Prologue: Broken

Hendrix reluctantly agreed and looked at the TV screen. Once it turned on, it showed Kendra talking to a guy in his room before they both took off their clothes and began to do the wrongful deed.

"Kendra, please tell me this isn't true!" Hendrix asked in a shaky voice as he gasped and stared at her wide-eyed and vigorously shook his head.

"It's all real. I cheated on you.~" Kendra teased as her eyes contracted and stared into his, watching his movements like a hawk watches their prey from the sky.

"No, your lying. You wouldn't do this." Hendrix replied, feeling a lump form in his throat while tears began forming and his mouth went dry.

"You'll see soon, sweetie. Now watch until the end.~" Kendra thundered as she pressed another button on the remote and smirked, watching Hendrix's reaction.

Two metallic hands rose from newly opened small holes and grabbed Hendrix's head, forcing him to watch the heartbreaking sight. When he tried to close his eyes, small wires came out of four smaller holes and opened his eyes.

"No! I don't want to watch this! Turn it off!" Hendrix yelled as tears began to fall from his eyes while trying to close his eyes and move his head, but to no avail.

The videos lasted thirty-six hours, and Kendra forced him to watch it all. She had intercourse with many men and smiled in satisfaction in the videos without showing signs of being drunk.

"Why, Kendra? Why did you cheat on me?" Hendrix asked with his tear ducts had long run dry. His lips quivered and shook subtly as his eyes appeared red.

"Because this was my plan from the beginning.~" Kendra replied as she turned off the TV. Before kissing his cheek again profoundly as her eyes contracted and peered into his.

"But we were together for so long, happily. Why throw it all away?" Hendrix said as he felt the kiss but turned his head away the best he could.

Kendra finished kissing Hendrix as she then spoke. "Indeed, that's part of it as well. I'm reincarnated, believe it or not. I had watched you long before we met in kindergarten." Kendra then smiled wider as her eyes dilated as she said. "I've stalked you for months in the shadows, studying you and watching your every move. When I first saw you, I knew I had to have you. But you see, my love was not the same as how the rest of society sees it."

"How so? How could it have been there at all?" Hendrix tearfully replied as he looked at her distantly. His face was puffy while he frowned.

"Because I love the idea of building up my love and then breaking them.~ Don't you see, I have been so kind to you for all those years to build you up. Your self-esteem, your confidence, and your achievements, among others." Kendra replied as her eyes dilated further while her breathing quickened and her heart rate increased.

"Now I have broken your heart. There are still other ways to do so, though, before my first plan is complete." She said as her cheeks turned red as she licked her lips. She then looked at the ax on the platform and the tube intently.

"Why are you looking at that!? Why!?" Hendrix asked as he then realized something. "No, don't cut me with that, please!" Hendrix begged as his eyes widened, and his face turned pale while his body shook uncontrollably.

"Too bad, it's time to compensate me for all the nurturing I gave you.~" Kendra said as she walked over and grabbed the ax and tube. She then walked back to him and arrived next to his arm.

"It's time to pay your debt. It's going to be hell for you but heaven for me." Kendra stated, chuckling while raising the ax above his right arm. Her eyes contracted while she stared at his arms.

"Noo! Stop, I beg you! Kendra, please have mercy!" Hendrix yelled as he tried as hard as possible to free himself. His heartbeat began to race while adrenaline pumped into his bloodstream.

Kendra swung onto his right arm, cutting about a third through before moaning softly, looking at the damage she caused.

"AHH!" Hendrix yelled in pain as he looked at his arm. His lips quivered while he sweated profusely.

Kendra raised the ax and swung again, reaching his bone, continuing to smile as her face turned redder.

"Kendra, stop! Agh!" Hendrix yelled as he began to writhe in pain, losing control of his reactions.

Kendra raised the ax again and violently swung it down, cutting off his arm. Before smirking in satisfaction as she threw it to the side.

Hendrix shrieked as he tried to escape, but alas, he was still unable to.

"That was so hot to cut off your arm, Hendrix.~ Now, only three to go.~" Kendra grabbed one syringe and injected it into his bloodstream. She made it so Hendrix could no longer pass out from the pain.

"Stop! Please, Kendra!" Hendrix said as he yelled out, trying to express his pain, hitting his head on the table repeatedly in agony.

Kendra only giggled, cutting off Hendrix's remaining limbs while laughing, and her face flushed. Afterward, opening the tube and pushing a syringe into it, and after taking it out and inserting it into Hendrix as she opened her phone and typed a phrase into it.

She used his technology on him, but it only stopped the bleeding without healing his wounds.

"You are evil, Kendra!" Hendrix yelled as he continued to shriek and writhe on the table in untold pain.

"I know, and I'm proud of it, sweetie.~" Kendra replied, dipping her finger into his blood and raising it with some on it. Before licking her finger as she felt tremors through her body, moaning as a euphoric look on her face appeared. "Now that you are unable to walk or even crawl. Let's begin your lifelong torment.~"

"NOO!" Hendrix yelled in horror but couldn't do anything to save himself.

Kendra put down the ax as she walked back to the platform before grabbing the canister and lighter as she walked back.

