Oceanian Wars - Part 1

MARINE D: The Author once wrote,

"Love is a tempestuous sea, where hearts become ships adrift, yet find solace in the depths of each other's embrace."

That's how my parents met. Like two forces of nature drawn towards each other, they were from opposite worlds.

In the vast expanse of life's ocean, where waves crash and currents pull, love stands as a mighty force, guiding souls towards one another. Just as ships navigate through treacherous waters, hearts venture through the trials of life, seeking solace and connection.

Two souls, once lost amidst the tumultuous sea of existence, discovered each other amidst the chaos. They were like two ships battered by storms, brought together by destiny's unwavering hand. One, a wanderer of the land, seeking purpose and tranquility. The other, a dweller of the sea, yearning for a love that transcends the depths.


Forty-one years ago, under the ocean in the Oceanian kingdom, after the birth of Marine D, he was dedicated to their Oceanian gods known as the Marine Spirit. Every living creature of the sea witnessed the beauty of the ceremony and dedication of their future king. He was named after their gods, given a name above every other name that surpassed the entire ocean and represented the emissary of their Marine gods, just as the king of Oceanian was given his name by their gods, so their child was, whose name is Marine Demon. He would bring about the true era of peace, uniting both worlds. He would be the son of the land and a king of the seas. He would be the protector of the deep. His name shall bring hope to all who seek to be saved, and his name shall also bring terror to those who dare to challenge both worlds.

This, of course, brought hope to the Oceanian kingdom and its people, but not all wished for the great kingdom's success as they watched in the shadows. As time passed, the future king gradually learned the ways of his people and took several training lessons from the best of the very best Oceanian trainers and warriors in all forms of combat, taught by both his parents and others on how to control his abilities and harness them for good. He was well educated, as the Oceanian kingdom lacked nothing.

Marine D, growing up, would explore all the seven wonders of the seas with his two best friends by his side, whose names were Mami and Walter. Together, they studied their culture and all there was to know about it. Sometimes, Marine D would sneak out of the ocean to experience the life of the surface dwellers. One day, when coming back into the sea late, he was caught by the royal guards, who were the king's trusted guards.

"Utku ktunbakala, yamatakha etelambanga," asked the female royal guard whose name is Rzeka, which translates to "Where is the young prince coming from at this hour?"

"Uh hmm!!!... Nowhere!" Marine D replied with an awkward look, to which the guards could tell that he was up to something.

"Kamutu bam bamtela, octagu kutomb buku utaman manza, etelamvizi zikzah jamkpebe," said the male royal guard whose name is Pijalnia, which translates to "Have you been visiting the above, you know it is forbidden, it is our duty to keep the future king of Oceans safe. Also, it is customary to speak in your native dialect."

Marine D sarcastically rolled his eyes and responded in the Oceanian language. "Buktu uomae zupoc tula kiki mahtui zamzem iema wadiz fobubo," which translates to "Fine! Are you happy now, please don't tell my parents."

Then Marine D snuck into his room where his mother Tiffany, the Queen of Oceanian, was already waiting for him.

"You're late!" said Queen Tiffany, who turned on the light as Marine D came in. "What took you so long?"

"Mother!" replied Marine D in a less anxious manner with a sarcastic slight laugh. "I... I was exploring the ocean with Mami and Walter... What I meant to say is, I was training and also exploring under the sea with Mami and Walter."

Queen Tiffany sighed at her son's response as she could tell that Marine D was hiding something, but she only gave him reasonable advice and assured her son that soon enough, he would become the king of the Oceanians, and that there might be others willing to contend for the throne. Tiffany kissed her son, Marine D, on the cheek before leaving his room.

Meanwhile, in some part of the ocean in an undisclosed location, some groups of rebelled Oceanians sought to overthrow the entire kingdom to create a new world order.

"The king has defied our sacred tradition and betrothed a surface dweller who had an heir for him to rule over the Oceanians and her kingdom," said the leader of the rebellious Oceanians, whose name is El Mar. "For how long will we continue to abide by a halfling rule?"

"Our gods forbid it!" replied Wasser. "It won't take long for our race to be exposed to the world above for peace..." He added, emphasizing the word peace like a serpent.

"We need a strategy, something that will bring havoc upon both worlds if we are to conquer the Oceanians and free our maker," Acqua suggested.

Suddenly, Eau provided a solution, informing them of a surface dweller who had been spying on them for months now, and that this human is eager for Oceanian powers. El Mar and the others saw this as a reasonable distraction to inflict chaos and blame the human race. And during their evil plot, Agua, a rebellious member, informed them of the king's son going up to the surface dweller to explore their world. El Mar, being their rebellious leader, had begun to execute her brilliant plan that would be put into motion.

She then split her comrades into various groups, some to spy on the king's son, some to spy on the Oceanians, whereas she and some of her other comrades would make an intriguing proposal to the surface dweller who is much interested in the secret of the Oceanians.

