Ackalon's Rage, Deal and Sativa

Hendrix woke up in Ackalons realm. However, the gentle atmosphere had a bit of an eerie ambiance.

"Ackalon, where are you?" Hendrix asked while he looked around the realm hoping to find her.

A group of scrolls eventually flew from beyond the horizon, glowing dark crimson while they bound a Stygian Tyrtakia in their clutches.

'How did that creature get here alive!?' Hendrix thought while a little nervous.

Half of the scrolls merged, and Ackalon appeared from them, and her towering figure stood over Hendrix and the Stygian Tyrtakia. However, her eyes were glowing eerily.

Meanwhile, the other scrolls turned into scroll chains binding the Stygian Tyrtakia.

"Unhand me! I have come to make a deal!" The Stygian Tyrtakia yelled in a feminine voice while trying to break her bindings.

"No, you harmed Hendrix. And mutilated him, so I'll make you regret ever existing." Ackalon stated while she tilted her head forward, and her face seemed to darken as rage fumed from her gaze.

"I promise I'll fix my wrongs. Just let me see Hendrix." The Stygian Tyrtakia yelled as she tried to escape. However, it couldn't make the scroll bindings budge.

"No, I'll make sure you are the one who begs for mercy. You harmed Hendrix! Don't you know what he went through!? You have no right to hurt him! Now you will pay for your actions." Ackalon instructed while she started to twist her hand and cause the Stygian Tyrtakia to warp and contort while it screamed.

"Let me hear what she has to say, Ackalon. If her deal harms me, then you can continue this." Hendrix stated

"Alright, Hendrix." Ackalon replied while stopping her actions.

"Thank you, Hendrix, for saving me from myself. I regret all my actions of killing living things for fun, and you taught me that lesson by killing me. Now I'll tell you my deal, you give me a new body, and I'll protect you for eternity." The Stygian Tyrtakia offered while she looked at him with dilated eyes.

"If you plan to lie about this, I'm afraid I'll make your punishment worse." Ackalon threatened.

"Show me your loyalty screen."

The Stygian Tyrtakia nodded and showed it.

[Unnamed Stygian Tyrtakia's soul is eternally loyal to Hendrix.]

"Wha? But how is this possible?! I killed you!" Hendrix yelled in disbelief.

"Because I acknowledge you. You killed me, and now my fate is in your hands. From now on, when or if you give me a new body. I'm willing to do anything for you, including sacrificing myself to save you. Im willing to do anything to have another chance." The Stygian Tyrtakia replied while smiling.

"I see. Eternal loyalty is unfakeable." Ackalon stated before sighing and wondering what Hendrix would choose.

"I'll accept your terms. However, I fully control what your new body looks like." Hendrix stated.

"As you wish, master." The Stygian Tyrtakia soul agreed without resistance.

"Well, I guess you get your wish. Now you're joining me in protecting Hendrix." Ackalon replied while sighing as she let loose the binds.

The Stygian Tyrtakia walked to Hendrix before picking him up gently and hugging him.

"Thank you for letting me have this second chance, Hendrix. I'll do my best to keep you safe and make your enemies cry out in terror." The Stygian Tyrtakia stated while still hugging Hendrix before licking him gently.

"Why didn't you speak in the Crown World?" Hendrix asked while confused with the affection the Stygian Tyrtakia was showing.

"Because I didn't have a voice box. Like humans do and couldn't speak, however, I knew how to communicate through writing when I was alive." The Stygian Tyrtakia replied while she retracted all her claws and began cradling Hendrix.

Ackalon looked on with a smile, glad she wasn't the only one Hendrix could rely on.

"How did you know about cradling?" Hendrix asked while unsure how to feel about a dinosaur varmint cradling him.

"Well, I'm very old, and I've seen human mothers do the same to their infants and children. And well, compared to me, you're small enough to do the same." The Stygian Tyrtakia replied while continuing to lick his face gently.

"You seem like your now very empathetic." Hendrix responded while shocked.

"Heh, only to you. I'm like this. No one else has my respect and loyalty. By the way, what will my new body be like?" The Stygian Tyrtakia asked.

"Here's the biomass from the Harbinger, Wall of Bones, and you. These are what I will use. Also, are you Scarlet in rarity?" Ackalon asked.