"Let's begin with the first activity, sweetie.~" Kendra replied as she uncorked the canister's nozzle and began to pour gasoline onto Hendrix.

"Kendra, what are you doing!?" Hendrix yelled in a high-pitched tone while being coated with it. He winced as it covered his previous wounds on the stumps where his limbs used to be.

After covering Hendrix with the gasoline, she grabbed his mouth and forced it open while smirking and winking at him.

"I'm beginning the torment, sweetie.~ Drink it up. You have no choice.~" Kendra replied as she then poured gasoline down his throat and laughed loudly, and moaned softly.

Hendrix desperately tried to close his mouth, but he wasn't strong enough. He helplessly felt gasoline continue to pour down his throat.

Kendra smirked as she stopped pouring the gasoline. She then grabbed her lighter.

"Kendra! Stop!" Hendrix yelled as he tried to cough up the gasoline.

Kendra smiled as she lit Hendrix's mouth, and the fire spread to his organs and over his body before backing away and placing her hands on her hips while her cheeks were bright crimson.

"AGH!" Hendrix yelled as he felt fire spread throughout his body, inside and out.

Kendra smiled as she began to sway seductively from side to side. And she was breathing rapidly, watching her fiance burn.

"You are like Vader from Mustafar. Burning is what you both deserve!" Kendra taunted while moaning more and twerking once again.

Hendrix yelled as he writhed in agony. And continued to scream as the torment progressed and when he was about to die. Kendra pressed a message on her phone, which healed him and made him suffer even more. Eventually, after a few hours, she put out the fire and kissed his charred cheek.

"W-Why Kendra, why?" Hendrix asked weakly and with slow and raspy breaths.

"That was fun. Now let's begin the next four activities.~" Kendra replied, ignoring Hendrix's question and putting away the lighter and canister before healing his burn wounds completely with the technology. After that, she grabbed the skinning knife and one of the bottles of unknown liquid.

Kendra proceeded to torture Hendrix in four more ways. First, she skinned him alive while stopping his bleeding so he couldn't die. Before pouring brown recluse venom onto him from the bottle as his flesh began to rot while he was in it.

"You're no different than a rotting corpse, sweetie.~" Kendra taunted as she giggled while holding her stomach before grinning as her face turned red again. And her breathing grew faster as her heart rate increased.

After torturing him for a few hours, she removed the venom and healed him before grabbing the honey and milk. And she proceeded to force-feed him milk and honey until he puked. She quickly opened the box as flies, beetles, and other vermin began to feast on his flesh and entered his insides.

"Your just a haven for insects, sweetie. You are beneath them.~" Kendra taunted as she stepped on him with her heel. Her smile widened while he began being eaten by the bugs.

For a few days, they feasted until Kendra healed him and burned all the insects inside him and out and healed him again.

After this, she grabbed the rest of the syringes and injected every one of them into his bloodstream. And the nastiest viruses filled them, and they infected him all at once. He had seizures, cold sores, rashes, and other symptoms for a day.

"You are a breeding ground for pestilence.~" Kendra said while chuckling and poking him with her axe and licking her lips while her face turned red.

Kendra healed and eradicated the diseases in Hendrix's body after the duration ended. Lastly, she grabbed a unique bag and another bottle of unknown liquid before placing the bag underneath Hendrix's family jewels and pouring acid into the bag. The acid ate away at Hendrix's little friend until it was gone. The bag held firm, though.

"How does it feel not to have your precious third leg?~" Kendra sadistically taunted as she poked where it once was.

The torment continued for twelve hours until she was satisfied. Before sighing and smiling as she kissed Hendrix's cheek again. "That was fun and satisfying, sweetie.~"

Afterward, she placed a VR headset on his head so he could read from a pre-downloaded library of hundreds of thousands of books on educational topics. She did this, trying to give him hope and relief to build him up so he'd be ripe for breaking again with one of the five methods used already.

Hendrix didn't know it was bait and took it, wishing to find any way to escape the personal hell Kendra had made for him. And he learned all he could from the books hoping to distract himself. He couldn't access the internet and was only limited the books.

He was permitted a day of rest between his torment sessions. This reprieve allowed him to keep his sanity. Hendrix went through one of the torment methods for twelve hours straight when the time was up unless it was scaphism. If it were that, it changed to three days. Kendra randomized the torment methods so he couldn't get used to them.

This hell continued for a century until Hendrix's lifespan neared its end.


Hendrix lay on the table with a blank gaze. His mind broke from all the torture.

A figure arrived, and it was Kendra. She had nothing in her hands but sighed, looking at Hendrix.

"Hendrix, I will remember the wonderful time we had together. It was enjoyable and engaging." Kendra said as she looked at Hendrix while she began to sob. She then kissed him.

"I hope I will meet you again, sweetie. If I do, I will do this again. Goodbye." Kendra replied before punching Hendrix repeatedly as she laughed loudly and swayed from side to side.

"Ahh!" Hendrix yelled as Kendra brutally killed him.

"Oh, I will find you, sweetie, and next time I will make sure you will never leave me again.~" Kendra said with her eyes dilated before laying on the floor and dying of old age peacefully.