Jessica's Adventure - Part 7

The next morning, when all the students were enjoying their free time in the open field within the school premises, some were diligently practicing their academic work, while others were engaged in various sporting activities. Suddenly, a deafening explosion echoed from a distance, sending shockwaves through the students. Alarmed, they were immediately summoned to the main hall for safety, just in time to avoid an object hurtling into their school field from a far-off location.

As the students anxiously evacuated the school field, they were met with an astonishing sight. Jessica, who had been with her friends, and the entire school community witnessed bizarre alien-looking creatures running wild on their school grounds. Some of the aliens pounded furiously on the school entrance, threatening to rip it apart. Fear gripped the students, and teachers hurriedly called for help through their phones, following the school's emergency protocols.

In the midst of this chaos, Jessica discreetly excused herself from her friends, oblivious to the fact that her science teacher had been keeping an eye on her. Jessica stealthily headed in the opposite direction, where she transformed into her alter ego, Ultra Metal AI. She then sprang into action.

With unwavering determination, Ultra Metal AI Jessica single-handedly battled and defeated the alien creatures. Little did she know that her heroic showdown was being closely monitored by the authorities. The entire student body erupted in cheers as they witnessed her valiant efforts.

During her fierce confrontation with the aliens, a colossal, monstrous creature erupted from beneath the ground, causing the earth to tremble and crumble. Suspended in mid-air, Ultra Metal AI Jessica quickly created a protective force field made of solid metal to shield herself as the gigantic creature's gaping maw threatened to swallow her whole. It seemed as though all hope was lost, and the onlookers believed Jessica was doomed, except for Dr. Emma Hartman.

To everyone's astonishment, the enormous creature that had swallowed Ultra Metal AI Jessica began to exhibit strange behavior. It expanded uncontrollably until it ultimately burst, showering its innards all over the place. To everyone's relief, Ultra Metal AI Jessica emerged unscathed, her metallic force field having expanded within the now-defeated creature that had detonated into countless pieces.

With her incredible powers, she took off to save the city, leaving the amazed students in awe. Later, all the teachers gathered the students to ensure everyone was accounted for. Bruno and Samantha, worried about Jessica's whereabouts, were relieved when Dr. Emma informed them that Jessica was working for her, putting their minds at ease.

On the other side, Ultra Metal AI Jessica found herself locked in a fierce battle with creatures and robots, but her attention was soon drawn to an unexpected and familiar foe – Brute, the villain she had thought she defeated in a prior encounter. Brute, however, had a chilling revelation for her – things had changed, and he was determined to bring her down. It appeared that the creatures and robots were now in an unholy alliance with Brute.

Before Ultra Metal AI Jessica could engage Brute in combat, a powerful laser beam struck her, hurling her against a building. Another supervillain, known as Stone Cold, had come to Brute's aid, and together, they intended to take down the heroic AI.

"Stay down, hero! If I wanted you dead, you'd be a memory," Stone Cold taunted, revealing that he had infected Jessica with the deadly Xentorium virus, courtesy of Dr. Virginia.

As her armor began to shed and renew itself simultaneously, Ultra Metal AI Jessica's ultra AI suit informed her of the Xentorium virus. She couldn't help but ask her suit, "So, this is what it feels like?"

Her Ultra AI suit offered suggestions, including taking control of her or granting her access to limited arsenals. It even demonstrated by pointing powerful weapons at her enemies, leaving Ultra Metal AI Jessica stunned.

"No, I'm not a killer," she firmly replied, refusing such a lethal option.

Her Ultra AI countered, "But you did brutally defeat a massive creature from the inside out. Doesn't that count as a kill?"

"That was different," Jessica argued.

Her Ultra AI then proposed a less harmful alternative and even allowed her to imagine a weapon of her choice while warning her about the Xentorium virus's potential danger.

"The ultra Virus," Jessica said, activating it within her to protect herself from the Xentorium virus's effects.

"Why not just give me access to everything?" Jessica asked, her confidence rising as she faced her adversaries.

Stone Cold, undeterred, unleashed a series of Xentorium laser beam blasts at her, forcing her to swiftly evade them while maintaining a conversation with her Ultra AI.

"Patience, Jessica," her Ultra AI advised. "When you are capable of my limitless potential, only then shall you have access to any transformation you desire. I only want what's best for you, and I'll always be here with you, no matter what."

While Stone Cold continued to take aim at Ultra Metal AI Jessica, she engaged in a fierce battle against Brute. Their clash was nothing short of epic, with Ultra Metal AI Jessica nearly gaining the upper hand. She employed her remarkable ability to manipulate metals from a distance, using them to contain Brute, who, in response, summoned his legion of robotic minions and terrifying creatures to wreak havoc on the city and target Ultra Metal AI.

As Ultra Metal AI Jessica valiantly struggled to save lives and fend off Brute's minions, Stone Cold remained fixated on landing a shot on her. Eventually, he got a clear shot, firing a powerful blast of the Xentorium virus, which penetrated her force field, knocking her aside.

