Curtechyian Madness - Part 1

Meanwhile, at the McCoy's residence, a great testimony of truth and a shocking revelation was about to be revealed in a flash by Felicity to the McCoy family.

"V!" Mark exclaimed in astonishment. "How's this possible? We only met a few weeks ago, and our relationship is pretty smooth, but this is shocking. I should have known, the clue was right there in front of me the whole time. Isn't this universe filled with non-superpowered beings?" He added, shocked to see Felicity Valmond as the speedster known as Velocity.

"You know each other?" Peter asked curiously.

"Yeah!" Rita replied as she joined the conversation.

"A classmate, to be precise," said Debbie, who also joined the conversation.

"Also, my study partner, a best friend, and... A soon-to-be girlfriend," said Mark cheerfully as Felicity smiled beautifully.

"Why have you come?" Peter asked. "Are you from the future?" He added.

"No, I am not," Felicity replied. "This universe is my timeline, and I am here to protect it from what's coming. I am here to aid the guardian of speed to fulfill her destiny. I am here for Sophie McCoy."

Sophie, hearing this, knows that the time is drawing nigh as her role as the guardian is needed urgently in the Curtechyian force to balance existence in the cosmos.

"What do you mean by fulfilling her destiny as the guardian of speed?" Mason asked.

"Sophie has been chosen, and she is aware of it. This timeline is still intact no matter what any speedsters do to alter this reality. It only creates a paradox world (paradox of fiction) elsewhere without affecting this timeline. The balance of all creations needs this timeline's guardian to take its place, to do justice against evil speedsters and those that go against the harmonical balance of the multiverse."

"Isn't there another way? My dear Sophie is too young for that. Please, at least try to buy her some time till she's ready for the responsibility and perhaps finish her college," said Jenna with a calm and gently reasoning tone.

"I understand, Ms. McCoy. I'll do everything within my powers to temporarily protect the balance of order till she's ready, but she must act quickly before the inevitable as Quicksand is on the move," said Felicity.

"How can we trust that you are not one with Tachyon against us?" Peter asked.

"Dude!" said Mark to Peter, giving him a sign not to have said that.

"It's understandable, Peter," replied Felicity. "In that case, I'll tell you the entire truth."

My name is Felicity Valmond, and I am technically among the top seven fastest people in the several universes I've visited who are still alive. To the outside world, I am an ordinary forensic scientist at Binary X and a daily reporter at Vill-City magazine publishing and media house. But secretly, with the help of my work acquaintances at Binary labs, including my stepmom-boss and ex-sister-fiance, which I still won't admit is kind of weird, I fight crime and find other superhumans like me that end up either unfairly imprisoned or die in ways that conveniently leave me morally guilt-free.

After my ordeal with Quicksand, I learned to accept the death of my father and not go back and change the past for selfish reasons. Then, after Quicksand killed my mother, I went back and changed the past for selfish reasons. After screwing up that timeline, I went back again and unchained the past for selfless reasons but ended up screwing up a bunch of other people's lives anyway. I also constantly keep secrets from the people closest to me, despite repeatedly promising that I won't, get a lot of innocent people killed, and routinely damage the fabric of the multiverse.

But this time will be different. This time I'm always going to tell the truth, trust my allies, friends, and family, and I'm going to stop letting people without superspeed miraculously get away when they only have a five-second head start and actually search entire buildings instead of just saying that I do because there's no way that Frozen could have gotten out of that building before I did. It makes no sense whatsoever, and I'm sorry for asking everyone to suspend their disbelief in such a ridiculous manner. Because I am definitely fast enough to stop every single person that has ever gotten away from me. I am Velocity.


Ultra-Superluminal Speed: Velocity's speed exceeds that of Quick Sand and every known speedsters. She can move at speeds beyond the realm of traditional physics, transcending even the concept of light. Her velocity allows her to traverse immense distances in an instant, appearing and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Time Perception Manipulation: Velocity's connection to speed grants her the ability to manipulate her perception of time. She can slow down or speed up time relative to herself, allowing her to perceive events in slow motion or accelerate her thought processes to analyze and strategize in the midst of battle. This manipulation of time perception gives her a tremendous advantage in combat.

Omniscient Speed Mind: Velocity possesses an unmatched level of intelligence and information processing speed. Her mind operates at a speed that surpasses human comprehension, enabling her to analyze and solve complex problems in fractions of a second. This heightened intellect allows her to adapt to any situation swiftly and devise brilliant strategies even in the midst of chaotic battles.