One fateful day, when Marine D was with Mami and Walter exploring and having a conversation on other aspects of the wonders of life, Mami said she would have no doubt become the greatest Oceanian warrior when Marine D becomes king. Walter said he would one day become the greatest healer, sorcerer, and inventor in all of the Oceanian kingdom as a way of serving their kingdom.

Marine D said he would one day unite both worlds in harmony and change the way the surface dwellers see the ocean and her people.

"That's such a beautiful thought, Marine D," Mami said. "I know you will achieve it."

"Yeah bro! We've got you and are always ready to stand by your side," said Walter.

During their moment, they noticed a large ship passing through. Marine D and friends noticed something wrong, from clear weather to a stormy bad weather where the large ship is sailing into the thickness of the sea fog storm.

"That's strange, wasn't the weather fair enough?" Marine D said to himself. They quickly put their heads out of the sea to observe the situation and saw that it wasn't good. Marine D suggested to his friends to help save them, of which they agreed, but also hide their identities in doing so from the humans.

Meanwhile, on the ship, the captain of the ship was none other than Captain Jack, an American citizen who's with his daughter named Martha. The ship was on an expedition, filled with large numbers of people. Captain Jack realized the bad weather in front of him and was mesmerized by the horrifying weather as he had never seen anything like it in his entire life as a sailor.

Upon entering into the bad stormy sea weather, Captain Jack tried his best to keep everyone safe to make it through, but the situation they faced was bigger than them. The storm was raging furiously at their ship, causing havoc with massive thunderbolts, which shut their engines in the middle of the storm. A massive wave came washing a few passengers and members overboard.

"Ahoy! Captain! She can't take it... We must abandon the ship," yelled a crew member to the captain in order to be heard.

Then Captain Jack, seeing the situation getting worse, agreed to abandon his ship. Martha, hearing this, went to her father, believing and encouraging her father that he could make it through the stormy weather.

"Abandon ship!" yelled one of the crew members on board, alerting everyone as they took cover and were ready to abandon ship.

"But father, a captain never abandons his ship," said Martha. "You can make it, dad. You're one of the greatest sailors in England. This ship means everything to us, to mom... Dad!" She pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"I am sorry for bringing you along, Martha. You are a brave girl in the face of danger and probably would be one of the greatest sailors in history. I promised your mother to protect you with my life, and now it seems I've failed her, but I won't give up hope, not yet, not even this Stormy weather of the cursed seven seas could pull us apart. I'll keep you safe."

"Aye aye, captain! Escape lifeboats are on board," said a crew member.

Martha, feeling sad about the ship being abandoned, ran away from her father's hug and went to take the wheel. Upon getting there, everyone noticed how strangely the ship behaved and was about to stumble over. They all held on to something tightly whichever way they could. Some fell overboard again just as the massive ship turned over into the sea. As the people struggled to hold their breath, some were about to drown as they could not hold on much longer.

In the midst of the crisis, Marine D and his friends came to the rescue. Mami and Walter saved those that had drowned and fallen before into the sea. They were so fast that no one realized what was happening. Meanwhile, Marine D was able to use his super strength to return the ship back to its rightful position. All members were saved, as none were missing. Mami and Walter had used their magic to restore their health. Just as those that had passed out began to wake up, they experienced something miraculous as their massive ship began to move fast past the stormy weather to their destination in time.

"Hold on to something, everyone," said Captain Jack, realizing this miraculous act of wonder as no one seemed to be sailing the ship.

And when they had reached their destination, Martha surveyed the entire four corners of the ship to find out what had saved them. Just as she was about to give up on her survey, she felt something within her, turn backwards and saw Marine D from afar, who had saved them. She was able to see his face as Marine D's head was out of the sea. Martha waved at him with a smile and whispered her gratitude for their savior, as he waved back at Martha before going back into the sea.

As the days passed, Marine D couldn't help but feel a bit different. He felt an inner joy in him. As for Martha, she couldn't help but wonder who their savior was on that day. She searched the internet about mermaids, read books about sea creatures, and did some research and findings about humans in the sea, but all to no avail. There was no solid proof of existence of the Oceanians, not that there wasn't, but the government had concealed it due to the past war experience of the Oceanians against the surface dwellers who were protected by Ultra family from their previous encounters (referencing chapter 38).

Mami and Walter could tell that their friend Marine D was falling in love with the surface dweller they had rescued. Sometimes Marine D would visit the surface above just to see Martha's well-being from afar. One day, while doing so, Martha spotted Marine D through the window and hurriedly came out to see him in the ocean since her residence was close to the shore. Marine D wasn't startled by Martha's approach as they got to know each other better.

"It was you who saved me... You saved all of us on that day, you saved my father's ship," said Martha. "Thank you!" She added with a lovely smile on her face.

Marine D beheld Martha's beauty and astounding fair complexion, mesmerizing smile, and lovely voice. And from that moment onward, everything changed as Martha and Marine D had a close connection.

And while all this was happening, they were being watched by a rebellious Oceanian from afar.