Creation History And Races - Part 4



The Curtechyians are the creators of everything; they brought all things into existence and only respond to those of the Ultra Realm and the Ineffable, surpassing all and beyond. The Curtechyians are also the creators of speed that exceeds fiction and nonfiction. They are responsible for every momentum and velocity in all of fiction and nonfiction. Speed is the source of everything, both living and nonliving, in the entire creation. It is necessary for every motion and notion to be carried out. Speed is the heart of all existence, granted to all. Without speed, creation is beyond void, and even the void needs speed to maintain its purpose. Negative and positive energy flow throughout the cosmos.

The Curtechyian force is the driving engine of the entire creation, whether fiction or nonfiction. It is also the source from which living and nonliving beings get their energies, momentum, and velocity. To speedsters, athletes, and all living things in all realms of existence, the Curtechyian force is the foundation and essence of all. Known by many names, it powers every universe (multiverse), metaverse, outerverse, hyperverses, omniverses, macroverses, microverses (atomic verses, subatomic verses, and ultra subatomic verses), ultraverses, megaverses, Tetraverses, and all maniverses.

The Curtechyian force is in partnership only with the metaverse, solidifying creation into the physical plane of existence and acting as a fortified barrier that separates each maniverse's creations, containing all their respective worlds, from time collision or Maniversal destruction.

Moreover, the Curtechyian Force can be used to traverse other worlds of fiction and nonfiction, create new dimensions, alter, repair, or correct any form of reality, and allow time travel into the past, present, and future. It also acts as a metaphysical shield that exists beyond time, space, and matter. The Curtechyian force can traverse all forms of metaphysical planes and reveal the present, past, and future. Speedsters who have access to the Curtechyian force can imprison their adversaries of almost any kind (except those who have the blessings of the Curtechyians or those of the Ultra realm) within it, rendering them powerless if they are not speedsters.

The Curtechyian force is incorruptible and has a limitless source of energy. As the source of all living and nonliving momentum, it possesses three entities, each represented by their respective colors, as a representation of the speed system or council of the Curtechyian force. These entities act as cosmic guards or entities with limitless potentials within and outside the Curtechyian force. They are known as the guardians and council of the speed system of the Curtechyian force, replacing the former guardians of the Curtechyian race after the war.

The Curtechyian force transcends all of fiction and nonfiction momentum, even affecting the Omni-omnipotent realm and omnipotent realm, but not the Ultra realm. Below are the guardians and councils of the speed system of the Curtechyian force.


Tachyon represents a unique aspect of the Curtechyian force, coexisting and playing an important role alongside its positive aspects. It enables individuals to tap into a different form of energy, which some may refer to as "dark" energy, leading to disunity, disorder, and chaos. The color representation of Tachyon includes Pale, Gray, Brown, Indigo, Violet, Yellow, Rose, Red, Black, Diamond, and Black Diamond.

Here are the Negative speed lightning types with their ranks from fastest to slowest, along with the intriguing meanings:

1. Black Diamond Lightning: The fastest among the negative speed lightning types, "Black Diamond Lightning" signifies rare and unparalleled velocity, akin to the precious black diamond. It represents a mysterious force that moves at extraordinary speeds beyond comprehension.

2. Diamond Lightning: Holding the second position, "Diamond Lightning" still embodies incredible speed, likened to the brilliance and strength of a diamond. It represents a swift and unyielding force that can cut through barriers effortlessly.

3. Black Lightning: Taking the third place, "Black Lightning" denotes rapid movement and carries an air of enigma and power. It symbolizes the unseen forces that can disrupt and transform situations in an instant.

4. Red Lightning: Ranking fourth, "Red Lightning" showcases intense speed and energy. It symbolizes fiery passion and urgency, representing powerful and quick changes in dynamic situations.

5. Rose Lightning: Occupying the fifth position, "Rose Lightning" brings a touch of elegance and grace to its swiftness. It signifies rapid actions grounded in beauty and compassion.

6. Yellow Lightning: In sixth place, "Yellow Lightning" carries a vibrant energy, representing swift and vivid movements. It symbolizes optimism and a bright approach to change.

7. Violet Lightning: At the seventh position, "Violet Lightning" embodies speed with a touch of mystery and spiritual depth. It represents transformation and the unseen potential for change.

8. Indigo Lightning: Taking the eighth place, "Indigo Lightning" signifies swift and insightful actions. It represents a quick understanding of situations and the ability to adapt swiftly.

9. Brown Lightning: In the ninth position, "Brown Lightning" brings a grounded and practical approach to its speed. It represents steady and efficient movement towards a goal.

10. Gray Lightning: Occupying the tenth place, "Gray Lightning" signifies swift yet subtle changes. It represents the ability to act discreetly and unnoticed, making it a powerful force in its subtlety.