"Yes, living things my rank are almost impossible to find due to our power. Our birth rates are so abysmal that I could only have offspring once a million years. And the chance of them being stillborn is fifty percent, sadly." The Stygian Tyrtakia stated

"How old are you?" Ackalon asked while smiling.

"I'm ten million years old. But there are those my rank who have lived since the Bygone Eon hundreds of trillions of years ago." The Stygian Tyrtakia replied.

"What the?! How did you survive that long?!" Hendrix yelled in shock.

"My abilities are perfect for survival, in fact, too perfect. I killed six varmints of my rank over the years with minimal injuries." The Stygian Tyrtakia replied while licking Hendrix again.

"Well, Hendrix, are you ready to make her new body?" Ackalon asked while smiling softly.

"I'm not. I want to hug Hendrix more. He's adorable." The Stygian Tyrtakia replied while feathers started growing from her skin and covered her.

"Wait, you have feathers?" Hendrix asked politely.

"Yes, however, I only use these when I sleep in the daylight. But now you can experience my feather's softness." The Stygian Tyrtakia replied while she gently wrapped her body around Hendrix and hugged him from all around. She encircled him in many comfy feathers.

"These are so comfy." Hendrix yelled in shock.

"That's it. I could wrap around you and keep you warm if I were alive. I wonder if you'll keep all my features in my new body." The Stygian Tyrtakia asked while hugging Hendrix.

"Yes, I believe so. However, your life cycle will reset to an egg." Hendrix replied

"That's fine, I guess. I wonder what adventures I'll go on with you, Hendrix." The Stygian Tyrtakia asked.

"Can I name you?" Hendrix asked.

"Why, of course, Hendrix, what do you want my name to be?" The Stygian Tyrtakia asked.

"What about Sativa?" Hendrix suggested.

"I like that name. I'll be Sativa from now on." Sativa replied while licking Hendrix more.

"Hendrix, go ahead and make her new body." Ackalon insisted.

"Hendrix, I suggest a way to carry you around without my hands. So I can save you from dangerous situations or carry you safely." Sativa suggested

Hendrix nodded and imagined her new body, when fully grown, will be twenty feet long and have all the abilities of her old one. But with the ability to rain bones from the sky like the Harbinger but concentrated in a small area. And able to reproduce Asexually, somewhat like the Wall of Bones when it created life from itself, and it no longer has a strict limit of offspring in a specific time frame.

And also the ability for the bones of her abdomen to open up a little and a little sack where Hendrix could enter, which is comfortable and feather filled. It could close as well while supplying air from its air supply.

Eventually, Sativa's new body appeared, and it looked ominous.

"Wait, I have another request." Sativa quickly explained.

"What is it?" Hendrix replied

"Can I shape-shift into a human and choose my human forms abilities? I want to be around you anywhere." Sativa pleaded.

"I guess. However, I have no clue what your human form should look like, Sativa." Hendrix replied while sighing.

"How about I brainstorm with her, Hendrix, while you sleep In my embrace?" Ackalon suggested while smiling softly.

"Alright." Hendrix agreed before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Afterward, Sativa gave Hendrix to Ackalon, and both brainstormed on Sativa's new body while Hendrix slept in Ackalons embrace. And after thirty minutes, Sativa's new body was finished.

Her human form was seven feet tall and had a lighter skin tone that light seemed to reflect off of. Additionally, she had long azure hair with crimson tips that reached her knees which seemed wavy and silky.

She wore tight black sports pants with white stripes across the seams. Additionally, her thick thighs and butt shape seemed to stretch them to their limits.

Above, she wore a black belly shirt that was tight and seemed to contain her voluptuous P cup bosom barely. Below the shirt lay her flat but soft-looking belly.

Behind her were six, ten-foot tails covered in hundreds of layers of foot-long azure feathers that seemed to flutter in the wind alongside her hair.

"Heh, I look like a seductive vixen.~" Sativa teased before her soul entered her new body.

Afterward, Sativa opened her eyes and revealed green reptilian pupils that stared into the distance.

"I love this seductive body we created.~ I plan to be Hendrix's dommy mommy.~" Sativa teased while winking at Hendrix's sleeping body.

"Don't make Hendrix uncomfortable, Sativa." Ackalon warned while staring into her eyes.

