Curtechyian Madness - Part 5

As the days passed, Felicity and Becca's relationship underwent an irrevocable transformation. Becca had moved forward with her life, while Felicity needed time to heal from their turbulent past. Meanwhile, Kyla found herself privy to Felicity's crime-fighting secrets, an intricate world of gadgets and hidden knowledge known only to Felicity's closest colleagues. She marveled at the ingenuity behind the devices and how they had transformed their department into a force for justice. Kyla also stumbled upon a collection of Felicity's super suits, from her very first one to her current incarnation.

After this enlightening exploration, Kyla and Felicity convened privately. Kyla, with a maternal wisdom, comprehended the complex emotions brewing between Becca and Felicity. She offered guidance and counsel, nurturing Felicity's emotional wounds.

However, amidst these personal revelations, chaos unfurled in the Vill-City police station. Emily Frost, known as Frozen, orchestrated a daring escape, freezing and dispatching most of the officers who dared to obstruct her path. Her audacious plan extended further as she released the city's most notorious criminals from their cells, effectively anointing herself as their criminal queenpin.

Back at Binary X Labs, a colleague rushed in to inform Felicity about the disastrous prison break at VCPS. Both Kyla and Felicity hastened to the lab department to witness the mayhem Frozen's escape had unleashed upon the city. Frozen, accompanied by her criminal underlings, demanded a showdown with Velocity.

In a surprising turn of events, Emily displayed her long-lost abilities, whole once more. Felicity's colleagues couldn't help but question how Emily had regained her powers, a question that perplexed even Felicity herself. Time was of the essence, and Felicity wasted no more of it. She donned her formidable super suit, ready to confront Frozen and end the icy reign of terror that had gripped the city.

Upon arriving in the streets of Vill-City, Velocity acted swiftly, neutralizing Frozen's goons and ensuring the safety of the city's terrified civilians. It wasn't long before she faced off with Frozen herself. Their interaction was closely monitored by Felicity's team at Binary X Labs.

"Isn't it a miracle, V! Did you honestly believe you could strip me of my powers for good?" Frozen taunted.

"Frost, I tried to save you, to restore what you lost," Velocity responded, genuine concern in her voice.

Before Velocity could continue, Frozen silenced her, revealing her longstanding disbelief that the impossible could happen. She recounted how Velocity had failed to provide a cure in time, following the incident when Felicity's lightning had struck her. The very incident that had been a turning point in all their lives.

The lightning strike that had hit Emily beside the labeled container of "Fifth State Exotic Chemical Matter (FSECM-5)" had begun a gradual alteration of her DNA. Unbeknownst to her at the time, the lightning acted as a catalyst, setting in motion a transformation that would redefine her very essence. After Emily left her job, in the midst of her slow recovery, she realized that her frozen right half had yet to fully return. Extensive testing and a relentless quest for a cure proved futile.

It was during her fateful encounter with Felicity that Emily's fortunes took a different turn. Felicity injected her with a cure, which triggered the next stage of her powers. It balanced her superhuman DNA with her human DNA, effectively curing her frozen half and preventing her from becoming a living, icy figure.

"I suppose I owe you some thanks for that cure you administered," Frozen conceded with a hint of gratitude. "Now, I can bring it all to an end."

"Please, Frozen, reconsider," Velocity implored. She skillfully avoided Frozen's frosty blasts as she circled her nemesis. In response, Frozen unleashed a powerful shockwave of freezing energy that sent Velocity sprawling to the ground.

As Frozen advanced, ready to freeze Velocity completely, Velocity evaded just in the nick of time with her extraordinary speed. Even as she dodged Frozen's relentless attacks, Velocity tried to reason with her. However, just when it seemed Frozen might relent, the Vill-City Police Force (VCPF) arrived on the scene, prepared to apprehend Frozen at any cost.

The VCPF swiftly surrounded Frozen, and snipers positioned on various rooftops had their sights trained on her. Velocity, moving at incredible speed, closed in from behind, intent on capturing Frozen. However, Frozen responded with a mighty blast that not only sent Velocity careening aside but also wreaked havoc on the VCPF vehicles. The officers didn't hesitate to open fire on Frozen, realizing the severity of the threat.

Seeing the dire situation, Velocity sprang into action. She intercepted the hail of bullets, catching each one with her lightning-fast reflexes. Her last save was especially close to Frozen's face, causing Frozen's wide eyes to fill with disbelief. 

Frozen couldn't fathom that Velocity had chosen to save her. A flicker of remorse crossed her icy features as her eyes locked with Velocity's. However, she quickly concealed her emotions and reverted to her villainous demeanor. Seeing Velocity vulnerable and within arm's reach, Frozen took advantage of the moment. She placed her hand on Velocity's chest, gathering an immense reservoir of icy energy that she used to toss Velocity aside like a lifeless puppet. The result was not only collateral damage to nearby buildings, but it also unleashed a wave of freezing chaos throughout the city, claiming some of the snipers in the process.

Velocity streaked through the chaos, the explosions of cars erupting in her wake, prompting the VCPF officers to scramble out of harm's reach. Tragically, a few were ensnared by the fiery blasts, a stark reminder of the peril that had befallen the city.

