Reincarnated and a New World

Hendrix's consciousness floated through a void-like space.

'Where am I? Will I finally reach the afterlife?' Hendrix thought addled as his mind raced, pondering where he was and his possible destination.

A response transmitted into Hendrix's consciousness. 'I'm afraid not, young one.'

'Who is that?!' Hendrix thought, bewildered, as his thoughts froze for a small duration.

'I am Alagdalla, young one.' Another response transmitted into Hendrix's consciousness.

The void-like space around Hendrix began to flow gently like the currents in a calm sea. Afterward, a gelatinous tendril rose from the sea and penetrated Hendrix's consciousness.

'Huh!? What is this!?' Hendrix yelled in his mind as he had an eerie feeling.

"Relax, young one. I only made it easier to communicate with you." Alagdalla replied as its tendril continued to hold onto Hendrix tightly.

'Where am I, Alagdalla? If this is not the afterlife.' Hendrix thought, wishing to go there and be free.

"We are in the space between planes and universes." Alagdalla replied in a ubiquitous voice that was all-encompassing. The Void-like sea began to wrap around Hendrix's consciousness and softly cradle it and his soul.

'Alagdalla, why do I feel hugged?' Hendrix thought, astonished currently, knowing he had no body.

"Because I'm cradling you, young one. I feel you need comfort right now. Now tell me, what do you want to ask or talk about? I'll answer your questions or listen to you." Alagdalla stated as it tried to comfort Hendrix while carefully holding his soul and consciousness.

'Why are you holding me so carefully, Alagdalla?' Hendrix thought while feeling its gentle hold on him, feeling weirdly comforted by this.

"Your soul and consciousness are mutilated and nearly unrecognizable, and I'd hate to worsen the damage." Alagdalla replied as more tendrils came out of the void-like sea and softly wrapped Hendrix in a cocoon-like way.

'Okay, I'm curious. Why are you being so nice to me?' Hendrix thought, perplexed about the reasoning for this.

"I sadly can't answer that question, young one." Alagdalla responded while its tendrils hugged Hendrix's soul and consciousness carefully and softly.

'Is the multiverse real? And if so, does that mean there are other versions of every person?' Hendrix thought curiously, unaffected by his trauma due to unknown circumstances.

"Yes, the multiverse exists, though I won't answer your other question as time is short." Alagdalla replied, realizing Hendrix would leave soon.

'Why is that Alagdalla?' Hendrix thought, confused and feeling comforted by its Tendrils hugging him.

"Because you are about to reincarnate, young one." Alagdalla responded, feeling its pull on him weaken.

'Wait, I don't want to reincarnate! I want to go to the afterlife! Please, I already lived!' Hendrix thought in horror, thinking it was horrible to reincarnate.

"It saddens me you fear reincarnation, though I know why. It's because of your old life, correct?" Alagdalla replied while its tendrils grip on him continued to loosen.

'Wait, how do you know?!' Hendrix yelled as he felt all his secrets lay bare before Alagdalla.

"I Sadly cannot tell you that information, young one, or halt your reincarnation. But I can give you a choice on how you do so." Alagdalla replied in a pitying manner.

'Okay... At worst, I'll die again. So what are the choices, Alagdalla?' Hendrix asked in defeat.

"You can take over another person's body who has died on another earth and, in turn, gain their memories. Whatever injuries their body sustained will heal when your soul enters them. Though the downside to this method is you will be affected by the deceased person's desires. You also have to deal with whatever killed them and the fallout." Alagdalla briefly paused to let Hendrix process the information and continued.

"Most humans usually are forced to take this path, and it's instantaneous." Alagdalla explained patiently while a tendril fell off of Hendrix.

'I don't like that option at all. It sounds restraining and troublesome. Wait, does that mean someone will reincarnate into my body?!' Hendrix thought in horror about how that could reveal his secrets.

"No, no one can reincarnate into a body older than sixteen years when it died. You were a hundred and twenty-five years old when you died, so you are fine." Alagdalla replied as two more tendrils fell off.

'Alright, thank goodness. Though may I know the next option?' Hendrix asked, hoping the other options were better.

"The next option is to reincarnate as a random varmint in the crown world, as an infant. The downside to this method is Malador can influence you and continually attack your mind trying to subdue you into a loyal pawn. Also, you'd be an enemy to humanity and probably be killed by them if found." Alagdalla stated before pausing to see what Hendrix thought of this option.

'I don't like this one either. I know too little about the crown world, as you call it. I also don't want to be turned into an enslaved person.' Hendrix thought after pondering about it for a while.

"Alright, the last option is to recreate your old body when you were sixteen years old, and I'll transfer you into it. The downside to this method is you will have no records of the alternate earth you reincarnate in, nor an identity. You will have nothing but your birthday suit." Alagdalla replied while five tendrils fell off Hendrix.

'I like this option the most. Although I'll have nothing, I also won't have any annoyances, like having to act like someone I am not. Or dealing with those who were close to them before their death.' Hendrix thought almost immediately as he thought it was the best choice.

"I see. Well, I'll recreate it then." Alagdalla responded before choosing a random earth and creating Hendrix's old body.

