Jessica's Adventure - Part 6

Deep within The Cage, a maximum-security stronghold designed to confine even the most formidable and perilous supervillains, the isolation was palpable. Situated on a remote island, it remained shielded by an intricate security system and vigilantly watched over by a cadre of elite guards. The facility boasted an array of specialized cells and chambers, each more insidious than the last. A sub-zero freezer, a room inundated with molten lava, and a sensory deprivation chamber, among others, all lay in wait. Every cell had been painstakingly engineered to nullify the powers of its occupant, and The Cage had a pristine record of never allowing anyone to escape.

Yet, the status quo was about to be shattered. Unbeknownst to the authorities, the supervillain incapacitated by Ultra Metal AI had fallen into their custody. Little did they anticipate the imminent chaos, as a daring prison break was quietly set into motion, aimed at unleashing a horde of dangerous supervillains back into the world. This audacious scheme was masterminded by none other than Madhouse, also known as Cassie Cain, in collaboration with Dr. Virginia's robotic drones and a legion of highly advanced androids.

Madhouse's backstory was a harrowing tale. Once a female speedster turned psychopath, she had once been a heroic figure known as Fax, inspired by the famous speedster Fast. Yet, over time, her obsession with speed drove her to madness. She relentlessly disrupted timelines, all in her pursuit to become the fastest woman alive in the entire multiverse and perhaps even all of creation. Her fixation on speed led her astray from the path of true justice, pushing her into the dark world of stealing speed from other speedsters across the multiverse. Those she couldn't drain speed from, she would ruthlessly ruin their lives and those of their loved ones. Fax's violent quest even extended to recreating an entire new maniverse with her overwhelming speed, defying her mentor Fast and the Curtechyian guardians.

Fax's reign of terror was eventually halted by her mentor Fast, alongside a coalition of other speedsters, including Time Loop. She was imprisoned in the Curtechyian force for eternity, or so they believed. Her escape from this seemingly inescapable prison drove her to the brink of madness. Her newfound mission was to create a better world for humanity, transcending the boundaries of their respective universes, driven by the profound hatred and fury she harbored towards speedsters, especially her once-revered mentor, Fast. The stage was set for an unprecedented clash between forces of good and evil, and the fate of the world hung in the balance.

Having channeled the entirety of her relentless speed to shatter the bonds of the Curtechyian force, Fax severed her connection with the inescapable prison that had once held her for eternity. But her transformation didn't end there. In a cunning move, Fax managed to eliminate one of Time Loop's temporal duplicates, granting her access to the formidable Curtechyian godlike powers. These transcendent abilities encompassed absolute immortal transcendence, invulnerability, indestructibility, and immunity. Alongside these gifts, she obtained immense strength, unparalleled durability, unmatched agility, unwavering stamina, hyper-accelerated reflexes, and an intellect that spanned the boundaries of omnilingualism. She also acquired the extraordinary talents of fighting mimicry and pinpoint marksmanship.

With these newfound powers replacing her once-beloved speed, Fax took on a new persona, Madhouse. The name signified her escape from the supposed inescapable imprisonment that had driven her to the brink of madness, and her pursuit to reshape the very essence of creation. The Curtechyian force had become, in her eyes, a madhouse to all of existence.

As Madhouse, Cassie Cain was virtually impervious to harm by any conventional means, her only vulnerability being her own Speed Gun. The Speed Gun she carried was a marvel in its own right. It had been perfected with the assistance of XL, disregarding the warnings of Elizah Blenheim. This weapon never ran out of bullets, and its enhancements enabled it to temporarily incapacitate or neutralize speedsters, granting them a reprieve to heal or resurrect from fatal injuries. Speedsters' phasing abilities proved futile against it, as the bullets possessed a lock-on mechanism that could only be evaded through cunning and swift strategic maneuvers.

The Speed Gun had the unique ability to absorb the kinetic energy of adversaries who relied on speed in their abilities, rendering them motionless. When confronting extraterrestrial, otherworldly, or cosmic entities, it not only absorbed their kinetic energy but also converted their other powers into kinetic energy, leaving them powerless. For ordinary humans, it was a lethal weapon, dealing death like any regular firearm. In Madhouse's hands, these artifacts were tools of chaos and devastation, setting the stage for a confrontation of cosmic proportions.

The Damascus blade, an artifact she wielded, a weapon infused with immense cosmic powers and enhanced over the ages by previous welders had the capacity to wound even beings of incredible power, transcending her own limits, except for those hailing from the ultra realm or bearing the blessings of the ultra realm and the indomitable Curtechyian force. The sword traversed between worlds, the entire multiverse, and maniverses, an unparalleled creation forged by gods with unfathomable might and honed to a mono-molecular edge. It could cleave through armor as if it were butter, having been crafted by the lost art of URM metallurgy, predating The Fall and possessing incomprehensible capabilities.

