
Once Hendrix's class returned, the students sat grimly in their seats while looking at Mr. Parker standing before the board. For a few minutes, silence prevailed in the room, except for the ventilation cycling air in and out through vents in the ceiling and the faint sound of wind outside.

"Everyone Hendrix is going to be your leader. Now there are some rules you need to follow." Mr. Parker sighed as his eyes contracted while he surveyed the students in his class. His gaze pierced like a spear, causing everyone to turn away momentarily.

"May I know why Hendrix is the leader? Isn't he a cripple who can barely fight using cheap tricks?"

Theodore asked, clenching his fists while his eyes contracted and he gritted his teeth loudly. Veins throbbed in his neck as he stared into Mr. Parker's eyes.

After Theodore said this, Natasha, Valentina, and Allura narrowed their eyes before looking at one another and nodding before turning their gazes back to Theodore as they watched him closely.

"The choice is final, Theodore. Please accept it and move on. And don't you dare brutally injure him unprovoked again. Or else you are expelled!" Mr. Parker frowned while fuming as he pointed at him. His gaze turned cold as he gripped his desk tightly.

"Okay, I'll accept this. Don't expel me!" Theodore shakily shouted while shivering before hiding his head in his hands, cowering, and sweating profusely before his shivering got more violent.

'I heard he spent a week in solitary confinement for the injuries he caused me.' Hendrix thought as he massaged his temples while he looked at Theodore's shivering form. He coughed as he sighed and went limp in his chair. His breathing was weak and labored while wheezing.

{I think he was left off far too easily. He should have spent four years there.}

'Well, I don't care about that anymore. I've suffered far worse in Kendra's torment sessions.' Hendrix thought while shivering when remembering that and shrugging. He then held his forehead as he coughed again.

{I'm sorry for my comment reminding you of your bad memories. Please forgive me.}

'It's alright, and It's not your fault. Anyways I don't care about most things like that anymore.' Hendrix thought as he blankly looked out the window, his gaze empty and lifeless. He held his hand out in front, blocking the sun's rays from reaching his face.

Ackalon stopped for a moment before sighing.

'You've become not much more than a husk. It breaks my heart to see you this way. I promise I'll do my best so you don't lose what remains of your old self. I'll do whatever I can to protect the last parts which make you, you.' Ackalon thought with conviction.

Hendrix sighed again while he grabbed a Kleenex and blew his nose, removing the gunk inside. Before stopping and gazing blankly at the Kleenex, he used it before placing it on his desk.

'I'm willing to do anything, and when I'm strong enough, I'll make sure anyone who dares harm you regret it.' Ackalon thought protectively.

"Here are the rules. The first is you are only allowed to speak to Hendrix on subjects to do with survival and if you need to, not because you want to. The second is not touching him under any circumstances. Is my point clear, class?" Mr. Parker announced, furrowing his brows and leaning forward while peering at everyone. He stroked his chin and pinched his nose.

"Why can't we touch him?" Nadia smiled as she looked at Hendrix, narrowing her eyes while staring at him before quickly getting out her notebook.

"Because it was a request he made before he was assigned. Any other questions about what I said?" Mr. Parker asked while narrowing his eyes and surveying everyone present.

Silence prevailed in the classroom as no one spoke up. The classroom was so quiet that white noise began to buzz inside. As students all looked at Mr. Parker, grinning.

"Alright, that's good. Now everyone, relax in your seats. We will be waiting for your turn in the tattooing process." Mr. Parker smiled while walking to his chair before sitting and leaning back, relaxing. He chuckled as he picked up a book from his desk and opened it up.

"What do you mean by that, Mr. Parker?" A male student asked as he tilted his head to the side. He was steepling his fingers and moving his left leg up and down.

"Well, the tattoos are special. Once tattooed on, they will allow you to enter the crown world more easily. Though what will happen next depends on how hard your tribulation was. You go through a combat assessment based on your opponent In your main quests." Mr. Parker replied as he began reading the book he had. He put on a pair of reading glasses while engrossed in his book.

"Do we get rewards from this assessment?" Valentina asked, smiling as she hummed and her head swayed while rubbing her hands together.

"Yes, there are, but most are temporary and random. After all, this ensures you are combat-ready in the crown world and didn't get rusty." Mr. Parker sighed as he put down his book and looked at everyone awaiting other questions. Hoping none occurred as he wished to read his book in peace.