Quantum Speed Healing: Velocity's super speed extends to her healing capabilities. She can rapidly regenerate damaged tissues, mend fractures, and recover from injuries within moments. Her quantum speed healing allows her to shrug off wounds that would incapacitate most others, ensuring she remains in peak condition even during intense and prolonged battles.

Speed Absorption: Velocity gains the ability to absorb and manipulate the speed of other beings. By coming into physical contact with another speedster or individual with superhuman speed, she can temporarily drain their speed, adding it to her own and leaving her target temporarily slowed or immobilized. This allows her to augment her own speed even further when faced with formidable adversaries.

Speed Granting: Velocity can also transfer her speed to others, empowering them with temporary bursts of super speed. By sharing her own velocity, she can enable allies to match her incredible speed, granting them heightened reflexes, agility, and movement capabilities. This ability allows Velocity to create temporary speedster allies or provide assistance to non-speedster allies in dire situations.

Absolute Immunity to Speed Stealing: Velocity possesses an innate resistance to any attempts to steal or drain her speed. No matter the source or method employed, her connection to the Kinetic Nexus (Aka Curtechyian Force) grants her an impenetrable defense against speed-based attacks or abilities aimed at siphoning her velocity. This immunity ensures that her speed remains her own, reinforcing her position as the unparalleled speedster.

With all that Felicity Valmond had revealed to the McCoy family, they were convinced enough to trust her, especially Mark, who was already in love with her and had gained their trust before anyone else.

Mark then drew their attention when he asked Felicity about the fastest speedsters in all of creation. Felicity gladly revealed to Mark the hierarchical speed ranks of speedsters in all fiction and nonfiction.

Hierarchical Speed Ranks Of Speedsters:

1. Ultra Max (Fusion of all fictional and non-fictional speedsters combined with the sources of their speeds)

2. Current

3. Tachyon

4. Time Loop

5. Xentronix (Xentronian speedster)

6. Ultra Flash

7. Velocity

8. Quicksand

9. Velo60

10. Flashy Flash

11. Lady Lightning

12. Speedy

13. Phoenix Swift

14. Supersonic

15. Time-lapse

16. Trajectory

17. Momentum

18. Vector

19. Lightspeed

20. Fury

21. Adrenaline Rush

22. Swiftie

23. Rush Hour

24. Tweeny

25. Fast Forward

26. Fast Lane

27. SPD (Superspeed Demon)

28. Motion

29. Others (fiction and nonfiction)

Here's the complete list of lightning colors:

1. Blue Lightning

2. Purple Lightning

3. Red Lightning

4. Orange Lightning

5. White Lightning

6. Green Lightning

7. Silver Lightning

8. Black Lightning

9. Pink Lightning

10. Brown Lightning

11. Indigo Lightning

12. Violet Lightning

13. Gold Lightning

14. Pale Lightning

15. Gray Lightning

16. Yellow Lightning

17. Rose Lightning

18. Rainbow Lightning

19. Diamond Lightning

20. Black Diamond Lightning

21. CMY Lightning

22. CMY Rainbow Lightning

Author's Note: This shocking revelation of speed ranks by Felicity is only intended as a pun for the readers if they consider it so. However, in the perspective of this story, in reference to other fictional and non-fictional (athletics) speedsters, it is valid and confirmed with one hundred percent certainty of proof. This ranking is based solely on speedsters and not on supers who have speed attached to their other abilities, whether heroes or villains.

"Wow! That's a lot to take in," Debbie said. "You really went through a lot, V. I'm really sorry for your loss."

"So you experienced all kinds of different lives in the multiverse, pretty cool," said Mark.

Felicity nodded slightly with a smile and also informed them about Quicksand's plan to create an evil army of speedsters to terrorize and disrupt every timeline. She explained that she needed to get in touch with newly discovered speedsters who were just becoming aware of their powers to train and educate them for what's coming. Although her presence might be gone for a while, she would always be in touch with the ultra family when needed. Felicity assured Mark that her education at Vill City Senior High School was a way of keeping in touch with them (the McCoys / the ultra family).

"Now that the multiverse is aware of itself and speedsters are being born into this timeline without guidance, they would wreak havoc with their misguided path from Quicksand," said Felicity Valmond. "I'll always be in touch," she added, thanking the McCoy family before walking out of the door. Just before leaving, she turned to Mark, told him that she loved him with a smile on her face, and then she sped off.