Amidst the turmoil, a sniper who had regained consciousness took aim at Frozen. The rifle discharged, and the bullet streaked toward its target. Yet, Frozen's powers intervened. With a deep breath, she froze the bullet in mid-air, halting it in its deadly trajectory. The sudden change in events drew Frozen's attention to the sniper, who now found himself in her icy crosshairs. Frozen's retaliatory blast struck with deadly precision, freezing the unfortunate sniper in his tracks.

With her foe eliminated, Frozen wasted no time. She harnessed her icy powers to lift off into the atmosphere, leaving behind a city plunged into chaos and destruction. As Velocity regained consciousness and listened to her team's frantic messages on her suit comms, she surveyed the devastated cityscape and felt a deep pang of remorse for her failure to apprehend Emily Frost and prevent the loss of innocent lives.

Upon her return to Binary X Labs, Felicity grappled with regret, wondering if there might have been a way to reason with Emily Frost, who had succumbed to the darkness. Kyla, witnessing Felicity's inner turmoil, extended her support and understanding. She not only encouraged Felicity but also offered her team a larger department and more advanced equipment for their crime-fighting endeavors.

In the days that followed, Velocity tirelessly combated crime, bringing super-villains to justice and sending them to the super-jail. Becca, who had moved on and found a new partner, unexpectedly encountered Felicity in Vill-City Mall. Despite the complexities of their past, they engaged in a friendly conversation. Felicity expressed genuine happiness for Becca's new relationship, and they exchanged warm smiles before parting ways, though it tugged at Felicity's heart.

Meanwhile, Emily Frost, now keeping a low profile in an undisclosed location, wrestled with her actions and contemplated a potential change of heart. In a surprising turn of events, Quicksand confronted her, expressing anger over her failure to eliminate Felicity. 

Quicksand's stern reminder jolted Frozen, making her realize that her rejuvenated powers were not the result of Felicity's cure, but rather a gift from the Tachyon, entrusted to Quicksand. The revelation left Emily Frost deep in contemplation, her future path uncertain.

Author's Note:

In the story, Quicksand had not explicitly informed Frozen about how he acquired the borrowed power of lightning from Tachyon's negative speed to revive her abilities. This revelation was left implied within the narrative. Quicksand had gathered this insight when he learned that Felicity had interfered with Emily's powers. He strategically infused this hidden power within Emily, allowing it to remain dormant until Felicity's cure came into play, restoring her abilities while balancing her superhuman and human DNA. The complexity of these events left Emily Frost with much to ponder, not only about her newfound powers but also about her connection to the enigmatic Tachyon and the clandestine machinations surrounding her.

Quicksand assured Frozen that he could provide her with a life beyond her wildest dreams. He presented her with a new mission: to target Felicity's loved ones. His words were laden with an ominous warning, making it clear that betrayal would carry dire consequences. With that, Quicksand vanished in the blink of an eye, leaving Frozen to contemplate her next move.

Some time later, in the evening, Felicity was enjoying a family celebration, marking her biological father and stepmother's anniversary. Her biological mother was present, and Kyla had invited Felicity's colleagues. Becca and her partner were among the guests. However, the atmosphere took a chilling turn, and the room grew colder than usual. They watched in alarm as frost began to creep across the windows.

Felicity's colleagues turned their attention to her, sensing her understanding of the situation. As Felicity peered out the window, she spotted Frozen, her icy hands signaling trouble. Felicity acted swiftly, using her super speed to evacuate everyone from the apartment to safety, just moments before Frozen froze the entire building from outside.

Now dressed in her super suit, Velocity confronted Frozen, attempting to offer her a chance at redemption. Velocity deftly dodged Frozen's icy powers while trying to engage her in conversation. There was a glimmer of remorse in Frozen's eyes as she momentarily ceased battling Velocity, seemingly on the verge of revealing a hidden truth. However, before she could do so, Quicksand emerged from behind and phased his hand through Frozen's chest, brutally tearing out her heart. The onlookers were horrified witnesses to Frozen's sudden demise.

Quicksand turned toward them, his gaze locking onto Velocity. He taunted her, calling her a weakling. Fueled by anger, Velocity engaged in a fierce pursuit of Quicksand. They moved with incredible speed, Quicksand using his quicksand-based attacks to temporarily unbalance Velocity. However, Velocity quickly recovered and resumed her relentless pursuit.

To Quicksand's surprise, Velocity launched a surprise attack, delivering a powerful punch to his face that left him disoriented. Velocity pressed the advantage, not allowing Quicksand a chance to recuperate. She unleashed a torrent of blows, venting her rage and demanding to know why he had killed Emily Frost.

After a barrage of punches, she removed Quicksand's mask, revealing his secret identity. Velocity's vibrating hand hung in the air, poised to strike, but she held back. Quicksand, bloodied and battered, taunted Velocity by questioning why she couldn't deliver the final blow. In a moment of restraint, Velocity decided not to end him. 