Bruised but undeterred, Ultra Metal AI Jessica had to confront Brute, who had broken free from her containment. He charged towards her, exploiting her weakened state from the Xentorium virus attacks. Brute seized her by the armored neck, drawing her close to taunt her, emphasizing that she was unworthy of the legacy of the legendary Ultra heroes.

While Brute indulged in his monologue, Stone Cold received a message from his superior about the Prime Minister's imminent arrival and the need to retreat. Stone Cold was about to inform Brute, but he spotted the Prime Minister rapidly approaching. Stone Cold swiftly teleported away with some of his minions, leaving Brute to face the consequences alone.

Realizing that his partners and most of his minions had mysteriously vanished into the shadows, Brute flung Ultra Metal AI Jessica away like a ragdoll. He intended to make a run for it but was suddenly confronted by the Prime Minister, who had appeared out of nowhere. Brute was taken aback by the Prime Minister's unexpected arrival as the Prime Minister effortlessly incapacitated and apprehended Brute, quickly dealing with the remaining minions.

Although many lives were tragically lost during the chaos, Prime Minister's arrival restored hope and healing to the wounded city. With his extraordinary abilities, he began to repair the damages and provide solace to the affected citizens.

After Prime Minister had successfully apprehended Brute, he came face to face with Ultra Metal AI Jessica, who had gradually recovered. He recognized that she possessed impressive power and determination, walking a path similar to the fallen heroes, yet lacked the experience to truly become a hero. Prime Minister extended a mentorship offer to Jessica, offering to guide her on the path of heroism.

"You possess great power and zeal, young hero, following in the footsteps of those who came before you. But to truly become a hero, you need control and self-discipline," Prime Minister advised. "Farewell, and remember, be mindful of collateral damage during battles, for it is your enemy's greatest strength to divert your attention."

With those words of wisdom, Prime Minister majestically ascended into the sky, disappearing at blinding speed, leaving behind an appreciative crowd of cheering citizens.

Unbeknownst to Ultra Metal AI Jessica, a fragment of the Xentorium virus blast energy had infiltrated her suit. Meanwhile, in a secretive and villainous lair, Stone Cold reported the events to his superiors. Dr. Virginia, having witnessed the whole spectacle, revealed her sinister intentions.

"It seems we'll have to bring out the big guns," Dr. Virginia declared with a wicked grin.

The next day, students couldn't stop discussing the recent events that had captivated the media. Jessica, who had just finished speaking with her mom about her concerns, safety, and longing for her family, was approached by Bruno and Samantha. They excitedly recounted the heroic actions of Ultra Metal AI, and this time, Bruno's comments brought a smile to Jessica's face.

However, beneath her apparent normalcy and school projects, Jessica couldn't shake her dual life as a secret hero. Her serious expression was a clear indicator to Bruno and Samantha that she had more than just schoolwork on her mind.

"Okay, she's got that 'Eureka' thinking face again, just like the animated TV series," Bruno remarked. "Jessica is definitely contemplating something significant."

Upon hearing her friends' understanding, Jessica flashed a beautiful smile. She began to explain that she had a project to work on. However, Bruno swiftly interrupted, seeking Jessica's assistance in fixing his Apple Vision Pro headset. Samantha, curious about how the headset got damaged, listened as Bruno explained it was an accident. Jessica, always ready to help, swiftly repaired the device and handed it back to Bruno, who was immensely grateful.

"Now I can compete in the gaming tournaments," Bruno exclaimed excitedly before leaving.

Samantha, still with Jessica after Bruno's departure, brought up the topic of their account balance in their shared contribution. Jessica, seemingly unworried, placed her trust in Samantha's capable hands and assured her that she could make decisions for their mutual benefit. With that settled, Samantha went about her own business, and Jessica refocused on her school project.

As Jessica delved into her work, she began to sense that something was amiss within herself. An unsettling feeling prompted her to perform a detailed scan of her transformations, her physical human form, and her anatomy and physiology. To her shock, the scan revealed a trace of Xentorium virus energy. Jessica successfully extracted it and sealed it within a container.

The Xentorium virus substance had a peculiar appearance, resembling a blend of white and black goo encased in a green-like substance, almost resembling binary code. It exhibited a strange, sentient movement within the tightly sealed container, leaving Jessica in awe.

"¡O dios mío!" she exclaimed in shock, which translates to "Oh my God."

The Xentorium virus writhed and struggled within its container as it slowly moved towards her school project. It appeared as though it had a strange inclination to bond with her work, and Jessica, drawing from her knowledge gained from her Ultra AI and mentor about the Xentorium virus, was about to undertake a remarkable experiment. Her Ultra AI, sensing her intentions, expressed its caution.

"Whatever you're planning, Jessi, don't," her Ultra AI warned.