Sometime later, Tekno Boy and some LCA agents, assigned by Mayor Lyrecius to retrieve Carbon Copy 2.0, finally arrived at their destination and found her with little Becky. LCA stands for Lyrecius Corporation Agency. Carbon Copy scanned them and realized that they were all heavily harmed. She also scanned Tekno Boy, accessing his files, and identified him as a former associate of the late Dr. Henry Monroe.

Knowing what Carbon Copy 2.0 is capable of, Tekno Boy approached her cautiously, asking the android to come with them peacefully. Carbon Copy looked at little Becky, who was eating her cereals, and the little Becky smiled back at her. Carbon Copy then looked at the LCA agents and disagreed with their request. She communicated with Tekno Boy through her technopathic abilities. Tekno Boy understood her message and tried to explain to the LCA agents, but they disagreed, insisting that they must take Carbon Copy as she's a threat and a valuable asset to the corporation.

Carbon Copy gave Tekno Boy a look, and he understood that he was faced with two choices: to either follow the authorities' orders or leave Carbon Copy alone. Suddenly, orders were given to the LCA agents from Lyrecius Corp's operation base to retrieve Carbon Copy at will. One of the LCA agents reminded Tekno Boy why they were here and why he was here in the first place with them.

The LCA agents chased after them as Tekno Boy followed behind by flying, tracking the movement of the carbon copy.

"We have her in our sight. She's making her way into the city with the child," said the LCA agent, reporting the situation to Lyrecius Corp operational base.

"Do not let her out of your sight," replied Mayor Lyrecius, who was furiously yelling at the LCA agents over the comm signal.

Suddenly, one of the team members in the operational base headquarters informed Mayor Lyrecius that Carbon Copy 2.0 had been with that child, Becky Monroe, over the past years and suggested that maybe Carbon Copy was her guardian.

"Dr. Henry Monroe was a traitor to Lyrecius Corp," replied Mayor Lyrecius. "Get the damn android, and we can deal with the child later."

Most of the workers were shocked by Mayor Lyrecius' response and did as they were told. Not long after, another piece of news came to Mayor Lyrecius about their drones being discovered by an Oceanian who wanted an audience with him.

"Sir, the Oceanian has requested your audience with an intriguing offer that is irresistible," said an employee.

Meanwhile, there was an ongoing battle throughout Vill City. A maniacal scientist was causing havoc in the city as he and his advanced drones, robots, and mutated creatures fought against the Ultra Family.

"Now that you've gotten my attention, Dr. Penis!" Ultra Black Mark said, which got the attention of his remaining Ultra Family members. They were battling against Dr. Penys' creations, but they stopped for a moment, staring at Ultra Black as they all responded in unison by correcting Ultra Black Mark's pronunciation of the mad scientist's name.

"Dr. Penys," said the Ultra Family in unison.

"Uh! It's the annoying one again," replied Dr. Penys.

Dr. Penys was furiously attacking Ultra Black Mark even more because he pronounced his name wrongly. Ultra Black Mark was swiftly dodging every attack and cutting through every obstacle thrown at him by Dr. Penys.

"It's Penys!" Dr. Penys yelled in fury. "Even your ultra family knows who I am. How come you always pronounce my name wrongly?" he added while releasing massive firearms against Ultra Black Mark.

"Not my fault, doctor. You should try swearing an affidavit; that might help," replied Ultra Black Mark, who cuts through every bullet with ease before knocking out Dr. Penys and ceasing his entire evil operation, which saved the city. The ultra family also stopped the nuclear bombs hidden by Dr. Penys all over the cities.

While all this was happening, Carbon Copy made her way into the city as the LCA caught up with her and Becky. Ultra Orange Sophie quickly recognized this, recalling the moment of Future Beck Monroe's warning, as the entire place was filled with the LCA surrounding them.

"OMG!" Ultra Rose Debbie said in shock.

"We need to evacuate the civilians," said Ultra Orange Sophie, reminding them of what Future Becky Monroe said.

"No way!" Ultra Black Mark exclaimed. "So this is the event. Oh my gosh."

"We need to analyze the situation before things get ugly," Ultra White Peter suggested.

"And why is Tekno Boy here alone without his sister?" Ultra Pink Rita asked. "This must be the work of Mr. Lyrecius."