'Alagdalla, if I want to go to the afterlife. How should I do so?' Hendrix asked, as he wanted to go there as soon as possible.

"Die in the crown world, young one. You can't reincarnate if you die there." Alagdalla replied before finishing recreating Hendrix's body precisely like it was when he was sixteen.

'What is the crown world?' Hendrix asked.

"You will find out in due time, though we must part ways, farewell." Alagdalla stated as it felt a forceful pull, and Hendrix flew away.

'Goodbye.' Hendrix thought as he felt his ability to speak with it disappear before being assaulted by a myriad of senses that momentarily caused his thoughts to freeze.

"Ugh... where am I?" Hendrix asked no one in particular. Before trying to move his limbs, the sensation was eerily familiar. But sadly, he couldn't move his limbs properly, having been an amputee for a century.

No one responded to Hendrix while continuing to move his limbs and surveying his surroundings. He saw many homes boarded up and decrepit around him while garbage littered the cement sidewalks and streets. And he was illuminated by bright rays from a similar-looking sun.

'I need to head to the crown world as soon as possible.' Hendrix thought, continuing to try moving his limbs. However, it was easier said than done.

Hendrix tried moving for a few hours. Eventually, flipping himself over and, slowly but awkwardly, crawled across the ground. At first, it was uncomfortable before becoming painful very quickly.

'Ugh, this hurts.' Hendrix thought while clawing at the concrete he lay on.

Time slowly passed, and when the sun began to set, Hendrix heard a sound. As it got closer, he realized it sounded like an engine. He lay shocked and helpless as a blue car appeared on the horizon.

'Crap, I've been found. What should I do?!' Hendrix thought as his eyes dilated and began to shiver. He thought they might kidnap him.

The car quickly approached and stopped right next to him. Afterward, all the doors opened, and six people walked out. They all wore a uniform with a purple plus sign emblem on the top right side. While they approached, they gazed at Hendrix with wide eyes and raised their eyebrows before looking at each other and nodding. Two headed to the back of the truck and opened the trunk, grabbing some towels and latex gloves before approaching Hendrix again while the other four waited.

"Hello, young man. We are members of the awakening organization." One of the members stated while putting on his gloves and arriving on Hendrix's left side.

"You have awoken, and we are here to ensure nothing bad happens to you. Please cooperate with us, and we will tell you everything you need to know." Another member stated as she put on her gloves and arrived at the other side of Hendrix.

Hendrix tried to stay silent as he pondered how to escape this situation. Sweat began forming on his body while shivering.

"I am John. May I know your name?" John asked as his eyes narrowed while looking at Hendrix.

"I'm Hendrix. Please leave me here." Hendrix asked, as he didn't want to go with them. He continued trying to back away as he thought they were plotting something.

"I'm afraid we can't do that, Hendrix. You have awoken, and we must bring all awakened with no parents into custody." John patiently explained while sighing, thinking Hendrix was an orphan.

"Can you please come with us, Hendrix? We mean you no harm." One of the other members asked as she smiled.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" Hendrix replied while gritting his teeth and falsely smiling.

"Can't you walk, Hendrix?" John asked, tilting his head and raising his left eyebrow.

"I can't walk, sadly. What of it?" Hendrix said, sighing while frowning, knowing he couldn't hide the fact.

"I see. Hanna, let's wrap him in towels and take him to headquarters." John responded and reached for Hendrix holding a towel in hand.

"Alright. And don't worry. We won't hurt you, Hendrix." Hanna stated while following John's example.

"No! Don't touch me!" Hendrix yelled, trying to move away, but to no avail. Thinking they planned to torture him, just like Kendra had done. As he lay powerless as his eyes dilated, and his body shivered.

"What's wrong? Why are you so afraid?" Hanna asked while putting her towel on Hendrix. Before sighing, knowing Hendrix was scared.

John also sighed while pulling out a syringe filled with an unknown liquid. Afterward, he injected it into Hendrix's right arm swiftly before taking it out and putting it back in his pocket.

"What did you do?!" Hendrix yelled before quickly falling unconscious.

John and Hanna sighed while finishing wrapping Hendrix in towels. Afterward, John carried Hendrix to the car as Hanna followed close behind.

"Everyone, let's return to headquarters. We need to report." Hanna announced before entering the car, as John and the others followed suit.

"John, can I hold him?" Hanna asked while looking at Hendrix and ruffling his hair.

"Sure, though I'm curious as to why. Hendrix is terrified of us." John replied, tilting his head while gently handing Hendrix to her.

"He looks adorable, and I pity him." Hanna sighed as she held Hendrix carefully.

"I see. Once we arrive, we should give Hendrix a change of clothes. There is only one day before his tribulation begins." John sighed, knowing tribulations were cruel trials everyone must endure.

"He can't even walk. How will he finish it?" Hanna asked while remembering her tribulation.

"Hanna, tribulations are cruel but fair. If he can't walk because of a disability, the tribulation will accommodate." John responded with certainty, as such cases were widespread.

"I see. Thank you for reminding me." Hanna replied, faintly blushing while sighing.