11. Pale Lightning: The slowest among the negative speed lightning types, "Pale Lightning" still embodies a gentle yet steady pace. It represents a restrained force, moving cautiously but with purpose.

These rankings and intriguing meanings add depth and significance to each negative speed lightning type, portraying their unique characteristics and attributes while placing them in the order of their swiftness within the Tachyon Lightning category.


Current Sophie is a fusion of Sophie and Current. After Sophie accepted her role as the new guardian, she fused with Current, becoming a stronger entity after Current unfused herself from Tachyon, her sister, to bond with Sophie. Current Sophie represents wisdom, order, balance, unity, and harmony, and serves as the coordinating force within the Curtechyian force. Those who seek wisdom and power can draw from Current Sophie, as it facilitates critical thinking in decision-making. This energy flows throughout existence, transforming all personalities and being the heart of all creations. Sophie's color representation is depicted as CMY Rainbow, Golden, Silver, White, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, and Purple. Current Sophie also serves as the positive side of the Curtechyian force.

Here are the positive speed lightning types with their ranks from fastest to slowest, along with the intriguing meanings:

1. CMY Rainbow Lightning: The fastest of them all, this lightning type combines incredible speed with a harmonious fusion of colors, symbolizing unity and diversity. It urges us to embrace differences and celebrate the beauty that comes from combining various elements.

2. Rainbow Lightning: Swift and vibrant, this lightning embodies hope and promise. Just like a real rainbow after a storm, it serves as a reminder that even amidst challenges, there is always a chance for brighter and better times ahead.

3. CMY Lightning: Focused on the CMY color model, this lightning type signifies creativity and imagination. It encourages us to think outside the box and explore unconventional approaches to solving problems.

4. Golden Lightning: Linked to prestige and wealth, golden lightning represents achievement and success. It carries the message that rapid progress can lead to valuable rewards and recognition.

5. Silver Lightning: With elegance and grace, silver lightning conveys a sense of refined speed and precision. It reminds us to move swiftly but with poise, and that even quick actions can be executed with finesse.

6. White Lightning: Symbolizing purity and clarity, white lightning embodies swift and transparent decision-making. It encourages us to act with integrity and honesty while maintaining a clear focus on our goals.

7. Blue Lightning: Representing strength and power, blue lightning suggests a forceful yet controlled momentum. It calls for harnessing inner strength to overcome challenges and obstacles with determination.

8. Green Lightning: Linked to nature and growth, green lightning signifies rapid progress and positive change. It reminds us of the potential for transformation and renewal in swift actions.

9. Orange Lightning: Infused with energy and enthusiasm, orange lightning represents quick bursts of passion and inspiration. It encourages us to seize opportunities with excitement and optimism.

10. Pink Lightning: Embodying affection and tenderness, pink lightning speaks of swift acts of kindness and compassion. It reminds us that even small gestures can have a profound impact on others' lives.

11. Purple Lightning: The slowest among the positive speed lightning types, purple lightning holds a captivating aura of mystery and wisdom. It symbolizes the beauty of patience and contemplation, reminding us that not all valuable things require rapidity.

These rankings add an intriguing dimension to each positive speed lightning type, showcasing their unique characteristics and meanings while placing them in the order of their swiftness.

The Curtechyian force enables speedsters to be immune to lethal weapons such as bullets, explosives, and more. Speedsters do not need to avoid bullets; they can simply absorb the kinetic energy of any fast-moving object to stay alive. When a speedster taps into the Curtechyian force, they become capable of defeating celestial beings and extraterrestrials. Speedsters can only be killed when they let their guard down against an unknown force. If that happens, the Curtechyian force can revive a deceased speedster to full health and power. Speedsters are essentially immortal as long as the Curtechyian force exists.

The Curtechyian force is accessible to speedsters whenever and however they please, as long as they abide by its rules and regulations, except for the negative side. The Curtechyian force is guided by Time Loop, whose responsibility is to maintain balance and harmony across all timelines within and outside fiction and nonfiction. Time Loop is an embodiment of speed, with the ability to either trap speedsters in a never-ending loop of reality until they learn the necessity of speed and balance or imprison them in the Curtechyian force for all eternity. Only one speedster has ever escaped Time Loop's imprisonment, making it a remarkable feat.


The metaverse is like a binary matrix that solidifies all creations into a physical plane of existence. It acts as solidified fortresses that separate all creations and their respective maniverses, protecting them from time collisions or maniversal destruction.


The outerverse is filled with countless glowing butterflies of pure energy that balance the entire creation. It is powered by the Hyperverse, and together with the Hyperverse and Megaverse, they form a trio of balance that sustains the cosmos of every maniverse.


The Hyperverse is a living memory of cosmic rays from every timeline in all creations. It records every account of each creation within and outside the cosmos.