This formidable blade found its way into the hands of Madhouse, who embraced it as a tool of retribution against her adversaries, all in the pursuit of what she deemed "true justice." It wasn't long before Madhouse aligned herself with a motley crew of supervillains, accompanied by the diabolical genius scientist known as Dr. Virginia, who became her willing partner in crime.

A crucial note remained: the Damascus blade could not bring permanent demise to a speedster; its power was limited to inflicting temporary paralysis. Speedsters, by virtue of their connection to the incorruptible and indestructible Curtechyian force, possessed a unique form of invincibility. As long as the Curtechyian force endured, so did the existence of speedsters.

Yet, in Cassie Cain's hands, the Damascus blade served a more expansive purpose. She harnessed its cosmic energies to traverse between worlds and dimensions, amassing formidable armies and forging alliances with villains. Her quest was to conquer heroes, one world at a time, until a fateful encounter brought her face-to-face with Dr. Virginia, a rogue doctor within the ranks of the ultra heroes. Together, they conspired as partners in crime, seeking to unite more supervillains under their banner and to seize control of the world.

Dr. Valerie Virginia, a prominent scientist who once served as a leading government researcher, held a position of immense trust under President Isabella Bella Rich. Her contributions spanned across multiple government agencies, from MI5 to MI6, where her profound impact on technological advancements and her deep understanding of the enigmatic Xentorium core were nothing short of extraordinary. She even lent her expertise to the legendary ultra heroes in their quests.

Valerie was more than an inventor; she was a genius and a world problem solver, earning her a reputation as one of the planet's brightest minds. Her IQ surpassed not only most human intellects but even those of many extraterrestrial beings, boasting an IQ of 24,000. To elevate her intellect further, she developed advanced cerebral hemispheres cortex through her own ingenuity, utilizing fragments of the stolen Xentorium core before its confiscation.

Her contributions extended beyond government agencies, reaching entities like the Lyrecius Pytronx Corporation, Binary X, Project Blue Beam, NASA, the United Nations, the Lucis Trust organization, and many more. Yet, her once-sterling achievements became the catalyst for an unsettling obsession.

Valerie's understanding of the Xentorium core led her to deem the legendary ultra heroes as weak, and she resented the government's control over technological advancements that should have been accessible to all. Consumed by jealousy and obsession, she embarked on a secret operation, concealed from the government's watchful eyes. Her sinister mission involved transforming ordinary humans into superhumans and engaging in a form of euthanasia, only to resurrect them as mindless superhumans under her dominion.

With an unwavering thirst for world domination and a burning desire to overthrow the government, Valerie's malevolent inventiveness and control over mind-altered supervillains prompted her relentless pursuit of additional allies among the ranks of supervillains. Dr. Valerie Virginia's descent into madness and her psychopathic inventiveness posed an unprecedented threat to the government, the nemesis of the legendary ultra heroes, and ultimately, a peril to the entire planet.

After the successful infiltration of "The Cage," the supervillains were presented with a choice: to seize world domination or to retreat and hide in fear of the hero association leagues. Some villains embraced the opportunity, while others opted to disappear into the shadows, evading the hero association's watchful eyes. Those who aligned with Madhouse were ushered to their secretive villainous lair, where they encountered Dr. Virginia and her robotic minions.

During the gathering, a former adversary of Ultra Metal AI brought to their attention the emergence of a new superhero, who had taken up the mantle of the legendary ultra heroes. Madhouse assured them that this wannabe hero would be dealt with promptly and that their primary concern was to eliminate Prime Minister and Fast, who stood at the pinnacle of the hero association league.

Meanwhile, Jessica and Samantha had engaged in a marathon gaming session, dedicating hours to their match, which had ultimately ended in a tie. The interruption came in the form of Bruno, who was taken aback by the ongoing gaming battle.

"What the heck is going on here?" exclaimed Bruno in surprise.

"Hey, Bruno!" Jessica and Samantha greeted him in unison.

"Have you two been playing this since I left?" Bruno inquired.

"Maybe," Samantha replied, her focus still fixed on the screen.

"Maya is really getting good at this. Usually, she flops at games," Samantha continued.

"Hahaha!" Bruno laughed sarcastically. "Coming from the person who took lessons from the master himself, such as yours truly."

"Bruno!" Samantha protested. "You promised not to expose me."

"Oops!" Bruno admitted. "My bad. I guess the cat's out of the bag now."

"Wait a minute, Bruno, have you been giving her extra lessons?" Jessica inquired, seeking confirmation without looking at him.

"Yeah! Sorry, my bad. I forgot about your girl code," Bruno responded, scratching the back of his head guiltily.