As Quicksand's battered face began to heal, he continued to mock Velocity, labeling her a weakling and placing the blame for her friends' deaths squarely on her shoulders. The confrontation left Velocity grappling with a moral dilemma, torn between her desire for justice and her aversion to becoming a killer.

"Then I won't stop until I kill everyone you love, Felicity," Michael James, also known as Quicksand, declared with malice.

"Don't even entertain the thought of undoing the incident, because I'll be waiting to repeat it all," he added with a sinister smirk.

Felicity stared at Quicksand as if he had lost his sanity, then released him, causing him to slump to the ground. Velocity zoomed away, leaving Quicksand behind. When Felicity arrived at the scene, the ambulance had already taken away Emily Frost's lifeless body.

A few weeks after Emily Frost's burial, a remembrance event was held in her honor. Felicity and her friends reminisced about both the good and bad times they had shared. 

One day, while at Binary X Lab, Felicity casually inquired with her colleagues about the possibility of time travel. She explained what Quicksand had said to her, about reversing time to save Emily, even if it meant she would be killed again.

Her colleagues offered various perspectives. Some believed it could be possible but incredibly challenging. Others considered it impossible, citing the potential dangers and the unproven nature of time travel in history. 

"We've seen Felicity reverse time before," one colleague pointed out.

"True, but when that happens, we can't prove it occurred during the reversal since we retain our previous memories and not the memories created during the reversed time," another colleague countered.

"Exactly," a female colleague chimed in. "Time reversal is quite different. It doesn't alter time entirely but only the present situation without disrupting the overall timeline. It's more like rewinding a DVD backward. Its counterpart is time jump or time skip, sometimes referred to as a time lapse according to most sci-fi or theoretical explanations."

"But V!, don't you think altering the timeline would be too heavy a responsibility? It could create paradoxes, and that's something you don't want to tamper with," another colleague warned.

Felicity mulled over their insights, analyzing the potential consequences and outcomes. As the day drew to a close, she left the lab and headed home. During a family dinner, her thoughts kept returning to the idea of time travel, as if she were processing it all in her mind. Her focus wavered during the meal, but her father's voice brought her back to the present moment.

After a family dinner, Felicity's dad offered to take out the trash, but Felicity insisted on joining him. As they stood by the doorway, discussing life, a terrible and unexpected event unfolded. Felicity's dad, just as he was about to walk back toward her, was suddenly crushed by an unknown force with immense velocity. The impact shattered him into smithereens, scattering his organs and guts all over the place. Some of the blood and guts even splattered onto Felicity's face, covering her in her father's blood.

The shocking incident drew the attention of the rest of Felicity's family. Her biological mother, who had been visiting, and her stepmother, who lived with her dad, witnessed the horrifying violence, confronted with the gruesome sight of blood, guts, organs, and particles of quicksand mixed together.

The perpetrator of this gruesome act was none other than Quicksand. With a sinister smirk, he revealed himself to Felicity, who was consumed by rage and immediately chased after him at incredible speed through the city. Both speedsters displayed astonishing agility, with speed clones countering speed clones. Quicksand used his quicksand ability as an obstacle, but Felicity deftly avoided all incoming attacks.

The chase was intense, and Quicksand led Felicity to the edge of an opening filled with water. He anticipated her furious charge and waited for the moment Felicity approached him in midair, her hand charged with vibrating lightning. Unbeknownst to her, Quicksand gave a sinister smile as he phased through her incoming attack. Felicity missed her deadly strike, plummeting into the water after passing through Quicksand's intangible form.

Amid Felicity's desperation, Quicksand taunted her, claiming she wasn't ready for what was to come. He asserted that she was her greatest threat and that only death could stop him. Quicksand then swiftly departed, leaving behind a piece of quicksand on the ground.

Minutes later, when Felicity returned home, she was met with the presence of an ambulance and the VCPF at her doorstep. The place where her father had met his tragic end had become a grim crime scene. Felicity's work acquaintances arrived upon hearing the news, with Becca also present, her partner conspicuously absent. They all offered their condolences and support to Felicity and her family during this difficult time.

Weeks after Felicity's father's burial and the somber memorial, the reality of his death still felt like an unbearable weight on her shoulders. It had left her emotionally, physically, and mentally shaken. One day, while standing alone at her father's gravesite, paying her respects, Felicity couldn't help but reminisce about all the moments she had shared with her dad. The memories flooded in, including the heart-wrenching recollection of his death. Overwhelmed by grief, she walked away from the graveyard, her pace quickening until she was running. As the haunting images of that tragic night played over and over in her mind, something extraordinary happened.

Felicity's speed increased exponentially, and as she ran faster and faster, her body began to emit CMY lightning. Her determination to escape the painful memories pushed her beyond her limits. Time itself seemed to slow down around her as she transcended the boundaries of time and space. She found herself in a place unlike any other, surrounded by fragments of her own past.

Everywhere she looked, she saw memories, moments frozen in time. Her emotions had triggered a state of unconsciousness that allowed her to navigate through her own history. She continued to run, unaware of where this extraordinary journey would lead her. The memories guided her deeper into the past until she found herself on the cusp of a fateful night, the night before her father's tragic death.