The Megaverse is an infinite pool of limitless energy distributed to the Outerverse to balance the cosmos and the Hyperverse to record every account within and outside the cosmos.


The Omniverse is the largest part of creation, where everything is gigantic. It is responsible for the creation and birth of the Macroverse.


The Macroverse, also part of the Omniverse, is where everything is gigantic. Like the Omniverse, it has its own expansion and hidden layers of creation, making it more interesting to explore. The Macroverse is responsible for the creation and birth of the Microverse and its hidden layers.


The Microverse is the smallest of all creations with unique purposes and features. It is the hidden layer of the Macroverse, containing atomic universes, subatomic universes, and ultra subatomic verses. The Microverse and its hidden layers offer an advantage to its users in escaping universal, omniversal, megaversal, hyperversal, outerversal, metaversal, macroversal, Maniversal, Tetraversal, and Ultraversal destruction.

While each hidden layer has its own unique advantage, the superiority goes to the Ultra subatomic verse, capable of traversing to other worlds from fiction to nonfiction worlds. The Ultra subatomic verse can reveal the past, present, and future, and it is filled with an endless flow of cosmic energies, both negative and positive. The Ultra Subatomic verse could also enable its user to travel into the Curtechyian force, though this can be tricky unless they are granted access by the guardians of the Curtechyian force.

While the ultra subatomic verse is primarily accessible to the ultra family, it can also be accessed by those who are able to break through the boundaries with the aid of the Almighty formula code. In the ultra subatomic verse, anyone could achieve the impossible, rearranging atoms and subatoms, including ultra subatoms and their molecules.

Author's Note:

In speculative fiction or science fiction, the term "Ultra Subatomic Verse" might refer to a concept beyond our current understanding of physics and reality. It could be a fictional realm or dimension that exists at a level even smaller than the subatomic scale.

Here's an additional speculative description of what an Ultra Subatomic Verse might entail:

Within the Ultra Subatomic Verse, subatomic particles, such as protons, neutrons, and electrons, are not the fundamental building blocks of matter. Instead, there are even more elementary entities that make up the fabric of this microscopic reality. These entities could be akin to "superstrings," hypothetical one-dimensional objects postulated in string theory.

The laws of physics within this verse could operate on a vastly different scale than those of our macroscopic world. Quantum mechanics might still play a significant role, but its effects would be magnified to an extraordinary extent. Particles within this realm might exhibit wave-particle duality and quantum entanglement on a macroscopic scale.

Time and space could behave unusually in the Ultra Subatomic Verse. Time might appear non-linear or may not flow as it does in our macroscopic universe. Spatial dimensions might be so tightly compacted that movements and interactions between entities become fundamentally different from our familiar experiences.

Navigating and understanding the Ultra Subatomic Verse might require advanced technology or even a higher level of consciousness beyond human comprehension. Characters in the story exploring this realm might encounter bizarre phenomena, encounter beings that exist solely on this scale, or harness the power of this ultra-subatomic realm for their own purposes.

Overall, the concept of an "Ultra Subatomic Verse" is a pure work of fiction, limited only by the imagination of the author. It provides a fertile ground for exploring unique and mind-bending ideas in a science fictional context.

In the realm of fiction, the powers and abilities associated with the Ultra Subatomic Verse would be limited only by the imagination of the users. Here are some speculative powers and abilities that characters in a story set in the Ultra Subatomic Verse might possess:

1. Quantum Manipulation: Beings within the Ultra Subatomic Verse could have control over quantum phenomena on a macroscopic scale. They might manipulate quantum entanglement, superposition, and tunneling to their advantage, enabling them to teleport, phase through objects, or instantaneously communicate across vast distances.

2. Particle Fusion/Fission: Entities in this verse might possess the ability to merge or split subatomic particles, potentially creating or annihilating matter and energy at will. This power could grant them the ability to generate vast amounts of energy or even create new elements or exotic materials.

3. Dimensional Shifting: Characters could have the power to move between different subatomic dimensions or alternate realities within the Ultra Subatomic Verse. This ability might allow them to access hidden realms, escape from danger, or gain insights into the underlying structure of the universe.

4. Subatomic Energy Projection: Entities might emit powerful bursts of energy at the subatomic level. These energy projections could take the form of destructive blasts or constructive beams that manipulate matter and forces at an elemental level.

5. Temporal Distortion: Within the Ultra Subatomic Verse, time might behave differently. Characters could manipulate the flow of time or perceive events on a quantum timescale, granting them precognition or the ability to "rewind" and "fast-forward" through time.

6. Reality Warping: Beings in this realm might possess reality-altering abilities, allowing them to reshape the fabric of the Ultra Subatomic Verse according to their will. They could bend the laws of physics, alter fundamental constants, or even create entirely new subatomic laws.