However, Jessica was resolute and demanded that her Ultra AI release a fragment of Ultra virus energy, which materialized in her palm. This energy fragment had a fusion of blue and green energies. As she witnessed the Xentorium virus break free from its containment, it began to merge with a living organic tissue formed by combining fungi and bacteria, bonding like a symbiote. What astonished Jessica even more was that it could split itself and take on the forms of other living organic and inorganic tissues.

Jessica decided to split the Ultra virus energy fragment in half. She placed the left part closer to the Xentorium virus, and it sensed it as part of itself, merging with it after leaving its previous bond. During this process, Jessica also merged the other part with it.

"Merging such powers together could bring about great catastrophe, Jessica," her Ultra AI warned. "Sophie McCoy, your mentor, knew of the great risk and potential of such a creation, even when she created the Ultra virus."

Jessica laughed sarcastically at her Ultra AI's concerns and muted a holographic mentoring message it had started playing. She was determined to focus on creating something unique.

"I've tried bypassing you with regular science, advanced science, and possibly even highly advanced extraterrestrial science, but to no avail. It seems the only way to bypass you is with the Xentorium core of any kind, be it the Xentorium virus or Ultra virus. These are your weaknesses, to be precise," Jessica explained.

She continued, "If the Xentorium virus is harmful and the Ultra virus is somewhat less harmful due to its Xentorium core, which can be activated by strong willpower, just imagine what could happen when I merge all three together."

"In that way, I could counter both without worrying about being affected. It would give me a significant advantage. I'd call it 'Ultra SUV' – Ultra Super Ultra Virus," Jessica proposed. "That would be a perfect addition to my transformations. As you said, I can create whatever I imagine."

While diligently working on the creation of Ultra SUV, Jessica asked her Ultra AI a question after it had removed the mentoring message of Sophie McCoy.

"I know it might be too early to create another transformation now because I do have some ideas in mind, but that will have to wait," Jessica mused, turning her attention to another school project assignment. "I can't believe Eddie thought of this, what was he thinking, harnessing power from living organic tissue formed by combining fungi and bacteria."

As Jessica meticulously prepared the Ultra SUV, infused it with a blood sample, and analyzed it with her inner scan, a revelation struck her. The Ultra SUV had the astonishing ability to take the form and shape of anything she desired. She could alter it by merely thinking about it or even by speaking the words. Furthermore, it could mimic the forms of objects it came into contact with.

"Incredible!" Jessica exclaimed with astonishment as she carefully guided the Ultra SUV to another container, sealing it away from her school project work. She then extracted a piece of the Ultra SUV and placed it in yet another separate container. As she pointed her finger towards it, a drop of the bonded virus began to gradually spread around her finger, attempting to bond with her. This unusual occurrence triggered a glitch within her Ultra AI, causing it to malfunction and issue warnings of impending danger. However, Jessica made the daring choice to allow it to fully bond with her.

Upon assuming her new transformation as Ultra SUV Jessica, she felt an overwhelming surge of power. With a simple thought, she bypassed all previous transformations, gaining full access and control. This newfound power allowed her to effortlessly work on her school project assignment.

"Now that's a transformation," Ultra SUV Jessica remarked.

However, there was a notable peculiarity about this transformation. Jessica soon realized she could no longer communicate with her personal Ultra AI companion. The Ultra SUV suit possessed a will of its own. Ignoring the potential risks, Jessica decided to take her new suit creation for a joy ride, unaware that it was evolving in numerous ways.

Jessica embraced her newfound Ultra SUV transformation, using it to combat crime, confront supervillains, and repel galactic invaders. She effortlessly vanquished these threats, finding her new abilities astonishing. With each passing day, she increasingly relied on her Ultra SUV transformation to single-handedly and effortlessly combat criminal activities in the city.

Meanwhile, at the headquarters of the Hero Association League, President Isabella Rich, who had dedicated teams and agents monitoring the city and the world, noticed something familiar about Jessica's Ultra AI transformation. They had been observing it for a long time.

"Mrs. President, we've managed to identify the source of these creations, and it all points to none other than Dr. Virginia," one of the agents reported. "The robots, creatures, drones, superpowered villains—everything."

"It appears that Dr. Virginia has recruited new allies both before and after infiltrating The Cage," President Isabella Rich commented. "This can only mean one thing: Cassie Cain, your mentee, is her accomplice. And now, Jessica's transformation is unlike any other we've seen. She effortlessly dispatched her adversaries, displaying remarkable ease in her battles, despite the challenges she had encountered with the Xentorium virus just days before".

As Dr. Emma Hartman, also known as the speedster Fast, emerged from the shadows into the light, President Isabella Rich inquired, "Do you think she's found a way to bypass her Ultra AI protocols? Should we be prepared to intervene if she turns rogue?"

Fast replied, "The visions of the Curtechyian force are never wrong. Jessica is stubborn, but she will come to realize her mistakes and acknowledge them. While Dr. Virginia and Cassie may be up to something, Jessica Starr might be our only hope to stop what's coming."

"I trust your judgment, and it's reassuring to know that you're watching over her. If things take a turn for the worse, you know what needs to be done," President Isabella Rich told Fast.