"I guess my dad never gives up until he gets what he wants," Ultra Rose Debbie replied to Ultra Pink Rita. "I hope we don't make another killer Rah this time," she added.

"I'll create a parameter whereas you kids try to convince Carbon Copy," said Ultra Pale Mason.

"Stay safe, kids," said Ultra Gray Jenna to her kids.

And while they were all set and focused, Carbon Copy saw the entire LCA and also spotted the ultra family. Ultra Rose Debbie put a power cuff neutralizer on Dr. Penys and then teleported him to super jail. The LCA agents came fully prepared as the rest of the ultra family spotted Carbon Copy with a little child.

As the civilians were running helter-skelter, while the ultra family, the LCA agents, and Carbon Copy all stood still and ready with focus, waiting for who to lay the first strike, suddenly, an LCA agent with terrible aim was the first to open fire. He was aiming for Carbon Copy, but the bullet ended up making its way to little Beck, who was standing close to Carbon Copy. Upon realizing this, Ultra Gray Jenna reacted swiftly to stop the moving bullet from reaching Beck. She flew trying to catch the bullet. Ultra Gray Jenna's sacrifice unlocked a new transformation during her action to save Becky. While stretching her left hand, she took nature's transformation as vines began sprouting out from the ground to shield Becky from the bullet. The vines succeeded in protecting Becky after the bullet passed through them and hit little Becky in the chest close to her heart. Ultra Nature Jenna quickly caught Becky before she could fall to the ground.

Carbon Copy, seeing this, had a flashback memory of her and Becky when they were happy together before the occurring crisis. In that memory, she made a promise to little Becky by obeying her orders to not just protect her but all of life according to her liking. Carbon Copy and little Becky were more of a family than just an android and a link user.

Carbon Copy became enraged, thinking that she had lost her link to the user. She lost her state of reasoning, not caring for anything or anyone, and her eyes began to glow red with fury, intense enough to evaporate vapor from her red-hot eyes. Carbon Copy then unleashed a powerful laser beam blast from both eyes randomly, which made its way to Tekno Boy. He quickly shielded himself with his advanced nanotech shield, but the blast reflected and melted his shield, sending him flying. The rest of the Ultra family created a shield to protect themselves, but the blast caused collateral damage, destroying choppers, vehicles of LCA agents, buildings, and harming innocent victims and LCA agents.

"We have to restrain her," said Ultra Rose Debbie as the kids went into action while Ultra Pale Mason did his best to protect innocent lives. The Lyrecius Corp was monitoring the entire event from their operational base.

Ultra White Peter and Ultra Black Mark attacked Carbon Copy simultaneously, but she countered with swift moves and powerful attacks and defenses. Ultra Pink Rita shot her explosive arrows, but they were ineffective against Carbon Copy. Ultra Rose Debbie attempted to blast her with the omega blast fused with Xentorium core energy, but Carbon Copy redirected it at Ultra White Peter, who absorbed it without taking any damage by transforming into Ultra Diamond Peter. The battle was intense, and Carbon Copy seemed to be evenly matched against the Ultra family, easily taking out the entire LCA agents brutally.

Ultra Black Mark charged again with immense speed and swords to attack Carbon Copy, but she effortlessly dodged every attack. She caught one of his swords, and the other got stuck on her left arm. Carbon Copy pushed Ultra Black Mark with one hand, sending him flying against a building.

As the building was about to collapse with hundreds of innocent lives in it, Ultra Black Mark's Ultra AI alerted him, and he prevented the collapse with his advanced technology. Meanwhile, Ultra Orange Sophie checked on Ultra Nature Jenna to see how Becky was doing, and she was relieved by Ultra Nature Jenna's report. Ultra Orange Sophie then asked Ultra Nature Jenna to assist Ultra Pale Mason in protecting the innocent, which she did.

While Becky was being healed by Ultra Orange Sophie, a strange transference of energy flowed into Becky, originating from Ultra Orange Sophie, though she didn't realize it. Later, this energy would split into two components: the dark core and the pure Xentorium (as mentioned in Chapter 41: The Mad Scientist).

Tekno Boy fled the fight after being called back by the Lyrecius Corporation, leaving the Ultra family to face off against Carbon Copy. Ultra Diamond Peter switched back to Ultra White Peter in an attempt to hack Carbon Copy, but his efforts seemed futile. Ultra Rose Debbie then suggested to Ultra Pink Rita to create an impenetrable force field around Carbon Copy on her mark.