Afterward, the classroom door opened, and a hooded figure walked into the room, completely covered with a robe. Once the figure reached Mr. Parker, they stopped and turned to the students as they removed the hood. He was a young male with short green hair and green eyes, a petite figure, and tattoos on his face. He quickly took a bag from his robe and held it in his hands.

"Hello, students, I am Liam, and I'm here to tattoo the crown world symbol on one of your hands."

Liam announced while looking at everyone, as his tattoos seemed to come alive and swim on his face, akin to how salmon swim up a river. His pupils constricted as they morphed into diamond symbols.

"Is it going to hurt Liam?" A student asked as she frantically looked around while shivering from seeing Liam and his tattoos. She stammered as she averted her gaze from him.

"This tattoo will hurt, but bear with it. The procedure won't last long." Liam smiled as he opened the bag in his arms and pulled out a hook-shaped spike covered in rustic symbols. He gripped the spike with his right hand tightly as it began to glow tan faintly.

"No, please don't use that on us!" Another student yelled as he got out of his seat, intimidated as he ran to the window and tried opening it. His eyes dilated while fumbling with the lock.

"The tattoo I carve lowers the difficulty of the combat assessment. So you'll have a better chance of survival. Do you want a harder combat assessment? Before anyone decides to refuse, know that if you do, the combat assessment will be three times harder." Liam smirked while smiling wider as he raised his left eyebrow. His grip on the spike tightened further as blood dropped from his hand.

Nadia, Valentina, Natasha, Allura, Theodore, and Damascus all raised their hands right after Liam's explanation.

"Yes, what do you want to ask?" Liam looked at the students while sighing, with his left palm on his forehead, as he loosened his grip on the spike while gritting his teeth.

"I refuse the tattoo, Liam."

Theodore replied, smiling as he held his chin high and stared into Liam's eyes with his shoulder back.

"Do the rest who raised your hands want this too?" Liam asked as his eye twitched while he clenched his fists. He felt it was a loss if they all decided to decline.

All the students, with their hands up, nodded in unison as they stared into Liam's eyes. They were leaning forward as they awaited Liam's following words.

"Alright, and does anyone else wish to do the same?" Liam asked while surveying the room for any others opting out. He gripped his spike much tighter as blood dripped moderately from his right hand.

{Hendrix, you should join them. Perhaps you can get a better reward from the combat assessment if you win it with a more challenging difficulty.}

'I don't think I will, Ackalon, remember I need to blend In and draw the least attention to myself. Remember my secrets? I need no more attention on me. I already have enough.' Hendrix thought internally, disagreeing with Ackalons suggestion as he continued looking at Liam with a blank face and empty gaze. He pondered how his tattoo may look, wondering what he wanted.

{Alright, Hendrix, I understand.}

"Good, I'm glad no one else is opting out. I'll call your names in alphabetical order. Hendrix Alford, please come up." Liam announced as he stared at Hendrix with a grin. As he couldn't hold still, his muscles twitched as he breathed heavily.

Hendrix nodded as he got out of his seat, grabbed his cane, and walked to Liam slowly but surely. Once he arrived, he looked up at Liam neutrally.

"Hendrix, this will only hurt a little. What hand do you want the tattoo on? And what kind of symbol do you want?" Liam smirked while he knelt and held his spike, pointing the hook tip at Hendrix as blood dripped off it.

"I want you to carve two maroon and luminescent crescents above a pyramid on my left hand."

Hendrix whispered as his gaze didn't change. But he smiled widely, faking excitement and curiosity.

Liam raised his brow at Hendrix's unique tattoo request but followed through with it and quickly did so. After thirty minutes passed, he finished carving it.

"Thank you for carving this." Hendrix bowed his head politely before he went back to his seat.

'Interesting, he didn't even grunt in pain.' Liam thought before he called the next student. Hoping they may cry or scream in pain, as he couldn't stay still.

Soon everyone finished having their tattoos carved, though most were wincing, and a few cried.

"Everyone, touch the tattooed symbol, and you'll enter the crown world."

Liam announced as he backed away, with a satisfied look. Smirking and grinning, knowing he caused most of the students to react to his carving negatively.

Hendrix nodded as he touched it without hesitation.

[Crown world transfer commencing]


[Transfer has begun]