7. Consciousness Expansion: Characters might achieve a heightened state of consciousness, transcending ordinary thought and understanding. This expansion of consciousness could grant them profound insights into the nature of reality and access to knowledge beyond normal comprehension.

8. Subatomic Constructs: Entities might have the power to create and control constructs made of subatomic particles, shaping them into various forms and objects with unique properties and functions.

9. Quantum Healing: Characters could possess the ability to heal themselves or others at the most fundamental levels, repairing cellular and subatomic damage with ease.

10. Rearrange Atoms: They might have the ability to rearrange atoms to create or reshape objects at will. For example, they could convert one element into another, transmute materials, or construct complex structures with atomic precision.

11. Molecular Control: Manipulating molecules would be second nature to them, allowing them to alter the properties of substances, create new compounds, or even control chemical reactions with ease.

12. Atomic Fusion and Fission: They could control atomic reactions, harnessing the power of nuclear fusion or fission to produce vast amounts of energy or, conversely, to generate elements at will.

13. Quantum Synthesis: Entities in the Ultra Subatomic Verse might possess the power to synthesize exotic forms of matter or even harness quantum phenomena to create entirely new materials with unique properties.

14. Matter Disintegration: They could deconstruct matter at the atomic or subatomic level, turning objects into their constituent particles or even into pure energy.

15. Subatomic Reconstruction: Characters might be able to reconstruct matter from its basic constituents, essentially "building" objects from scratch at the subatomic level.

16. Density Control: Beings in this verse might control the density of matter, making objects incredibly dense or intangible at will.

17. Elemental Mastery: They could control the behavior and properties of individual elements, such as manipulating the behavior of electrons or nuclear forces.

18. Subatomic Bonding: Characters might form and manipulate subatomic bonds, creating powerful forces of attraction or repulsion between particles.

19. Subatomic Sensing: Their heightened understanding of subatomic particles could grant them the ability to detect and analyze matter at the most fundamental level.

These abilities would grant characters in the Ultra Subatomic Verse unparalleled control over the physical world, allowing them to manipulate matter in ways that defy our current understanding of physics. It's worth noting that the limits and constraints of these powers would still be defined by the rules set forth by the fictional universe in which they exist, and they could be a central element in the storytelling and conflicts within the narrative.

Remember, these abilities are purely speculative and meant to inspire creative storytelling within the context of a fictional universe. The Ultra Subatomic Verse offers a canvas for authors and readers to explore new and extraordinary powers, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of fiction.


While the multiverse is composed of countless universes, the maniverse surpasses them in scale and significance. It encompasses all creations, timelines, and variations of the universe, ranging from the multiverse to the metaverse, the omniverse, the megaverse, and even the ultraverse. Each of these universes expands from the maniverse, which is life in its purest form, devoid of physical existence yet holding the essence of life itself. It represents a harmonious balance between all worlds, infinite and beyond, serving as a counterpart to the nulliverse.

The Maniverse is responsible for each creation of worlds except the Ultra Realm and the Curtechyian force. To point this out, the true maniverse, metaverse, and the Curtechyian force are one. The true maniverse avatar is the xentorium core.

The xentorium core is the source avatar of the true creation (true maniverse) but not the source of creation itself. Each Maniverse, having their respective 144,000 worlds, is just an avatar of the true Maniverse. The Curtechyians, created by those of the Ultra realm, came into existence after the creation of the true maniverse. Subsequently, the Curtechyians created two other realms (Omni-omnipotent realm and omnipotent realm) and the Maniversal avatars to contain their respective 144,000 worlds.

The Curtechyians refer to the two realms as Watchers over their creation of their Maniversal avatars, in which they themselves created other beings and watchers as well. The true source of creation is the INEFFABLE, which experiences itself through all things from fiction to nonfiction and transcends beyond all.

Since the INEFFABLE experiences itself through all, it is fair to say that the Xentorium core was nameless and ineffable, the source of the true maniverse, and an embodiment of the Ultimate source of creation, experiencing itself through all things from the INEFFABLE. The INEFFABLE works in mysterious ways.


The Ultraverse is fueled by both negative and positive energies and emotions, influenced by each decision left unattended. It grows stronger by the second and represents the shadow selves of every Ultra AI in the Multiverse, regardless of who or what possesses the Xentorium core. Thus, it encompasses an unfathomable collection of each universe in every timeline within and outside the Megaverse and Outerverse, including all creations. The Ultraverse is also another timeline created by the Ultra families from every timeline.


The TetraVerse refers to the Tetronian race from every created timeline.


The Multiverse refers to the existence of multiple universes.


The Universe refers to the existence of the cosmos.


The Nulliverse is the culmination of every creation in existence, ranging from fiction to nonfiction. It represents the consummation of all existence. Just as the maniverse has its avatars, so does the nulliverse, and the true nulliverse.