstract cosmic entities created various heavens and hells for themselves.

The Omnipotent Realms are the least of all the realms, yet still higher than humans of Earth. It is a place where lesser supreme beings reside, higher than earthly inhabitants, and a world beyond. The Omnipotent Realms still have their advantages, being all-powerful compared to other created realms aside from the Omni-Omnipotent Realm and the Ultra Realm. This realm judges human affairs as a first trial, determining their fate whether they proceed to the next realm.

The Omnipotent Realms also have their own versions of numerous heavens and hells. They create cosmic beings to carry out their bidding and watch over the cosmos. These beings are also called the Watchers of Men and the Universe(s).

It is important to note that some of the deities in the Omni-Omnipotent Realm and Omnipotent Realms possess the blessings of the Ultra Realm or the Curtechyians, enabling them to pass judgment on other trespassers that threaten all of creation.


After the ultra realm had been created, it consisted of a single entity that was ineffable and indescribable, having no physical form or embodiment, much like the Curtechyians. Those of the ultra realms monitored their created works, including the Curtechyians. The Ineffable experienced itself through all, as all is the ineffable and vice versa. This single entity represented the yin-yang of all creations, whether fiction or nonfiction.

However, the dark, shadowed part of the entity began to seek out its own desires and manifest them, causing disharmony and disunity beyond fiction and nonfiction. Consequently, the once harmonized entity split into two and waged war against itself. The dark side of the single entity in the ultra realm was known as Bore, taking the form of an androgynous being, whereas the light side was known as the Holy One or The One, taking the form of a feminine figure. Bore and his fallen creations were eventually cast out of the ultra realms, leading to the Impending Doom, often referred to by various names such as the apocalypse, the end of worlds, the Maniversal doom, and the end times.

To counteract this impending doom, the Holy One decided to create powerful beings that surpassed the Curtechyians and all other realms and entities. These entities, known as the overseers and monitors of all existence, were:

1. The one who governs perceptions: Archendekta

2. The one who governs reception: Deitharbathas

3. The one who governs imagination: Oummaa

4. The one who governs integration: Aachiaram

5. The one who governs impulse: Riaramnacho

6. The one who governs eternal life: Ethranchel (also known as Immortal Boy)

These six entities were unique and had no equals in all of existence. They also created additional cosmic beings in the Ultra realm to assist them, known as the fourfold source of the body and nature: hot, cold, dry, wet. The rulers of these cosmic beings were:

1. Ruler of hot: Phloxopha

2. Ruler of cold: Oroorrothos

3. Ruler of dry: Erimacho

4. Ruler of wet: Athuro

Their mother stands among them: Onorthochrasaei. She is unlimited and mixes with all of them, nourishing them as matter is the mother of them all.

Furthermore, the extra four cosmic beings created by the six perfect entities were associated with various aspects:

1. Ephememphi: Associated with pleasure

2. Yoko: Associated with desire

3. Nenentophni: Associated with distress

4. Blaomen: Associated with fear

5. Faeith: Associated with Fate and faith

Their mother is Esthesis-Zouch-Epi-Ptoe.


The Almighty Formula (code) is a Maniversal genetic secret code that is incredibly complex and sophisticated to achieve or even decipher. It is said to hold the key to achieving the unthinkable, beyond hyperversal and outerversal knowledge and power within every maniverse. Pius, the brother of Pi-minus, once described the almighty formula code as a flickering invisible force of positive and negative energy from the Curtechyians, transcending all of creation except the ultra realm. JASSEDG also stated that the Almighty Formula code is derived from the fall of a being from the ultra realm, possessing unfathomable powers.

This creational code or formula is an essence of Bore's manifestation, allowing those who connect to it to gain ultimate supreme power, potentially rivaling the Curtechyians and their creations. It is akin to the dark core, known as the unstable xentorium, xentorium virus, and its counterparts to the pure xentorium and the ultra virus, which is a fusion of both (Referencing chapter 14: Show me what you've got). Bore and his allies were able to infect everything they came into contact with throughout the entire creation of fiction and nonfiction.

Author's Note:

After the division of the single entity split in the ultra realm, Bore gave powers to those of his creations sided with him against the Holy One and their creations to bring about the impending doom and gifted the blessings to kill the unkillable. With such act, the Holy One also gave her creations power to empower those of their creations with her blessings to kill the unkillable. Thus, the war of the Curtechyians against themselves and their creation brought us to this very moment, affecting all of fiction and nonfiction.