"Samantha, that's cheating. You said you'd figure it out on your own," Jessica chided Samantha. "But, guess what? I like it."

"Uh!" Samantha reacted in shock. "You do?"

"Yeah! Even with your extra lessons, you're still better, but not for long because I was holding back to see how far you'd come," Jessica admitted. She won the last round of their game, concluding it with a gaming character fatality, as she cheered in victory.

"She'd win fair and square," Bruno reassured Samantha.

"Yeah! In your face, Samantha," Jessica playfully taunted.

Following the games, Bruno brought out his guitar and started to play, rehearsing his songs for a performance. His melodious voice captured the attention of Jessica and Samantha, who were captivated by his singing.

"Wow! It's beautiful," Jessica complimented Bruno's voice.

"Is this the new song you've been working on? Let me guess, you were inspired by Music Man," Samantha teased him in a friendly manner.

"Who's Music Man?" Jessica asked in slight confusion, her eyes scanning the room as they both stared at her in shock.

"Are you kidding me? You've got to be kidding, right, Jessica," Bruno said in disbelief, pointing at the poster on the wall behind his bedside for Jessica to see.

"That's Music Man. He's one of the greatest musicians alive, gifted in all aspects of music, and he has performed with so many artists the world has ever known," Bruno excitedly explained, hushing Samantha to let him share.

"Music Man has the greatest voice there is, a voice of an angel. He's been featured by numerous musicians, such as Fela Kuti, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Aretha Franklin, Tupac Shakur (2Pac), The Notorious B.I.G. (Biggie Smalls), Beyoncé, Adele, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Kendrick Lamar, Billie Eilish, Drake, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Bruno Mars, Don Moen, Nathaniel Bassey, Frank Edwards, Eben, Tope Alabi, Sinach, Tim Godfrey, Mercy Chinwo, Preye Odede, Midnight Crew, Chris Tomlin, Lauren Daigle, TobyMac, Kirk Franklin, Amy Grant, Hillsong United (Australian, but widely popular in the U.S.), Casting Crowns, Matthew West, Tasha Cobbs Leonard, Mandisa, Lecrae, KB, Bizzle, Da' T.R.U.T.H., Bouqui, Provabs, Sokleva Hughes, Sam Jamz, Winter Amadin, Sola Shittu," Bruno listed a wide array of artists. "And so on, the list is endless as he has been featured by Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, Juice World, and Eminem, the rapper, as well."

"And don't forget about his assistant," Samantha reminded Bruno.

"That's right! Harmonica Girl is Music Man's assistant. She's as gifted and talented as he is, with her expertise in various song forms and a touch of hip-hop, while Music Man excels in all music genres," Bruno explained.

"Wow!" Jessica exclaimed in astonishment. "That sounds fantastic."

Bruno continued, "There's a music concert called 'Experience' coming up. You should come along. Nearly all the musicians will be there, including Music Man and his assistant. It's happening two weeks after our night class ends, running from evening till the following morning. Samantha and I can pick you up when you're ready."

"Alright. I guess I'll give it a try," Jessica replied with a smile.

Two days after their lectures, Jessica and Eddie began working on their group project, following the instructions of their science teacher, Dr. Emma Hartman. The assigned groups in the science class began working on their projects, which were due the day before the night class concluded. However, Jessica and Eddie found themselves in a slight disagreement about what to present.

"Eddie, let's go with my idea of converting stress into energy that can be harnessed through bracelets to help humanity," Jessica suggested.

Eddie, with a hint of sarcasm, replied, "That sounds great. We'll make sure it works so you won't be late for class anymore."

Eddie pushed for his own idea, "Jessica, let's present my concept of harnessing power from living organic tissue formed by combining fungi and bacteria."

"Eww!" Jessica reacted, her facial expression showing her disgust. "You want to create a living organic power source out of bacteria and fungi? Eddie, that's beyond crazy; it's insane. Next, you'll be suggesting using viruses for total control."

Eddie defended his idea, pointing at Jessica, "That might work someday, Jessica."

Dr. Emma Hartman, who had overheard their argument, approached them with a solution. "Starr and Eddie, both of your ideas are excellent. Despite your argument, you're both going to present both concepts on that day. Jessica will work on Eddie's idea, while Eddie will work on Jessica's idea. That way, everyone wins."

Eddie tried to voice his objections, but Dr. Emma Hartman interrupted firmly, "No 'buts,' Eddie. That's how it's going to be." She smiled at them before dismissing them.

Once the class had emptied, Dr. Emma Hartman locked the door and took a secret emergency call from the Hero Association.

"Yes, Mrs. President. Jessica Starr is the one," Dr. Emma Hartman replied, leaving the rest of her conversation shrouded in secrecy.