Ultra pink Rita switched her transformation to ultra green Rita and created an impenetrable force field around carbon copy. Then Ultra rose Debbie shot an arrow that phased through the impenetrable force field, creating a massive black hole that would send carbon copy away for good. Little did they know that carbon copy tried to maintain her stance against the massive black hole force that was trying to pull her into it. The ground beneath carbon copy shattered massively, pulling her gravity upward and directing it towards the black hole. Carbon copy, realizing the danger, used it to her advantage by putting the antigravity of her mass to use. She swiftly backflipped behind the massive black hole and closed it with her bare hands. This was a shocking act of display to ultra white Peter, ultra black Mark, ultra rose Debbie, and ultra green Rita. And then, carbon copy, with one massive punch against the impenetrable force field, shattered it into a million tiny fragment pieces like glass.

While battling against carbon copy with all they've got, carbon copy was also able to mimic their abilities and used them against them. She was almost on par with most of their transformations except the most powerful ones they didn't use for safety reasons for innocent lives. Carbon copy was so powerful that she caught Mark in his ultra gold transformation when he shrunk from an atom to a subatom and flung him aside like a beetle. Carbon copy recovered quickly from every damage she had taken. Back and forth, they battled, and during their fight, Carbon copy began to feel little Becky's pulse rate and heartbeat. She spotted ultra orange Sophie holding Becky in her arms, caring for her. And as carbon copy suspended her fight with them, just before ultra black Mark, who had switched transformation to ultra red Mark, was about to punch carbon copy, she suspended him in midair with her telekinesis and flung him down with impact.

Carbon copy then came to ultra orange Sophie at a blinding speed, facing face to face with her. She scanned Becky and realized that ultra orange Sophie had saved her. The little Becky was a bit weak as she was able to open her eyes to see carbon copy smiling beautifully at her. The little Becky also stared at ultra orange Sophie, who unmasked herself for her and carbon copy to see her true identity.

Carbon copy then shielded the spot where they stood from the outside world. Peter, Mark, Debbie, and Rita all came to where Carbon copy and Sophie were. She could feel this immense connection from the Ultra family as they all revealed their true identities.

Then Sophie made a promise to carbon copy to take good care of her link user (Becky Monroe), and with a slight nod as a positive response from carbon copy, she said to the ultra family, "Then it is time to reunite as one," said carbon copy, who came close to Peter and placed her hand on his shoulder while dissolving into him. Peter felt a power surge of energy within him. At first, it was strange, and then it felt good. Suddenly he heard a voice from his ultra AI saying to him that the procedures are complete, "full-powered armored transformation restored." And when Peter fully transformed into ultra white, his suit style was fashionably well designed and felt much more powerful and durable.

"How do you feel, Peter?" Rita asked. "And how does it feel?"

"It feels good!" Ultra white Peter replied while sharing the upgrade with the rest of his family after the whole crisis has subsided.

In the aftermath at the Ultra family headquarters and home of the McCoys, Sophie McCoy knew what to do after she had informed her family about Multiple Man, whom they were aware of. She took Becky Monroe to Dr. Maxwell Man, aka Multiple Man, knowing where to find him. Sophie entrusted the Doctor with a Xentorium virus after they had discussed (referencing chapter 41: The mad scientist).

At night, after all was over for the day, in Peter's room during his sleep, his ultra AI inside of Peter's body began to undergo some recalibration, and it also transformed into something unusual as his brainwaves displayed some electrical charges and electromagnetic activity. Suddenly a hoarse voice said to itself with an ultra AI voice, "My missing piece has been completed. Finally, my time has come."

Meanwhile, at Lyrecius Corp, where the organization revisited the whole event of Carbon copy's potential, Tekno Boy arrived, requesting to seek an audience with the mayor who was being escorted by the Hacker, as he was told that Mr. Lyrecius was unavailable for the moment. Then, he requested to see his sister as they also informed him about her as Mayor Lyrecius's escort.

Mayor Lyrecius, who was escorted by the Hacker and some LCA to an undisclosed location, had made an arrangement with some rebellious Oceanians who wanted nothing more than to dethrone their king, who had defied their sacred tradition and betrothed a surface dweller that had an heir for him to rule over the Oceanians and her kingdom.

"Form an alliance with us, human, and I'll grant you your heart's desires," said the leader of the rebellious Oceanians.

"Then we have a deal," replied Mayor Lyrecius with a sinister look and smile.