"Oh, I won't. I plan to lull him under my trance and whisk away his fears.~ And I'll torment any who harm him.~" Sativa stated while smirking.

"Wake up, Hendrix. We made Sativa's body." Ackalon gently whispered into Hendrix's ear.

Hendrix woke up, and when he opened his eyes, his face turned red.

"I...I." Hendrix stuttered as his eyes widened at Sativa.

"What's wrong?~ Cat caught your tongue?~" Sativa teased while gently lifting him and staring into his eyes as her gaze explored him.

"Wha?" Hendrix asked, unable to formulate any thoughts.

"Heh, come here, Hendrix.~" Sativa teased while sitting down and placing Hendrix onto her thighs and facing toward her.

Hendrix still couldn't formulate any thoughts before he felt himself sink into Sativa's lap. Afterward, Sativa hugged him, and he felt his face sink into her soft grumbling stomach.

"Listen to the gurgles and my heartbeat before falling into my trance.~ Think of this as real, life asmr.~" Sativa cooed while gently rubbing Hendrix's back.

'What is happening?!' Hendrix yelled in his mind as he relaxed and listened to Sativa's instructions.

"And by the way, I learned this from your memories when you watched asmr.~" Sativa stated while smirking, and her six feathered tails wagged in unison.

"Um, what abilities did you both add?" Hendrix's asked in a muffled voice, trying to divert the topic before he froze from hearing a powerful gurgle.

"Well, I made it so my six tail's feathers can morph into swords of bone similar to my claws and exoskeleton. Additionally, I can move them like tentacles, similar to the Harbinger. And my tails can regrow if cut off, similar to how the Wall of Bones could infinitely shoot out bone abominations. In addition, we added the ability for me to sustain myself by bathing in the blood of my enemies. My skin will absorb the blood, which can be a meal for me. And I can produce sweet milk to ensure you don't suffer from thirst or starvation." Sativa patiently explained while shaking her giant bosom and continuing to rub Hendrix's back.

"Eh?! But im an adult! I'm no baby!" Hendrix yelled before his face turned bright crimson and hid his face in her stomach.

"Don't worry. It's okay. Besides, your survival comes first. We won't always have supplies to feed ourselves or quench our thirst. Besides, you never have to worry about eating bad food."

Hendrix stopped before sighing.

"I understand. You're so powerful, Sativa." Hendrix responded while clinging to Sativa's stomach. Consequently, he heard a powerful gurgle.

"Heh, your adorable Hendrix. And also, when I hatch, I'll be fully grown. However, I'll only have one tail instead of six. So I can keep you safe and hopefully slowly heal your horrific mental wounds. But I believe it's time for you to finalize this." Sativa replied while smirking.

[Are you sure you want this to be Sativa's body plan?]

[Warning, if you create this creature, you'll lose all the biomass from the three varmints.]

"Yes, I am, and please proceed." Hendrix replied.


Staiva's new body became a small black three-foot-tall egg, and it floated to Hendrix.

[Creature created.]

[You have created a new unnamed species]

[Would you like to name it?]


"Yes, and name her species Paathax." Hendrix stated, nodding.


"Show us her new status." Hendrix


Name: Sativa

Species: Paathax(Unhatched and Unique)

Rarity: Scarlet(+)

Level: 0

Stat bars

Vigor: ???

Mana: ???

Stamina: ???

Soul Power: ???

Mental Power: ???

Adrenaline: ???

Crit Strike Rate: ???

Crit Strike Damage bonus: ???

Lifetime: ???

Normal Stats

Vitality: ???

Constitution: ???

Intelligence: ???

Dexterity: ???

Strength: ???

Agility: ???

Accuracy: ???

Spirit: ???

Magic: ???

Special Stats

Lifeforce: ???

Perception: ???

Presence: ???

Time Perception: ???

Luck: ???

Instinct: ???

Reaction Time: ???

Willpower: ???

Wisdom: ???

Charisma: ???

Enlightenment: ???

Skills: ???

"I can't wait to see you in the flesh again, Hendrix." Sativa replied while smiling as she entered slumber in the egg.

"Now I'll spoil you until your body regenerates." Ackalon stated while picking up Hendrix, gently holding him and laying his head against her chest.

And Ackalon cradled Hendrix until a day passed in the Crown World or twenty-four in her realm.